Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Coincidental findings

Coincidental findings

1"I have found the man you were looking for."     2

"That's great. What have you got?" Ivy queried, looking at the family of three to make sure they could not listen to her.     

"Ivy, I will mail you details about him. Take a look at it. I cannot talk right now. I am in hurry. By the way, I talked to your sister yesterday."     

"What? Why didn't Aria tell me?"     

"I guess she got held up with her boyfriend. I have sent the information she had asked me to you too. Take a look at it. It will get auto-deleted by the end of this day."     

"No problem. I will check it."     

"Take care, Ivy."     

"You, Maggie."     

The call ended and immediately after, she heard her phone ding, indicating the arrival of the email. Though was eager to find out what it contained, she controlled her curiosity. Joshua's parents were still in the house and she could ignore them for long. It would be highly disrespectful and rude of her. So, she stopped herself and returned to the hall.     

"Sorry about that." Ivy apologized sincerely and Hazel nodded at her assuringly.     

"Is anything serious?"     

"No, Mrs. Martin. Just some work-related issues. I will deal with them later." Ivy replied, relaxing her body, trying to ease her anxiousness.     

"I see. Ivy, I heard that you have a sister." Martin started and Ivy's mind immediately moved away from the email.     

"Yes, Sir. I have a twin sister. Her name is Aria."     

"Interesting. What does she do?"     

"She is a cardiothoracic surgeon at Regal Hospital."     

"Oh, in that case, she is Ian's colleague."     

"Yes, she is."     

Ivy had no idea why Joshua's father was inquiring about her sister all of a sudden. Although she found it a little odd, she did not dwell on it much. 'I assume it is normal to talk about my family given how I am with Joshua.' However, what she did not know was that Martin had asked about Aria with some intentions in mind which nobody knew about, not even Hazel.     

Joshua's parents stayed with them for another hour before they decided to leave. "Joshua, bring Ivy to our mansion." Hazel held Ivy's hands while she ordered her son and Joshua nodded at them happily.      

"Ivy, we will leave now. Call us if this son of ours troubles you. We will take care of him." Martin stated, his expression serious and determined.     

"Dad, this is not fair." Joshua wailed. "You cannot do this to me. What if Ivy is the one creating trouble? Who should I complain to?"     

"If such a situation arises," Martin looked at Ivy before he fixed his gaze on his son. "Swallow your complaints. Don't come to us."     

"Dad," Joshua's voice rose but nobody gave him any attention.     

"Moreover, you must be the culprit who initiated the trouble for her to trouble you back," Martin added without any change in his expression.     

"Dad, am I even your son?"     

Joshua glared at Ivy who had a smirk plastered on her face. He could read what was running in her mind. 'If you try to do something nasty, remember that I have awesome people protecting me." She smiled at him smugly and folded her hands, provoking in the meanwhile.     

Joshua narrowed his eyes dangerously. 'Really? Let's see if you will have the opportunity to even lift your finger to complain to them.' He warned her silently ad Ivy tore her gaze away before the man decided to add more to his threats.     

The couple left the mansion and the moment they departed, Joshua spun Ivy to face him and hugged her tight. "I am so happy today."     

"May I ask why?"     

"My parents accepted you. I need nothing more than that."     

"Why? Were you worried that your parents would not accept me?"     

"I would be lying if I say no." Joshua did not release her, his hands running on her back slowly. He started to walk along the way, making Ivy follow his steps. The couple started to move gently, making it seem as though they were dancing to a song their hearts were singing.     

"Don't you have confidence in your girlfriend and her charms?" Ivy asked, pinching his waist harshly. But Joshua was not affected by it. He just smiled at her attempt to hurt him.     

"Not at all. I have the utmost confidence in my girlfriend. It's just that my parents are concerned about me, especially after what happened when Amber ditched me. They are worried that there might a repeat of the same. So...."     

