Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever



3Hey guys,      0

Please read my other book 'Trapped for Eternity'. It has entered the WPC. Your thoughts and suggestions are highly appreciated. So, do give me your reviews about the book. Also, until the contest ends, please vote for Trapped for Eternity.     


Noah sent Tim's picture from Joshua's phone to a number and the next second he made a call to Ronnie.     

"Yes, Boss?" Ronnie answered immediately and listened to all the instructions carefully. He smiled hearing his Boss's evil plan. As expected, only a devil of higher caliber can trap another low-class devil. He took note of everything that was told to him and proceeded to execute them.     

Joshua and Ivy looked on as they saw Noah walk away from them when he made a phone call. They wondered why he was being so secretive about it. What plan had he formulated in such a short duration? For the first time, Ivy felt that her brother-in-law was a very formidable man and he had a background that was not normal and well hidden from everyone, even from Aria.     

She got some dangerous vibes from him, something similar to how she had felt when Joshua had fought with the hooligans in the club. It felt as though they were masking something behind their handsome faces. There was more to what they showed to the world. When Ivy saw Noah walk back towards them, she did not know why but she felt him to be a demon himself gracing the earth. His wicked smile was beyond terrifying and she got chills just by being in his presence.      

Noah noticed Ivy's doubtful yet perplexed gaze and his smile fell. He returned to his calm self. Gone was all the blood lust he had when he was speaking to Ronnie. He had been infuriated when he had received Joshua's call. The man had some nerves for even daring to get inside his woman's apartment. If Joshua had not taken Ivy with him what would have happened to her? Would they have harmed her? Just the thought of it made him all the more angry.     

Nobody was allowed to hurt Aria or her family. They had become his family now and in his presence, nothing would ever happen to them. He would make sure that they were safe until he was alive and even beyond. They had already suffered more than enough. He did not want to see them hurt anymore.      

This was the thought that even Joshua had in mind. He could not imagine what would have happened if Ivy was at home when Tim invaded her home. He had been thankful that he had decided to take Ivy with him. Tim was getting out of hand and he had to do something before it became too late. But he knew that it was better if Noah handled the situation as he was well versed with people like Tim. He was the best person to deal with them.     

Just like Ivy, he too had noticed Noah's smile and for him, it was a smile of achievement. Noah had achieved something or was going to achieve something and he knew what it was. Noah had laid a plan to trap Tim and this time, nobody could save him not even Jared. He was happy secretly that Noah was his friend and not his enemy. Otherwise, even thinking about dealing with this monster made Joshua shudder in fear. He knew how ruthless he could be and he had seen it firsthand in the underworld base a few times and boy, they were nothing but terrifying.      

Noah came to them and smiled at the couple sweetly. "All done. Now let's wait for the show."      

Ivy gave him a serious look and for a minute Noah felt as though she had seen through his soul. He could guess what she was thinking just by seeing her doubtful face. She was just as expressive as her sister and he was sure that she must be feeling wary of him now. Not wanting her doubts to increase any further, he tried to deviate the topic.     

"Congratulations." He said with a happy and mischievous smile and Ivy's look of doubt changed into confusion.     

"Why are you congratulating me?"     

"Because of your newfound relationship." His answer made Ivy blush while Joshua had an adoring look as he stared at her. Noah could see that his friend was genuinely happy with Ivy and he sighed in relief. If Ian were to witness this, he would have first blood, and then later, he would have congratulated them. The man had changed drastically after meeting Ivy. He had stopped thinking about his past and he looked very delighted every time they met and this was all because of Ivy.     

"I am very happy for you guys and I assure you Ivy there can be none better for you than Joshua. Aria would have been too happy if she were here."     

"Wow, my friend is praising me." Joshua intervened suddenly and Noah gave a helpless sigh at his melodrama that was about to start in a short while. "I did not live this long for nothing. My life is contented and now I can die in peace." Joshua wiped his non-existent tears with a huge grin on his face.     

