Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Love and Pleasure - Part 3

Love and Pleasure - Part 3

2Noah waited until Aria returned to him after being pleasured beyond words. Her cheeks were tainted red and her eyes were still dazed, as though she was still reeling in the aftermath of pleasure. A thin layer of sweat adorned her forehead while her damp hair stuck to her skin. It was a sight to behold and Noah was intoxicated just by looking at her. He could not help but marvel at her beauty, worshipping every inch of her body.      2

It took a long time for Aria to come out of the heaven she had reached and the next moment, her eyes met Noah's that held nothing but admiration and awe in them. Instead of averting her gaze like she usually did, she stared back at him and smiled at him lightly, a smile so innocent and pure that it touched Noah's heart.     

He inched closer, pushing back her damp hair, and gave her a light peck. It was so quick that Aria did not even register it. She blinked at him, wondering if she was dreaming and her perplexed expression made Noah laugh out loud. "Aria, I love you." His breath fell on her lips while he caressed her face gently.     

Although Aria had already heard him profess his love for her before when he had come to apologize for hiding about her father's whereabouts, she still felt her heart rejoice whenever he uttered it. It was as though he never got tired of repeating them and considering his personality, she was sure that he would proclaim his love for her every day, every hour, and maybe every minute in the future.     

On seeing Aria just shying away and not replying to him, Noah's eyes narrowed dangerously. He gazed at her intensely, which Aria completely ignored. "Aria," His voice was shallow, and to Aria, it was the first signal of warning. However, she brushed it off and she raised her eyebrows.      

Her feigned ignorance made Noah's frown deepen and he just a breath short of replaying the scene that had happened before Aria reached her bliss. He wanted to punish her once again for denying what he wanted to so badly hear. However, he still managed to stop himself from proceeding with the plan. "Don't you have something to tell me, sweetheart?" He coaxed her gently, trying to covering his impatience and annoyance.     

"I don't know. Was I supposed to tell something to you?" Aria questioned back maintaining a poker face, trying to read what he had in mind, to which she already had an obvious answer.     

Her reply killed Noah's hopes and his face lost all its color and eagerness. Although he tried to hide his dejection, Aria could see it clearly and she realized that the man had started to sulk. Smiling to herself, she patted his back, attempting to gain attention.     

"Noah, I do have something to tell you." She muttered trying to sound as low as possible. Her voice was barely audible and if not for Noah lying close to her, he would have missed it completely. Her sudden declaration stunned the man and he widened his eyes, urging her through them to continue speaking.      

"But I will not tell them today." Aria continued, and the glimmer on his face vanished as soon as it had come. Aria could not help but pity for the man. She wanted to so badly tell him how she felt about him and what her feelings were. She wanted to confess how her heart was already with him, and even though she did not enunciate the words clearly, she always loved him and would always do in the future.     

"Why?" Noah almost wailed with a pout listening to her. He started to sulk, his face not hiding the fact that he was sad by her rejection. "Do you still not trust me enough to give me your heart?" Before he could put forth any more questions, Aria covered his mouth and stopped him.      

"No, Noah. It is not a matter of trust. I trust you, more than anything in this world. I trust you with my life, my heart, and my soul. I trust you will never hurt me." Aria declared how she felt for him even though she did not say the words he wanted to hear.     

"Then, why Aria? Why are you hesitant to tell me?" Noah was pacified by her words. His heart had already melted the moment she had started speaking. Her words were sweeter than honey and given the chance, he could listen to her all day.      

Aria smiled and ran her fingers through his hair before she interlocked her fingers around his neck. "Mr. Carter, please have some patience. I am sure you have heard the saying that Patience is Virtue.' And I promise it will be worth the wait."     

Aria's mysterious words made Noah stare at her blinking. His gaze held a lot of questions and Aria sighed seeing his doubtful gaze. "Okay, fine. Wait for a week. I have a surprise for you." She said, and this time, Noah's confusion increased all the more. Seeing that he was about to raise a question, Aria interrupted him. "Give me a week, please. I am sure you will like whatever I have prepared for you."     

