Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Kiss me

Kiss me

0"Ronnie, what the heck are you doing?" Noah seethed, seeing his guard pull him out of the conference room. It was the first time he had behaved that way, stunning Noah. Since the time he had become Noah's personal guard, he had always been respectful and had stayed in his limits. He was an efficient worker and Noah had no complaints against him. All his orders were carried out silently.      0

Ronnie who was walking in the front did not turn to look at his boss lest he should lose focus from his intentions. He could feel the icy glares directed at him and he did not have to be a genius to guess that his boss was angry, incensed even.      

"Boss, please just trust me this once and do as I request you to. I will guarantee you that will be happy and satisfied by the end of the night and if you are not, you can punish me. I'll accept it whole-heartedly." Ronnie could only pray that his boss would accept and come with him without further delay. If he asked another question, Ronnie was sure he would go mad.     

Noah stared at Ronnie's back as he followed him. Noah was still being led by him to the entrance as though Ronnie was scared that the moment he released his hand, Noah would escape from his clutches.     

The entire office had seen this scene and their eyes had bulged out in horror. Nobody had dared to take such liberties with their boss, his cold gaze was enough to make them run for their lives. Seeing Ronnie holding their boss's hand, they did not know whether to commend his courage or scold him for his stupidity. They immediately concluded that nobody could save Ronnie from Noah's wrath that day.     

Ronnie led Noah to the car and begged him to get in. Noah narrowed his eyes as he waited to see what this man was up to, but he did not get inside. "Boss, please get inside boss. We are getting late. It is a matter of life and death to me. Please. Please."     

Seeing him request so earnestly, Noah sighed. Ronnie had never asked him for until now. So, he decided to grant him this one wish of his. "Okay, fine. I hope you will live up to my expectations and be ready to get punished. Nothing will save you from it." Noah got inside the car while Ronnie cried inwardly hearing his words. His intentions of helping Aria had landed him in trouble. But he could do nothing.     

Ronnie got behind the wheels and started driving. He had twenty minutes, so he pressed on the accelerator. He had to reach the venue before eight. Noah observed that Ronnie was hurrying to reach somewhere and he couldn't stop himself from asking, "Why are you in a hurry? Drive slowly."     

"Boss, if I drive slowly, Madam will be furious and in turn, your anger will reach the sky," Ronnie muttered softly.     

"Did you say something?"     

"No Boss."     

Ronnie did all he could to get Noah to the venue by eight, but still, they were late by five minutes. He could only hope that Aria was not pissed by this. Noah had no idea where this place was. He had never been there before. So, he looked at Ronnie confused. It looked like an open space with a lot of trees.      

"Boss, please follow the directions. I can only bring you till here and I hope you will enjoy this." Ronnie pointed towards the direction board on the right and got inside the car. He had done his duty and now it was up to Aria to continue with the plan.     

Noah was still bewildered with the way Ronnie was behaving. He looked around the area and his eyes furrowed. He wondered what the hell was happening. Nevertheless, he followed Ronnie's requests and followed the direction board. As soon as he started walking, the path lit up making it easy for him to see.     

He walked for ten minutes until he found a small bridge that led to a manmade lake. There was an island with a lot of beautiful flowers and trees with a gazebo in between. As soon as he went near, he realized that it was a lakeside gazebo. To go there, he had to step on stones that were being supported on the lake. The gazebo was lit up beautifully with lanterns hung on either side of the entrance pillars. There were small bulbs adorning the roof of the gazebo. It looked so mesmerizing that even Noah was stunned and he had stopped walking. But, what was more surprising was that he saw Aria standing in the middle of the gazebo with a beautiful smile on her face.      

She looked like a goddess in her white flowy Maxi dress that he could not take his eyes of her. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her smile was so dazzling that he instantly forgot about their fight they had a few hours ago. His feet automatically took him to her and in no time he was standing in front of her.     

"Noah," She breathed on seeing him in front of her. She had been nervous since the moment she got here an hour ago. She wanted the date to be perfect. So, she had come early to personally supervise it.      

"Aria." He gazed at her, his eyes filled with love. At that moment, everything became dull in his eyes except for Aria.      

"Let's sit." She held his hand and made him sit on the chair and then she sat opposite to him.      

"How was the surprise?"     

Noah, who had been staring lovingly at her, immediately came out of his stupor. She had planned this for him. Just the thought of it made him joyous and his heart swelled up in happiness. However, the next second he remembered their argument.      

"Is this the reason why you fought with me so that you could surprise me?" Noah asked in realization. Aria nodded shyly, her eyes darting away from him guiltily.     

"You mean to say that you faked a fight so that you could surprise me?" Seeing Aria silent, Noah got up and walked away from her towards the lake.     

"Aria, do you have any idea how scared I was when you asked me not to speak to you." He stated closing his eyes.     

"Noah, I know I took it a little too far. But I wanted to surprise you. So, it was all just a plan."     

"In order to do this, you intentionally hurt my feelings."      

"No, Noah. That's not true." Aria panicked immediately and went to him.     

"Then what, Aria?"     

"I wanted to take you on a date."     

Noah opened his eyes in shock, listening to her words. 'Aria wanted to take me on a date.' This thought made him smile and he could not deny that the feeling was awesome. However, he put up a poker face in front of her. He had to get back at her for torturing him.     


"I am sorry." Aria hugged him the next instant from the back, startling Noah. She had no idea how to pacify him. All she could do was hug him. But the next second, Noah released her hands.     

"Do you think a sorry can solve this?" Noah stared at her, his eyes not blinking.     

"Then, what do you want me to do? I'll do anything. Please don't be angry with me." Aria said to console him. She was ready to do anything to pacify him.     

"Anything?" Noah raised an eyebrow in doubt.     


"Then, kiss me."     

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