Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

My man

My man

2Tim's photo spread far and wide and now every news channel was broadcasting it. As soon as the watchman had seen his picture on the stranger's phone, he had shown it to the media just like how Noah had expected. The old lady and her maid supported the watchman's claim and identified the man in the photo to be one to have harmed the little girl. The news became a hot top and everybody was speaking about it.      2

Noah had got what he wanted. He had used the media to corner Tim and Jared and there was no way they could escape from this mess. Now that everyone knew about the man who harmed the little girl and how he looked, the police could not try to trick the public and make somebody else take the blame. This was a routine the corrupt police officers followed and Noah was damn sure that some greedy pigs in the police department worked for Jared and Tim.     

This was how Jared and the Vipers gang operated. For all their crimes, they would use somebody else as a scapegoat and the actual criminals would escape unscathed. But this time Noah had made sure that it would not be the scenario. Tim would never get away with this and nor was he allowing him to do so too.     

Even if the police failed to do their job, he would not let Tim escape. He had already prepared all possible torture methods for him and all he had to do now was wait for his capture. His men were already on the lookout for him and it would not be long before Tim would end up in his den begging for his death.     

Ivy noticed Noah's sinister smile yet again and was spooked by it. Goosebumps rose on her skin and she was having a bad hunch, a very very bad hunch. Joshua saw her sudden change in expression. She was way too expressive and she failed to mask her thoughts. After spending a few days with her and knowing her, he could read her like a book. He followed her line of sight and saw Noah's smile and he realized immediately what had caused her to change her demeanor and became quite guarded.     

He coughed twice to get Noah's attention and when his eyes met his friend's, he pointed towards Ivy who was staring at him, deep in some thoughts. Noah too sensed that there was something wrong with the way she was looking at him. Her eyebrows were furrowed with curiosity as she stared at him hard. It was as though she was trying to peep through his soul to see what all he had hidden.     

Noah changed his expressions suddenly and smiled at her. Yet, she did not change the way she was looking at him. To save his friend as well as himself, Joshua butted in at the right time. "Ivy, are you falling for Noah's handsomeness now?"     

Joshua's loud voice broke Ivy's chain of thoughts and she almost jumped in surprise. "What?" She asked as she not heard a thing he had spoken.     

"Ivy, where is your mind? Are you bewitched by Noah now? Have you fallen for him?" Joshua complained like a jealous boyfriend and Ivy gave him a confused look.     

"What nonsense are you spouting? Is your brain filled with trash?" She retaliated right away making Noah chuckle beside them. Ivy took one glimpse at the man and she found him to be normal right now. For a second, she thought all that she had seen was just her imagination. He was the same Noah who was her sister's boyfriend and who treated her like a good friend, completely different from what she had seen just a few minutes ago.     

"Why were you looking at him as though you were ready to pounce on him and take a delicious bite?"     

Noah shook his head at his friend's choice of words. This man was hopeless when it came to matters like these. But he appreciated the effort he had put to stop Ivy from getting any more doubtful. He knew the seeds of suspicion were rising in her mind and it would not be long before she would know about his another face. He was going tell it himself, to her and Aria, once Aria came back. He would come clean before them and let them decide how they wanted to deal with everything. By then, he would make sure that all possible dangers around them were completely eradicated.     

"When did I look at Noah that way?"     

"Umm, right now." Noah decided to give his poor friend a helping hand seeing him struggle against the feisty woman.     

"See, even Noah agrees that you were looking at him weirdly. So, I was not just assuming things here." Joshua said and winked at his friend when Ivy was not looking at him.     

"I did not do anything like that." Ivy tried to refute their claims but did not know how. She knew that Joshua was jealous and even Noah had misunderstood her now. It was her mistake for staring at Noah longer than necessary. But what could she do? The man was behaving completely different than his usual ways and she could not help but wonder if what he was before her and Aria was all a pretense.     

Seeing her flustered and agitated, Joshua and Noah burst out laughing and Ivy gave them one confused look for their sudden change in attitude. It then dawned to her that the two friends were trying to pull her leg and Ivy sent one cold glare in Joshua's direction.     

"You are right," Ivy said suddenly and Noah and Joshua stopped laughing altogether. "Noah is such a formidable man. Why wouldn't I be floored by him? I was admiring his abilities and his handsomeness and for a second, I even had a crush on him."     

Joshua and Noah stared at her shock and this time Ivy took pleasure in their misery. They wanted to pull her leg? Dream on.     

"Come again," Joshua said as though he had not heard what Ivy had just muttered.     

"I said I may have had a crush on Noah. Is it wrong?" Ivy gave him one innocent look for him to believe her completely and fall for the trap.     

"Absolutely wrong. How could you have a crush on him when you like me? I object to this."      

Ivy saw his getting angry. She knew the situation may get out of hand if she continued. So, she put a break to it and started laughing all of a sudden, startling the two friends. Seeing their perplexed face, she could not help but question, "Are you the only ones allowed to pull a trick on others?"     

"Was that a prank?"     

"What do you think darling?" Ivy said with a huge smile on her face. "Noah is formidable. I agree. But I find you more charming and handsome. No offense Noah."     

"None taken."      

"Why will I go after somebody else when I already have you? No way. I already have the best gem and one is enough for me. Noah will always be my brother-in-law and a good friend. But you are my boyfriend and my man. Keep this mind and never question my feelings for you."     

Joshua's heart leaped in happiness hearing her sweet words. His mind was fixed on the two words she had said, my man. They had never sounded this beautiful and sweet before. Joshua wondered if she was confessing her feelings for him and it made him feel warm all the more. Without wasting another second, he pulled her closer and pecked her lips.     

"Get a room you two." Noah cried. He was already missing Aria quite bad and these two love birds were adding fuel to the fire by being all lovey-dovey before him. "Are you trying to torment single dogs here?"     

"Who is single here?"     

"Ivy, until Aria's return Noah is nothing but a single man," Joshua answered her and faced Noah. "You were trying to annoy us by flaunting your love before us. Now it is my turn to do the same. How does it feel to be fed with the same medicine? I don't know about you, but I am loving it." Ivy jabbed him trying to stop him from speaking but the man went on and on ignoring her subtle hints.     

"Wait until Aria returns. I'll get back at you with interest." Noah challenged and the two friends had a strong face off until the three people burst out laughing.      

Meanwhile, the situation was not as peaceful as it was at Ivy's side. Jared had lost all his smile and it was all because of Tim. The man had made a grave mistake and it was costing Jared in return. As soon he heard the news about an armed man in an apartment complex, he knew that Tim had fucked up big time. Tim had never been this careless before. So, it made him question how things had gone wrong. However, Jared was able to control the situation until Tim's photo started circulating in the news channels.     

Now everybody knew how the armed man looked and it would just be a matter of time that he would get caught. Jared concluded that this issue would never end as the man who had ignited the fire would never allow the flames to die. He clenched his fists in anger and wanted to smash something or even better, kill the man behind all his misery. "Noah, just you wait and watch. I'll not let you off easily."     

After a lot of thinking, Jared made a decision. He had to eliminate Tim now as he had become useless. If he was kept alive, there was no doubt he would be implicated someday. He was not a man who tried to protect his people. No. Once they become useless, he would cast them aside like trash. Not wasting another minute, he dialed a number. "I want you to finish Tim before the matter blows up."     


Hey guys,     

I have entered the WPC with my book 'Trapped for Eternity'. Please do give it a read and drop your reviews and thoughts. Also, give your votes to Trapped for Eternity until the contest ends.     

Love you loads     

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