Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever



3Ivy stared right through the window as though she could feel someone's gaze on her. Seeing her penetrating eyes Oliver for startled for a second. He assumed her to have identified him and he stiffened inwardly. However, to his relief, Ivy moved her gaze away from the car. Seeing this, Oliver relaxed a little. 'Phew, I was not found out.'     

Oliver's gaze did not leave his two daughters. He followed them wherever they went. He was so close to them, yet so far. He was itching to get out of the damn car and go them. But he couldn't. Neither could he sit still, not could he go to them. He could only watch them from where he was and get contented.     

Ivy noticed Joshua and Ian standing beside their car along with Ronnie. She greeted Ian, even Ronnie but not Joshua much to his dismay. However, he did not express it. He was still feeling the awkwardness between them due to the hug they had shared yesterday.     

"You are here?" Ian smiled at Ivy, his eyes wandering towards Jo once.      

"Is everybody here?" Aria counted the people from her hospital. There was still one member who was yet to arrive.     

"No," Ian answered. "Now only Dr. Matt Dean is left. Not to worry. He is on his way."     

Just as Ian spoke, they saw an ambulance which clearly was from their hospital. "He is here." Immediately after speaking, Ian ran to help Matt. Since he was in charge, he had already spoken to the military guards regarding it and had taken permission for the ambulance to drive straight inside. The guards opened the gate and the ambulance drove in.     

After ten minutes, Ian came back. "It's time." He picked up his bags and Aria too followed suit. The time was here for them to leave to the battleground. She hugged her sister again and then Joshua. This time Noah did not stop them. She also greeted Ronnie and finally, she went to Noah.     

"I'm gonna miss you." He held her hands and stared at her with sadness in his eyes.     

"Me too." Aria pecked him on his lips. "Take care."     

"You too."     

"Bye." Aria took a reluctant step backward, but something stopped her and she dashed forward to hug Noah again. They stayed this way for a few seconds before she released him.      

Aria and Ian took one last glance at their friends and then joined their group from the hospital. They stood in line for the checking. It was customary for them to go through it as they were not military officials. First, their permission slips were checked followed by their bags. Only when everything was found right, were they allowed to go in.     

Joshua watched them go in. "Gosh, I miss them already."     

"Me too." Ivy agreed with him and Joshua's head snapped to her so fast that she was startled by it. "What?"     

"This is the first time you are agreeing with me. I am just surprised."     

Ivy scoffed but did not say a word. Noah was silent all the while. His eyes were still fixed on the entrance gates even though Aria and Ian had already gone inside. He could not describe the feeling he was having. It was nothing less than the pain one felt when their heart was plucked out and squeezed thoroughly. Even Ronnie, who was standing silently beside them, couldn't stop himself from feeling sad.     

The three men, in their stupor, had forgotten about Oliver completely. So, nobody noticed the weird expression he had on his face. It looked like he was struck by lightning. He clearly remembered Noah telling him that Aria was going on a medical camp. How did she end up going to the military grounds? He had been so excited about seeing his daughters earlier that he had failed to notice where he was. Only now did he observe that he was in the restricted military area. 'What work would Aria have here?'     

He thought of asking Noah or Joshua when they were alone. Right now his main priority was to see Ivy to his heart's content. He wanted Aria to stay for some more time. But she had gone before he could get take a good look at her. At least, he could see his Ivy.     

Outside the car, the gloomy mood was still lingering in the air. Barely a few minutes had passed and they were already missing Aria and Ian to death. How could they survive until their return? How could they not miss them?     

As the four people looked on, they heard a car screech and they turned to see what had happened. From one look, Ivy could guess who it was. She snorted. This man dared to call himself Aria's best friend when he had come to send her off after she had left. How ironic!     

Not even caring about his appearance, Daniel had come directly after getting up. He was still in his pajamas and slippers. Ivy saw that and she rolled her eyes. Daniel sprinted to where she was standing. "Ivy, where is Aria? Is she not here yet?" He asked gasping.      

He looked like a mess. Ivy observed his red eyes and his disheveled look. "Look who has graced us with their appearance." She said in sarcasm.     

"Ivy, please tell me where Aria is."     

Before Ivy could respond, Joshua answered for her. "You are late. Aria went inside ten minutes ago."     

"Damn." He cursed loudly and pulled his hair in frustration. It was all his mistake. If only he had not consumed alcohol the previous night, he could have made it here on time.     

Daniel had to attend a dinner party the previous night. He had recently won a case for a big shot and the client had invited him to a party on the rightful acquisition of the property that originally belonged to him. Daniel had consumed alcohol when the man had given him a toast. He had no idea how many glasses he had consumed that night. Because of this, he had woken up late.     

Seeing the time, he had jumped off his bed without even brushing his teeth and had driven like a mad man on the road, only to end up being late. He had missed Aria by a few minutes and now he had no idea when he would see her again. He cried inwardly. 'Why, just why did I drink yesterday?'     

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