Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Love and pleasure - Part 1

Love and pleasure - Part 1

3The kiss was nothing like the kiss they had shared in the kitchen. Noah's actions were quite aggressive, giving Aria no room for objection or to even react. His kiss took her by a storm and Aria's mind became blank at once. She could only whimper feeling his lips attacking her ruthlessly. But it was not something that she hated or felt disgusted with. Handing over the reins to her heart, she too kissed him back with equal vigor and want.      2

Her response greatly pleased Noah and he tightened his embrace, pushing her closer to him. Aria opened her mouth, allowing the man the access he needed and Noah grasped this opportunity to dive in and taste her sweet mouth. Their tongues danced together, a tempo that was sweet as well as torturous.      

The temperature in the room soared as the kiss deepened. Noah lifted her by her waist and rolled on the bed until she was lying on top of him. The couple continued to kiss, each taken over by their desire and love for each other. Aria straddled his hips, her entrance right on top of his hardened manhood. She could feel the poke below her and a heat started in her stomach.     

Taken over by her desire, she pushed Noah's shirt up, exposing his sexy and delicious abs. Sensing her intentions clearly, Noah withdrew and forced himself to sit up, taking Aria with him, before he removed his shirt, baring his torso to her. The sight before her was too much for her and Aria licked her lips, an action that did not go unnoticed by Noah.      

Aria's cold fingers touched his abs and Noah sucked in a sharp breath, feeling her soft skin on his body. He pushed her close to him until her chest was pressed to his face. He pulled her close by her neck gently, once again attacking her lips, continuing from where they had left. However, this time, his hands did not stay still.     

Taking Aria's lost and dazed state to his advantage, his hands went for the buttons on her shirt. Thankfully for him, Aria was still wearing the clothes she had worn in the morning, and her shirt made it easy for him to open them. In the blink of an eye, her shirt was unbuttoned and her white bra-clad breasts were exposed to his hungry eyes.      

Once again, he rolled over, taking Aria with him, and laid her underneath him, all the while not breaking the kiss. Aria had no idea what was happening to her and what Noah was doing. She had surrendered to Noah completely, allowing him to do as he pleased. But she was certain of one thing, whatever he was doing was making her feel good.     

Noah pulled back, stopping the kiss when he felt Aria tapping his shoulders due to a shortage of oxygen. The moment the man's lips left hers, Aria took deep breaths and she tried to calm her hyperactive heart. But she did not stop wandering her hands over his bare torso, just like how Noah was wandering his eyes on her bra-clad chest.      

There was nothing sexy about the white garment she was wearing. Yet, it made him want to do sinful things to her and have his way with her. It became painful for him to control his desires for her and he was not sure how long he could stay without succumbing to his heart's wishes.     

Noah leaned in and kissed her on the same spot where he had sucked on her neck before, followed by a lick. This time, Aria could not control herself and she let out a moan, a sound that sent blood rushing to his already hard member. Realizing immediately how lewd she sounded, Aria covered her mouth with the back of her hand to stop herself from making any more noises.     

However, Noah was having none of it. He was not going to allow her to stop herself from making the noises that he so badly wanted to hear from her. The next instant, his fingers entangled with hers and he pushed her hands away, locking them on either side of her head. He then continued to suck on the spot he had attacked before, eliciting another moan from his beloved.      

Noah did not stop until a blaring red hickey greeted him. Satisfied with his work, he lowered his head and kissed her collarbone. The sudden attack was too much for Aria and she arched her back slightly before she collapsed on the bed. Noah bit on her skin and Aria gasped when the pain registered in her mind. But the next instant, she sighed when she felt his tongue trying to soothe the pain.     

This continued until there was another hickey right below her collar, just above her bra. Noah pulled back to admire his mini artwork and his lips arched up seeing how beautiful and alluring Aria looked with his marks. His eyes then ran downwards and he frowned in annoyance when he saw the clothing that obstructed his view of what lay beneath them. He glared at them, wishing to burn them away so that he could have a peek at her chest.     

His hands took to action the moment the idea hit him and instead of unbuckling her bra, he tore it in the middle, separating the two pieces. Aria's delectable breasts welcomed him and he salivated just on seeing them. Wanting to taste them, he leaned in and kissed the nib of her mound, followed by a lick, a sensation which was too much for Aria. She shuddered feeling his tongue wreck havoc to her body and she tried to wriggle away. But she was completely trapped in his arms and it was impossible for her to even move an inch.     

Noah did not stop his assault on her breasts, his lips feasting on one of them while his hand kneaded the other. He bit on the bud gently while his hand tugged on the other and Aria mewled softly, enjoying his touch completely. After feasting to his heart's content, he then swapped his actions.      

Meanwhile, Aria too did not stop wandering her hands on his chest, exploring them to her heart's content. A small sigh escaped her lips when she felt him bite her skin one last time before he pulled back.      

Noah's lust-filled eyes took in her absolute beguiling form and his heart was filled with pride. "Aria, you are so beautiful." He ran his hands on her waist, his hands having a mind of their own. His words made Aria blush all the more and unable to look at him in the eye, she averted her gaze away from him.     

"Aria, look at me, darling." Noah held her by her chin and coaxed her to look at him. "You are beautiful. Don't be shy to acknowledge it, love. I must be very fortunate to have you as my girlfriend." His honesty and sincerity touched her heart and she hugged him immediately, thanking him silently for waltzing in her life.     

However, her innocent move made Noah lose control completely. Their bare chests were touching each other and he could feel her softness pressed against him, challenging his self-control. His member was now fully erect and all he wanted to do was thrust himself inside her and find his relief. However, he knew that he could not have sex with her right on the first day. His girl was new to this and he had taken it upon himself to give her a pleasurable experience rather than concentrating on his needs.     

'So what if I cannot have sex with her? I can do other things to my sweetheart, and slowly ease her of worries and pull her to my side."     

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