Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever



0"Please Aria. Promise me." This time Noah made her look at him. His eyes bore deep into hers waiting for her to answer.     3

Aria could make out that his face was tense and his heart was unsettled. She cupped his face in her hands. "Noah, I promise I will be safe. I will come back to you because I'll be leaving my heart here and I don't think I can stay away from my heart."     

Noah snorted hearing her words. "Touche'."     

Aria giggled lightly hearing the sarcasm in his voice. "On a serious note, I promise I will come back safely. Rest assured nothing will happen to me when I have such good well-wishers around me."     

Noah smiled after he was reassured. "Now may I get my kiss that is still overdue?" He narrowed his eyes devilishly and Aria's heart skipped a beat at the sudden change in him. His eyes held the desire for her and she got captured in them completely and utterly. When he leaned in, she closed her eyes automatically waiting for his sweet lips to meet hers. However, seconds passed and nothing happened.     

Aria opened her eyes to see Noah smirking at her. His eyes glimmered in mischief. "Aria, were you waiting for me to kiss you? Tch. Tch. I never knew that you have become a kiss mania." He sighed as though she had done a mistake.     

Aria narrowed her eyes at the obnoxious man in front of her. 'Now see what this kiss mania will do." Without further ado, she pulled him by his shirt collar startling him in the process. Her sudden, aggressive behavior came as a pleasant surprise for him and he waited to see what she would do next and Aria did not disappoint him.     

She placed her lips on his and attacked him with all her might. She pulled him closer and her hands clasped together behind his neck. She changed the angle and kissed him like there was no tomorrow. Aria pried open his mouth and her tongue immediately dived in. Noah did not know what was happening to him. His hands were lying limp on his sides. The sudden kiss had stopped his ability to think. All he had in mind was the sweet torture Aria was giving him.     

Getting no reaction from the frozen man, Aria smiled victoriously. She had successfully taken him off guard by her kiss. However, it did not last long. The man, who had gone numb, regained his senses and he encircled her waist. Aria's tongue, which wandering alone in his mouth, got attacked out of nowhere. He sucked on her lips taking her breath away.     

She tried to dodge his attack, but Noah was having nothing of it. He did not allow her tongue to retreat. He held her tight and her tongue was attacked relentlessly. By then all her senses had gone haywire. Her brain had gone mushy. There was only one thing in mind, Noah and his intoxicating kiss.     

They were so close to each other that they could almost sense their heartbeats. However, Noah was still not satisfied. Without breaking the kiss, he lifted her and made her sit on his lap, almost straddling him. Now, she was closer to him and he could easily run his hands on her waist. Their bodies were glued to each other like creepers.     

Their intimate position fueled a fire within Noah's body and his little buddy became hard all of a sudden. Aria stiffened when she sensed something poking her from beneath. She did not have to be a genius to guess what it was. Her eyes widened with the way it had increased in size. She tried to wriggle away, but Noah stopped her and broke the kiss.     

"Please don't." He almost begged, his voice was hoarse and husky. Aria sat still on him. Her body was completely frozen. If she moved even a little, she would directly rub on his rock hard manhood. It took her all of her might to not move away from his poking little buddy.     

Noah hugged her not wanting her to see him suppress his desire. Wrong move. As soon as he hugged her, her scent wafted to his nose and he stiffened again. The raging little monster became painfully hard.     

"Noah, I think it's best that I move away from you."     

"No." He denied her suggestion at once. "Give me some time." He closed his eyes and nobody spoke for a long time. The raging monster finally cooled down and went to sleep and Aria sighed in relief. For a moment, she had been scared thinking about what would happen. Though she had complete faith in the man in front of her, she was not yet ready.     

"Are you alright?" Aria asked when he released her from his embrace.     

"See, this is what you do to me. You make me go crazy."      

Aria did not say anything. No words came out of her mouth. Noah looked at the time in his watch and he sighed. "Come on. Let's go."     

"Where?" Aria looked at in him confusion.      

"As much as I want you to stay here with me, I need to take you home. It's approaching midnight and you need sleep. Remember, you need to get up early."      

"Ohh." Aria's lips opened to form a beautiful o and Noah cursed in his mind. They had to leave before he lost his mind and did something to her.     

"Come." Noah helped her to stand on her feet and the couple went back to his car. There was nobody on the roads. So, he could easily drive through the streets and they reached Aria's house in no time.     

When the car stopped, neither of them spoke. They did not want to leave yet. Their time was running and it would not be long before the sun would rise up.      

It was Aria who spoke up. "Would you like to stay the night?"     

Noah's head snapped to look at her. His eyes were brimming in happiness.     


Noah had no idea that Aria had mustered all her courage to put forth this request. She had slept with him on the same bed before. But that time she was drunk and was not in her usual state of mind. Now, both of them were sober. So, the situation was entirely different.     

"Okay." Noah agreed to her request without any delay.     

The couple went to her house happily. Ivy had long gone to bed and the house was silent. As soon as their heads touched the pillow, they fell into a deep slumber in each other's embrace.     

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