"I see. Don't worry. I am so amazing and incredible. There's no way your parents would not accept me. Moreover, you and I both know that I will never leave you. So, they do not have to worry about it." Ivy said with pride and Joshua chuckled out loud at her confident words. Seeing him not reply, Ivy pulled back. "Why? Do you have a problem with that?"     

"Not at all. I agree with you."     

"You better. That reminds me. Did Amber ever meet your parents?" Ivy asked, her voice sounding strange suddenly. To mask her difference and hide her jealousy, she hugged him again.     

"Yes, she did. Why do you ask?"     

"What was your parents' opinion of her?" Ivy gritted her teeth and since she was hugging Joshua, the man could not see her. However, he did not miss the way her tone had changed and he grinned in joy.     

"Why Ivy? Are you jealous?" He chaffed and Ivy had the sudden urge to throw him away.     

"Jealous, my foot. Why would I be jealous of someone who doesn't know to treasure people? She is just an idiot, a blind fool who did know the value of the gem she had with her."     

"Am I a gem then?" Instead of answering her question, he twisted her words and for a second, Ivy did not have any reply.     

"Who called you a gem? I am talking about myself."     

"Sure, sure. As you say."     

"Now, answer me. What was your parents' opinion of Amber?"     

"They were not that impressed with her."     

"What do you mean?" His reply satisfied Ivy greatly and she smiled in contentment.     

"My parents found her to be odd. They had warned me about her."     

"But you ignored their warnings."     

Joshua did not utter a word and Ivy did not continue the topic. "You know why you never found the one before?"     

"Why?" Joshua leaned back looking at her in the eye, interested in her question.     

"Because I was meant for you. You were yet to find me or, in our case, I was yet to find you."     

"So, shall I assume that you are the one for me?"     

"Aren't I?"     

"Definitely. How can I say you are wrong?" Joshua inched closer to her, trying to sneak in a kiss. However, Ivy twisted her body around and walked away from him, leaving him kissing the air.      

"I have some important work to deal with. Are you going to the office today?"     

"Yes, I have a meeting at two."     

"Great. I will see you around." Without sparing him another look, Ivy walked away from him, leaving him to sulk on his own.     

"How heartless!!!" He spoke to himself and sighed lightly. He shook his head, allowing her to leave for the time being. There were still three hours for his meeting and he had loads of work to do. So, he went to his laboratory downstairs.     

"Alvis, any new updates?" He questioned while he read the document he had brought with him from his office.     

"Sir, I have a new update for you. We have found the man you have looking for. He appeared for a few minutes at one of the cafes in Minn Alley."     

"I see. Is there a video footage?"     

"Yes, Sir. Let me get it for you." Immediately the laptop screen lit up and a video started to play. It showed a man dressed in a white plaid shirt and dark blue trousers, entering the cafe and Joshua recognized him at once.      

"Kane Bright." He seethed, clenching his fists. "You finally came out of your hiding," Joshua remembered the man clearly for he was the one his mentor had been following before he was shot by an unknown person. Kane's face was etched in his memory for he had seen him in the footage Ivy had released of him when he was working in the Good City Clinic. He had become a hot topic for he had been caught in a scandal and since then, he had gone into hiding. Joshua had been searching for him and now that had shown himself, how could he let this opportunity go?     

"It's time to have some fun now." Joshua smiled devilishly and sent a text on his phone.     

Meanwhile, Ivy locked her room door to prevent Joshua from chancing upon her at work. She did not want him to find out what she was dealing with, especially when it was a secret she wanted to hide. Ivy opened the two emails she had received from Maggie. One of them held a video footage while the other had a document attached to it.     

The document was huge, with a lot of pages. So, Ivy decided to first view the video. 'This was taken at Cafe Shelly's at Minn Alley. He appeared only for a few minutes.' Ivy read Maggie's messages and she played the video. Immediately after, she saw the man she had previously captured on her camera. How could she not know who he was when she was the one who destroyed his life?     

"Kane Bright, we meet again."     

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