Noah eventually gave up seeing her silent promise. He sighed lightly and she hugged her tight, taking in her soothing scent. "Okay, Aria. I will wait for you. But please don't prolong it more than that. I want to hear those sweet words from your mouth."     

"I promise."     

"Then, let's continue from where we left before." Noah donned a devilish smirk, running his hands on the contours of her breasts and Aria shivered at once.      

"What do you mean?" She whispered, his mind unable to think properly, courtesy to Noah's touches.      

"You had your turn. Now, it's mine." Noah pulled back and left her alone, standing straight before her. Aria observed him carefully waiting for him to reveal what intentions he had in mind only to find him stripping himself. He was already bare from the waist above and all that remained were his pajamas and boxers. Aria's blush intensified seeing him standing before her in just his boxers.     

Aria wanted so badly to shift her gaze away. But her eyes had a mind of their own and they started to wander around his body, taking in his sexy and tantalizing features before they fell on his boxers. What she saw made her gasp. There was an obvious tent and from the looks of it, it seemed to be huge. Noah followed her line of sight and he snickered lightly.     

"This is what you do to me, Aria. I have been controlling myself for a long time and you have no idea how difficult it is." With a quick push, his boxers fell to the ground and Noah's proud member greeted Aria with pride. Now that Noah's huge member was right in front of her, standing proud and tall, she did not know what to say. Her lips ran dry and she licked them, an action that Noah did not miss. It was so seductive that all Noah wanted was her lips to take his member and run her tongue on it while she pleasured him.     

Aria knew what Noah wanted from her. But her shy self got the best of her and she could not muster her courage to take the first step. "Noah, I don't..." She stopped, not knowing how to tell him.     

"Shhh. It's okay, sweetheart." He held face gently. "It's okay. Your lack of experience only makes it easier for me. Don't worry. I will guide you." With that, he sat in front of her and held her palm in his. "Follow my actions, okay." He smiled at her, a smile that was filled with adoration and love.     

As soon as her hand touched his member, Aria's jaw dropped. She could feel the heat radiating and her palm burned. She tried to retrieve her hand only for Noah to tighten his grasp, not allowing her to budge. He forced her to wrap her fingers around his members and at once, his member pulsated at her soft touch. He moved her palm up and down, slowly trying to get her accustomed to his member.     

Aria's soft hand ignited a spark in him and he gritted his teeth, suppressing his desire. He quickened his pace slowly, and once he was sure that Aria could take over from there herself, he released his hold on her palm. "Continue, darling." He said, which more or less came out as an order and Aria did as she was told. She moved her palm up and down, while she tried to control her heart which was beating as loud as a drum. "That's it, good girl." Noah praised her and encouraged by his words, Aria quickened her pace, only for the man to stop her at once.     

"Let's not be hasty, alright?" He questioned her and Aria became flustered at his teasing gaze. "Continue please."     

Aria started with her movements once again and Noah leaned back slightly, reveling in the pleasure. His erection grew big under her touch and she wondered how long it would take for him to release. His member was already coated in precum. No soon after did the thought come in her mind, Noah's released his desire all over her hand with an audible grunt.     

Aria stared at her hand before her gaze fell on Noah, who seemed to have reached the euphoric bliss. Her eyes were transfixed on him, admiring his godly looks. 'How did I end up with such an amazing man?' She wondered, her eyes not blinking even when Noah returned to his usual self. Noah saw her intense stare and he raised an eyebrow at her, but there was no response from her.     

"Aria, what are you thinking?" He queried while he reached for the box of tissues on the side stand.     

"I suddenly had a fervent urge to kiss you."     

"What?" Noah held her hand and started to clean her palm that was coated with his cum.      

Realizing what she had blurted out, Aria blushed furiously and stayed silent. Noah too did not stress on the topic. He knew that if he continued, a repeat of whatever happened a few minutes would ensue and he did not want to stress Aria right on their first day. He wanted to take time with her and he had all the time to quench his thirst for her.     

Making sure that her hand was clean of his desire, he let her go and pecked her lightly. "You did great, sweetheart. Thank you. Do you want to take a bath?"     

Aria nodded her him, her tongue losing its sense of speech after embarrassing herself.     

"Great, you take a bath while I will change the bedsheet."     

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