"Do you want help?" Ivy asked, her eye wide while she looked at him expressionless.     

"In what?"     

"In dying. I can give you a helping hand by killing you. I have various torture techniques in mind exclusively for you." Ivy answered, making Joshua to gasp in horror and Noah to chuckle in amusement.     

"Ivy, why do want to kill your boyfriend who in the future would become your husband? Can you bear to see me die? Can you live without me?"     

"Definitely. If you are gone, I'll find a cute guy and marry him. What do you think?"     

For some unknown reason when Ivy mentioned a cute guy, the first name that came to the two friends' minds was Ronnie and Noah laughed out loud immediately. However, Joshua did not find her words to be funny though he knew she was just trying to pull his leg.     

"I'll see how will marry somebody else. If I am going to die, I'll come back as a ghost and haunt you. I'll never allow you to be with someone else."     

For a moment, Ivy was delighted to hear his possessive response. Before she could give him any befitting reply, the police came to her and reported her of their findings. Since she had already gone through her house and nothing valuable was missing, it was not a case of burglary. Only the three people knew what Tim wanted and why he had come to her house. He was behind the information she was collecting that was more valuable than any jewelry or money. But they could not say it to the police, lest there was a mole in their team.     

"Miss, we are done with our interrogation with the three people who saw the man. But it not of much help as we do not know how he looks. We do not even have his fingerprints in your house either. So, this case might be a little complicated." The officer said with an exasperated look. He really wanted to solve this case but he had no proofs with him.     

"I understand officer. Thank you very much for your help."     

"We will inform you if we find out anything."     


They were on the ground floor near the entrance gate and they could hear the commotion caused by the reporters who were trying to get inside. Noah waited until the police left the area when he gestured for the other two to follow him. It was time for his show.      

The security guard was being interviewed by one of the reporters when the three people came outside. Noah looked around and saw the man he was looking for and he nodded at him curtly. The man noticed it and it was time for some action. He walked closer to the security and acted as though somebody tripped him. He fell right before the guard and the man held him to support him. However, the phone in his hand fell onto the ground, which the guard noticed. Before he could even hand the phone back to the man, he was gone.      

The guard looked around trying to see if the man was anywhere nearby. But since there were a lot of people around he did not know where he had vanished in the mob. The reporter was waiting for his answer when the watchman's eyes fell on the phone and his jaw dropped. It was the photo of the man who had created all this mess.     

The reporter noticed his change of expression and asked him what the matter was. He could see that something in the phone had triggered the man to behave this way.     

The security guard gave one perplexed look before he turned the phone to the camera and showed the photo to the reporter before him. "This is the man who broke into our apartment complex today."     

As soon as he said that, the other reporters who were waiting for their chance to question him started to fight to get a good glimpse at the photo.     

Ivy saw the entire commotion and now he realized what Noah's plan was. He had called one of his men to 'accidentally' throw his phone before the guard and the man took the bait as expected. Not only that, instead of telling about the photo to the police first, he had told it before the media who were broadcasting the news live. Now, Tim's photo would reach far and wide and everybody would know about him making it extremely difficult for him to live in the open.     

Also, now that his face had been revealed in front of everyone, the police could not dust it off as rubbish. Nobody would be able to save him, not even the police who secretly worked for him. He was done for the moment he had harmed the little girl. The entire nation was not angry with him for breaking into the apartment. However, they were furious with the way he had treated the little girl who right now was lying unconscious in the hospital.     

Ivy's eye darted towards Noah who right now was appreciating the brilliant work his newly employed guard had done. This was the first time he was given a mission and there was no way the bodyguard would be tracked back to him. Also, he had made sure to avoid getting caught on the camera. The man was good and Noah decided to reward him later.     

Ivy saw the man beside her and for the first time in her life, she too felt the same way her colleagues had felt in Noah's presence. She too sensed an unknown fear rising in her heart and a chill ran down her spine. None of the men saw her pale face as they were busy viewing the chaos before them.     

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