Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever



2Aria wrapped her arms around Noah's neck as she kissed him with all vigor. An overjoyed Noah handed her the reins to lead the kiss while he allowed her to do as she pleased, responding to her ministrations. Although Aria was the one who was kissing him, he was actually the one who was leading from behind, urging her gently to do as he wanted.      

Noah wrapped his arms around her waist and pushed himself closer, forcing her to feel his desire for her. Aria's breasts were pressed against his chest and the soft feeling of her body, although both of them were fully covered, was making him want to do sinful things with her. He wanted to do her.      

Aria sucked on his lips, angling her head in the meanwhile, allowing him more access. Happy to cooperate with her vigor, he deepened the kiss, responding to her actions. However. other than sucking and nibbling on lips, Aria did not proceed any further and Noah was losing his patience gradually. Deciding to take things in his hand, he parted his lips slightly, allowing her to plunge her tongue into his mouth.     

Her tongue entangled with his as she deepened the kiss, engaging in a sweet tango. Noah too took in her sweetness while he lifted her off her feet. Aria wrapped her legs around his waist and the next moment, she gasped, feeling his erection right at her entrance.      

She stared at him wide-eyed, and her momentary halt made Noah take the lead. He sucked on her lips, taking all her breath away. Aria did not have time to think about his poking manhood. His kiss made her lose all her senses and she surrendered to him, allowing him to do as he pleased. Barely a few minutes had passed that Aria was having trouble breathing. She tapped on his shoulders indicating the same.     

Noah, at once, released her, his hands still wrapped around her waist, with Aria still clinging to him. Her beautifully flushed face, her glazed eyes, and her swollen lips evoked a desire so hard in him, that he almost groaned in despair. A thin strand of saliva connected their lips and Noah observed her closely as she took deep breaths. She tried to soothe her raging heart while Noah showered her face with kisses.     

Noah inhaled her fragrance and kissed her hair before he bent down and kissed her neck. A low moan left Aria's lips and Noah took this opportunity to suck at that spot. Aria closed her eyes and took in a deep breath when she felt him bite her skin lightly.      

"Noah," She breathed, running her hand through his hair as the man continued with his actions. He pulled back after a few seconds. Satisfied with his work, he pecked her lips again and stared at her intently. Aria had calmed down by then and she gazed back at him, and what she saw stunned her. There was love, lust, and fondness evident in his eyes.     

Her heart was filled with warmth and her eyes teared up the next moment. Not wanting to show her tears to him, Aria hugged him tightly, allowing her tears to fall down. 'I am sorry, Noah. I am so sorry.' She cried silently. Her sudden actions stunned the man. Yet, he hugged her back, his hands clasped around her waist.      

Noah could sense that something was wrong with her and he frowned, worry and trepidation taking over his entire form. "Is everything alright, Aria?"     

His question stupefied, Aria and she controlled her tears, not wanting the man to find out about them. However, before she could wipe her cheeks, he had pulled back. Noah's worry increased seeing the teardrops and he released her slowly, his hands supporting as she slid down. "Why are you crying, Aria? What happened?"      

Noah's voice was laced with pain and he held her gently in his arms, allowing her to lean on him. "Did something happen? Did I do something wrong? I am sorry, Aria. I am so sorry." He whispered softly, wiping the tears off her face. "I am so sorry for hurting you Aria? Please forgive me." He pleaded and that was all it took for Aria to drown in guilt and fear.     

"Don't cry, sweetheart. Please don't cry." He begged, his voice turning hoarse and feeble as seconds ticked by. "I am sorry. I won't do it again. I will not do it without your permission."     

"Noah," Aria breathed, holding his hands. "I am so fortunate to have you in my life." She interlocked her fingers with his and kissed his hands softly.      

"What?" Noah frowned, hearing her words and he blinked in perplexity.      

"I must have done something great to have found you in my life. Thank you, Noah. Thank you so much for coming into my life." Aria kissed him on his cheek, her actions adding more to his concern and anxiety.     

"What happened, baby? Why are you speaking this way all of a sudden?" Noah coaxed her gently, lifting her and placing her on the kitchen counter.      

"Nothing happened, Noah. I am just fortunate to have you in my life." Aria smiled, hiding the remorse and her fears. 'You are too good for me. I am sorry for hiding things from you. I am sorry for keeping you in the dark. I hope you will forgive me once the truth comes to light.'     

"Are you sure you are alright?"     

Aria nodded and kissed his hand once again to prove her point. "I am fine. Sorry that I made you go into panic."     

"Aria," Noah scrunched up his face, scrutinizing her thoroughly. "Are you hiding something from me?"     

His words made Aria's heart skip a beat and she stared at him, unable to form any words. "I-I.." She stuttered, her mind refusing to cooperate with her.     

"Or, did you only realize only now that your boyfriend amazing and one and only in the world that are you this overwhelmed and overjoyed?" Noah teased and Aria's lips rose in a smile.     

"Oh ho. So, this is the matter." Noah nodded and pushed himself closer to her, forcing her legs apart. "You must be fortunate to have me in your life. But let me tell you one thing." He stated with all sincerity and seriousness. "I consider myself luckier to have you. You have no idea how happy and contented I am to have you here with me, to share my joys and sorrows. I am so happy, Aria."     

He pecked her lips lightly with a smile and hugged her. "Don't do that ever again, Aria. You scared me." He muttered after some time. "I was worried that it was my actions that made you react this way."      

Aria shook her head and Noah sensed her movements, even though he could not see her. "Then, shall I assume that you liked whatever we did just now and you did not find it repulsive?" Noah put forth his question, dreading her answer and when he did not hear her voice, a smile broke out on his face.      

"In that case, Aria," Noah continued, lifting her shirt and running his hands on her waist. "This is just the beginning. Wait for me after dinner. I'll eat you for sure tonight."     

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