Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Cleaning to do

Cleaning to do

3"Aria is drunk," Ivy stated looking at her sister behaving her usual way whenever she was high.     2

Noah nodded to confirm her suspicions and tried to place Aria on the sofa. However, Aria clung to him, not allowing him to release her from his embrace. "I don't want to leave you. What are you doing?"     

"Aria, I am not leaving you. I am just going to place you on the sofa." Noah assured her, but Aria tightened her hold on him.     

"No. I know you will leave me. Don't let go of me." She said and immediately started crying rendering Ivy and Noah speechless. Aria had never behaved this touchy and clingy.     

"Okay, okay. I am not leaving. I am going to stay with you. Okay, now be a good girl and let go." He coaxed her softly as he tried to lay her on the sofa.     

"No, no. I want to stay this way. I want to stay close to you." Aria kicked her feet in the air as she tried to stop Noah from placing her on the sofa. She did not want to leave him at all. She wanted to stay like this with him.     

"Aria, let go. Okay. He will not leave you. He will be with you." Ivy tried talking to her sister.     

"No. I won't. And by the way, who are you?" Aria asked and tried to see who she was talking to. She squinted her eyes to see clearly. "It's you. My sweet sister, Ivy. I love you, Ivy. I love you." She said blowing her a kiss. "And I love you." She looked at Noah and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Noah and Ivy were both dumbfounded.     

"It's best that you take her to her room and you can stay here today. I don't think she will allow you to go home today." Noah sighed and proceeded towards her room, but Ivy stopped him suddenly. "And try to keep the noise as low as possible. You see our house soundproofing is not that good." Ivy gave him a wink and walked away giggling. Noah stared at her disappearing silhouette, stunned. Ivy was way to brazen and straight-forward.     

Noah chuckled and shook his head. He then went to Aria's room, with Aria still in his arms, in her own dreamland. "La la la la. Sha la la la."      

Noah placed her on her bed. But she jumped up immediately and clung to him again. "Aria, I am not going anywhere. Let me just make a call. Okay?"     

"You are not going anywhere right?" She looked at him innocently, with her eyes wide.     

"No. I am not going anywhere."     



"Okay." Aria pulled back and lied down obediently. But her eyes did not leave him. Noah removed his suit jacket and tie and then he folded his sleeves. Aria looked at his sexy body and gulped subconsciously. She licked her lips. "How delicious!"     

"Come again?" Noah had heard her mumble and stared at her.     

"Nothing." She said immediately and acted as though she was zipping her lips.     

"I'll take care of you later. Let me make a call first." He pulled his phone and called Ronnie.     


"I'll be staying here tonight. You can go home and come back tomorrow at seven. Get me a set of new clothes while coming."     

"Okay, Boss," Ronnie said wholeheartedly. His Boss and Madam were going to spend the night together. That was amazing. He waited for some time to make sure everything was alright before he drove away.     

"Are you done, Ally?" Aria asked, her voice sweet and innocent.     

"Yes, I am done."     

"Then, come here. I want to hug you."      

Noah gave a defeated smiled and sat beside her who hugged him tightly. "Who were you talking to?"     


"Ronnie, that cutie?"     

Again cutie. Noah's gaze darkened immediately. This was the second time Aria was calling somebody else cute and he did not know how he should handle it. To say that he was jealous would be an understatement.     



"Who is cuter, Ronnie, or me?"     

"Of course, Ronnie. He is the cutest." She answered without hesitation and Noah narrowed his eyes with a dangerous glint in them.     

"But you are hot." She said after a few seconds.     


"You are hot."      

"Do you find me hot?" Noah smirked, satisfied with her answer.     

"Yes and sexy," Aria replied snuggling closer to him as she draped on her legs on his body.     

"What else?"     

"Umm....." Aria thought for a while and then replied again, "You are delicious. I like the taste of you."     

Noah chuckled. "I like how you taste too. Now, let's go to sleep."     

Noah made her lie down flat on the bed and he lied beside her. But suddenly, Aria lifted his right hand and placed it below her neck. She laid her head on his chest and took a deep breath. Noah was startled by her behavior. But this was not the first time he had been shocked that day. It had happened many times for one day. So, he allowed Aria to do whatever she wanted.      

The couple remained silent as they heard each other's breathing. Noah lifted his head after some time to see Aria sleeping with her mouth slightly open and her legs sprawled on him. He chuckled lightly and then pulled her closer to him. He closed his eyes and fell into a blissful sleep.      

The next day.     

Noah was the first one to wake up. He stared at the unfamiliar surroundings and realization hit him. He was at Aria's house and in her bedroom. His gaze then fell on the woman he was spooning. Aria's back was pressed against his front. He did not know when Aria had changed her position, he had slept that soundly.     

Noah got up and freshened himself. He had found a spare toothbrush in one of the cabinets in her bathroom. When he came out, Aria was still in deep sleep as she hugged the pillow thinking it to be him. Noah went out and saw that Ivy was already up.     

"Hello, brother-in-law. Good morning." She wished him as soon as he came out of her sister's room.     

"Good morning."     

"How was your sleep?"     


"Good? Only good?" Ivy made a face and Noah returned a glare in return. He sat on the chair beside her. "I thought it was hot, sweaty, sexy and unbelievable. But it was just good?" She scrunched her face.     

"Ivy?" Noah warned her.     

"Yes, brother-in-law?"     

"Nothing what you are thinking happened between us."     

"Oww. So sad. Unlucky you. Do you want some lemon tea?"     

"May I get a cup of coffee?"     

"Sure. Just a second."     

Ivy went to make coffee and returned in five minutes. "Here you go."     

"Thank you."     

Noah took a sip and Ronnie's words came to his mind. He had to ask Ivy about Tim. Now was the perfect opportunity as Aria was not around.     

"Ivy, I wanted to ask something."     

"Yes, Noah." Ivy noticed Noah's serious face and she too became serious. It looked like he had something very important to speak about.     

"Can you tell me the name of the person who is following you? Even a picture is fine."      


"Just like that. I want to keep you guys safe. So, I wanted to appoint some guards for you and let them know about this man. They will take care of him if he follows you."     

"But Noah, I am not sure if this correct. I mean I appreciate your thoughts. But I feel whoever is following me or following us has a great backing."     

"Ivy, I know about it. But I do not want to risk your lives. Please accept it for me, for Aria."     

Ivy sensed the concern in his voice and she was confused as to why he was making a mountain out of a molehill. Nevertheless, she accepted. "Okay. Do as you wish."     

"Can you show me his photo?" Noah asked her. He wanted to see if the person who was following her was the same person who belonged to the Vipers gang.     

"Wait a second." Ivy took her phone and scrolled through her gallery to see for his images. But she was shocked when she noticed something weird. "What the heck!"     

"What happened?"     

"Tim is not in any of the pics I have in my phone."     

"What? Maybe you didn't take any with him."     

"No way. I clearly remember that when we had taken the group pics, he was with us. When did he distance himself?"     

"He might have done it when you were about to take the picture."     

"Yes. That sly man is not as innocent as I thought him to be. He cleverly avoided being photographed." Ivy clenched her fists in anger.      

"I have a picture. See if it is him."      

"How do you have his picture?"     

"When my driver had come to drop Aria yesterday in the afternoon, he noticed someone keeping an eye on the building. He remembered your words and took a pic to confirm if he was the one."     

Noah showed her Tim's pic and she exclaimed immediately. "That's him. That's Tim. He is the one following me."     

Noah's gaze became deadly at once. 'Looks like I have some cleaning to do.'     

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