Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Sudden meeting

Sudden meeting

1Ivy rolled on the bed, wandering her hands around with her eyes still closed, trying to find Joshua. However, to her annoyance, she could not feel him anywhere. She lifted her head from the pillow, with her hair falling over her like a veil. She scrunched up her face, opening one of her eyes to search for Joshua.       1

Usually, Joshua stayed on the bed with her until she woke up on her own. This had happened since the day she had moved in with Joshua into his room. She had been accustomed to his hugs and cuddles the moment she woke up and now that she was wide awake, she couldn't help but miss his warm embrace. This was the first time she was finding herself alone on the bed.     

"Joshua," She twisted her body, her eyes searching for him. But the room was completely empty and she waited a few minutes in case the man was in the washroom. However, more than twenty minutes passed, but she could still not catch hold of his silhouette. She was now sure that he left the room.     

With a groan, she forced herself to get off the bed and pushed her messy hair behind her ear. She did not even care to brush her teeth as she went in search of the man who had vanished suddenly. Sniffling lightly, she walked down the stairs and found Joshua sitting on the sofa. His back was facing her. So, she could not see his face, and moreover, he was obstructing her view. She completely missed his parents who were sitting in front of him.     

In a half-dazed state, she spoke, rubbing her eyes softly. "Joshua, why were you not in bed? I wanted to see you the moment I woke up. The bed was cold and I missed your cuddles...." Ivy took a few steps towards him and blinked lightly when she found three pairs of eyes looking at her with curiosity.     

Ivy stopped suddenly when she noticed the couple who were scrutinizing her. Her eyes drifted between Joshua and the couple before it settled on her man, who had a teasing smile on his face. She raised her eyebrows, asking him silently who they were.     

"Umm, Mom, Dad, this is Ivy. Ivy, they are my parents."     

Fireworks exploded in Ivy's mind and she gaped at the couple dumbfounded. She was rendered speechless and her mind too was unwilling to send her coherent and sensible signals. She stood rooted to her spot, her eyes fixed on the three people.     

Joshua's parents were pleasantly surprised on being interrupted suddenly and they observed the girl, who had no idea of their presence. They silently took in her appearance. She was dressed in shorts that reached her mid-thighs and a sky blue shirt. Her hair was disheveled, resembling a bird's nest. But they did not comment about it. No. They were not offended by her messy appearance for she was not at fault. It was them who had barged inside their son's house early in the morning.     

Completely ignoring her appearance, they looked at her face. Even though she was bare-faced without even a speck of makeup, she was pretty. But what attracted them the most were her eyes. She had beautiful, clear eyes that were devoid of any malice. They could find her sincerity in her eyes and that was all they needed for their assurance.     

Hazel saw her dumbstruck face and she chuckled lightly. She dropped her son's hands and she walked towards her. "Hello, you must be Ivy. We are Joshua's parents."     

Ivy blinked at the woman who had come to her, her tongue refusing to speak, even though she knew that she was supposed to greet her. When she was still trying to arrange her thoughts and form a sensible statement, she remembered something that made her eyes go wide. She looked down and studied her appearance. Her eyes closed automatically when she realized that she was just in her shorts. Although her shirt could pass off, it was her shorts that made her frown.      

'What the heck!! I am just in my shirt and shorts when I am meeting Joshua's parents. What might they be thinking about me? They might find me indecent.' She cried inwardly. 'Moreover, I haven't even brushed my teeth. Oh, Lord.'      

Not knowing what was running Ivy's mind, Hazel held her hands and Ivy opened her eyes at the sudden touch. "We are so pleased to meet you. Come, let's sit and talk." Hazel prompted. But before she could turn around, Ivy stopped her.     

"No." She took a step back stunning the woman. Even Joshua was spooked by behavior. "I am so sorry. I look completely unpresentable." Ivy put up an embarrassed face. "Give me a few minutes. Let me change. I am sorry." Without waiting for Hazel's reply, she bolted out of the hall, crying inwardly at the sudden turn of events.     

She did not stop until she reached her room and she closed the door behind her, lest she should find Joshua's parents following her. She patted her chest that was on overdrive. "What did I do?" She wailed softly. "Their first impression of me must be horrible. They must find me indecent and obnoxious." Her face fell and she lifted her head in despair.     

"This is all Joshua's fault. Why didn't he tell me that his parents were visiting us? I would have at least been more presentable if I had been warned before. Now..." Ivy shook her head, dreading how his parents must be thinking about her. Not wanting to add more to her shortcomings, she rushed to get ready and greet them formally.      

