Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Crazy Aria

Crazy Aria

1"What?" Aria stared at Noah, her eyes as wide as saucers. His demand for her to kiss him had taken her by surprise. She had no idea what to do. Every time it was Noah who had taken the initiative to kiss her. She did not even know how to start.      3

"Aria, I am waiting," Noah said as he looked at her with his hands in his pockets.     

"Do I have to kiss you?"      

"Do you want me to continue being angry with you?"     

"No. No." Aria closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She then walked to him slowly to stall as much time as possible. But to her horror, Noah came her to swiftly. He was in no mood to wait.      

Aria glimpsed at him and blushed. Although she wanted to kiss those attractive lips, she was nervous and flustered. Her mind was telling her to not fall for his charms, but her heart was ordering her to kiss him. Stuck in the battle between her heart and mind, she did nothing.      

Noah waited for the kiss. He could see that she was shy, her tomato-red face was the proof for that. Also, she was fidgeting in her place. But he was not the one to back off. "I don't think I will get the kiss if you keep standing there and do nothing."     

That's it. His words triggered something in her and her heart smashed her brain's thinking capability. She tiptoed and held his waist as she inched closer to him. Her lips fell on his and she tried to retreat after giving him a peck. However, Noah was having nothing of this.      

As soon as her lips landed on his, he pulled her closer and deepened the kiss stopping her from retreating. He bit her lower lip punishing her for letting him go through such torture. She cried out in pain, but it was replaced with a moan when he licked the spot he had bit.      

He plunged his tongue inside her hot cavern and took in her sweetness. She tasted as sweet as always. It was a taste he could get addicted to for life. His hands were roaming on her back as he deepened the kiss. His tongue was already in a battle with hers for dominance and in the end, he won it. His tongue swept through her hot mouth as he savored her sweetness.      

Aria was having difficulty breathing. She patted on his chest to release her. But he did not give in. He continued kissing her until her legs turned to jelly and eventually gave out. Seeing her state, he supported her and finally stopped kissing. She started to take large chunks of air as she rested her face on his chest.     

Noah took a peek at her from above. Her face was flushed red, her mind was in a daze. Her swollen lips made him want to kiss her again. But he stopped himself and gave her time to calm down.      

Aria finally came back and raised her eyes to meet his gaze. "Am I forgiven now?"     

"Yes. I forgave you long back." Noah had forgiven her long back. His heart had melted as soon as she had hugged him from behind. He only wanted to tease her for what she had put him through.     

"Then, why did you torture me? Did you have any idea how scared I was?" Aria slapped his arm in distress.     

"And, do you have any idea how scared I was after I got your call?"     

Aria gave him a sheepish grin and hugged him back. "I am sorry."     

"Apology accepted. What are we doing next?"     

Aria pulled back and held out her hand while Noah raised his eyebrows. "Mr. Noah Allen Carter, will you do me the honor of dancing with me?"     

Noah smiled at her and held her hand. "With pleasure."     

"Just a moment." Aria took out her phone and pressed a button. A slow, gentle music started to play and the entire setting became romantic at once.      

Noah took her left hand in his and placed the other hand on her waist. He pulled her closer as they started swaying to the music. "Why did you decide to surprise me out of the blue?"     

"I just thought of going on a date with you. Every time, it was you who did things for me. So, I thought of doing something too."     


The couple danced for some time and decided to have the food when their legs were getting tired.      

"What do we have?" Noah said as he lifted the dome. "Steak and wine. Cool. But Aria, you cannot drink."     

"Why?" She whined.     

"Don't you remember the last time you got drunk in London?"     

"I can handle a glass or two. Please."     




"Pretty please." She looked at him with puppy eyes and that's all it took for Noah's will to shatter. He gave in to her.     

"Okay. Just one glass."     



"Honey, please." She dragged her words to make him surrender and Noah accepted immediately. His mind had shut down as soon as she had called him honey.     

They started eating their food as they talked and laughed. Noah was keeping a count on the number of glasses she drank while he just took a sip from his glass.     

"Noah, thank you."     


"For helping Ivy."     

"Not a problem. Also, I am doing this for my own profit. You do not have to thank me." Noah noticed that she had gulped the second glass, but she still looked fine. She did not look drunk at all, her eyes were clear.     

"May I have another glass?" She looked at him with a pout and asked coquettishly. Her voice held a tinge of seduction in them unable to make him think clearly. His body reacting to her sweet innocence and he couldn't control himself.      

"Okay. This will be the last one." Noah said and filled her glass which Aria finished at one go, surprising him. But that was a big mistake he did.      

As soon as she finished the glass, he heard a burp followed by a giggle. He lifted his head to see her only to notice Aria in a daze. Her eyes were clouded as she stared at him lovestruck.     

"Noah, why are you so handsome?"     


Aria got up and went to his side. Without another word, she sat on his lap, startling him. She pinched his cheeks as she muttered, "Why are you so handsome?"     

She did not wait for his response. The next second, she spread her hands. "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee."     

Noah stared at her dumbfounded. Just when he thought that Aria would not be getting drunk, she had become high and the crazy Aria was out."     

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