Meanwhile, the family of three had no idea about the turmoil that was running in Ivy's head. They were startled by her sudden behavior as they stared in the direction Ivy had run towards. Nobody spoke a word and Joshua had no idea what was running through his parents' mind. However, he did not blame Ivy for what had happened. She was innocent and it was his parents who had come unannounced.      

When he was just about to think of a solution that could pacify his parents, he heard his father laugh out loud as though he had heard a good joke. And no sooner, his mother followed suit. The couple laughed until tears formed in their eyes, while Joshua stared at them, utterly bewildered.     

"Ivy is so cute." Hazel was the first one to speak. She tried to control her giggles while she continued with her words. "Did you look at her face when she was embarrassed? That was so cute. I am so in love with her."     

"I agree. That child looked so adorable when she stared at us." Martin added and now, it was Joshua's turn to be surprised. He stared back and forth between his parents wondering what they were speaking about.     

Noticing Joshua's lack of response, Martin raised his eyebrows, still smiling. "Do you have something to speak? Why are you looking at us that way?"     

"Are you not angry?"     

"And, why would we be?"     

"For Ivy's lack of respect towards you and.."     

"When did she disrespect us?" Hazel interrupted suddenly with a frown and Martin nodded at her question.     

"When she bolted out of the room and when she came down improperly dressed," Joshua added, not sure if his words would only make his parents angry if they were not in the first place. He was ready to support Ivy for her behavior in case his parents were to blame her. It was not her fault in the first place.     

However, to his surprise, his mother just chuckled at him. "Why would we be angry? She did nothing that would deem disrespectful. First of all, it was us who came unannounced. Moreover, her attire was not indecent. I understand and I could see her embarrassed state when she ran away. Why would we be angry at her when she did nothing wrong?"     

Joshua could not help but feel happy at his mother's words. Their understanding nature touched him and he hugged her in gratitude. "Thank you, Mom. Thank you, Dad. You guys are the best."     

"Hazel," Martin interrupted the mother and son emotional moment with a clear of his throat. "Why do I feel that our son was ready to argue with us in case we were to blame Ivy." He teased with a smile.     

"Yes. I was and why wouldn't I? I have learned to defend my woman from my father. I have grown up seeing him protect his wife and I can't help but follow suit."     

"Then, I must say you have learned correctly and that too from the best. You should always protect your wife at all costs if you find that she is not at fault."     

"Dad, don't worry. Even if Ivy is at fault, I will defend her." Joshua added with a wink.     

Hazel shook her head with a sigh. Her son and husband were one a kind and she smiled seeing them smile in happiness. She secretly thanked Ivy for entering in her son's life and giving him the happiness he deserved. That itself was a great feat and this alone was enough for her to accept the girl into their family.     

"Have you guys had breakfast yet? You came here early." Joshua queried once they settled down.     

"Not yet. We were too excited to meet you and Ivy. So, we did not eat anything." Martin replied.      

"The maid must have prepared the breakfast, right? Freshen up. I will heat them once you are ready." Hazel stood up to take a look at what was prepared for breakfast when Joshua stopped her.     

"That," He scratched his head not knowing what to say. "The breakfast is not ready."     

"What do you mean by not ready? Didn't the maid come today?" Hazel frowned and she looked at Martin. Everybody knew that Joshua did not know how to cook, unlike his friends, Noah and Ian. He had no idea how to prepare even a basic dish and it worried Hazel all the time. So, they had appointed a maid who would cook for him daily.      

"No. She has stopped cooking for me. She is only in charge of cleaning the house."     

"What? Why did she stop preparing food for you? What happened?" Hazel could not stop worrying about her son after she found out the truth. Even Martin folded his hand, narrowing his eyes slightly.     

"Since the Ivy moved in, it is she is the one who cooked for me. After tasting her food, I find everything else bland." Joshua replied, licking his lips, an action that did not go unseen by the couple.     

"I see." Hazel nodded her head with a smile.     

"Yes, since you guys are here, you must try her food. I am sure you will love it too." Joshua jumped up from the sofa, excitement bursting through his body. He could imagine their satisfied faces once they tasted his darling girl's food and his heart somersaulted in pride.     

"Will it be alright? I mean it's the first time we are meeting her." Hazel looked at her husband before fixing her eyes on Joshua.     

"Why will it not be? I would love to cook for you guys."      

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