Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Know everything

Know everything

3Hey guys,     3

Please read my other book 'Trapped for Eternity'. It has entered the WPC. Your thoughts and suggestions are highly appreciated. So, do give me your reviews about the book. Also, until the contest ends, please vote for Trapped for Eternity.     


An hour later.     

Tim stared at Noah who in turn was glaring at him, making him squirm in his seat. Not only was Tim being attacked with cold daggers from Noah, there another man who was shooting bullets thorough his eyes. Tim did not even dare to meet the man's eyes as he was guilty. He was guilty of trying to enter into his girlfriend's house in her absence.     

"Why did you want to meet us?" Noah broke the silence and started the talk.     

It had come as a surprise when Tim had called Ivy wanting to meet Noah. Though Noah knew what Tim wanted from him, his anger towards him was for a different reason altogether. Tim could have chosen to approach him using any other method. But the stupid man had called Ivy to speak to him. He was right beside her when she had received the call and had seen her look of doubt and confusion. The seed of suspicion which he had tried to pull out from her mind had been replanted after this call. He wanted to smack Tim for his foolishness.     

However, Joshua's anger was for another reason. He was furious thinking about Tim's courage. He had broken into Ivy's house even after knowing that she was his girlfriend. How bold was he! he had to applaud him for even thinking about it.     

Tim closed his eyes, took a deep breath before he started speaking. "I will help you."     

"Why would I need your help?" Noah asked with amusement dancing in his eyes.     

"To destroy Jared. I know you want to kill him."     

"We do want to kill him, but not with your help. We will do it ourselves." Joshua said in an instant making Tim shut up.     

The room became quiet at once. For convenience sake, Tim had gone to meet Noah at his office after the wee hours. He was in a disguise as he had to save himself from the police, the angry mob as well Jared's men. To avoid him from being seen from the employees who were working overtime, Ronnie had escorted Tim directly from the underground parking to the top floor through Noah's private elevator. While the two daunting men were interrogating Tim, Ronnie was savoring his caramel iced tea at the side.     

One of Ronnie's favorite things other than killing men mercilessly was caramel iced tea and it was something he could drink all day. His colleagues and his team members had ridiculed him for his weird taste. But the man did not care. He loved the tea and he drank it, savoring every drop of it.     

"But I know about him more than you do. I can give you all the information about him and his work. Won't it be beneficial to you?" Tim asked after a lot of thinking.     

"We can find out about Jared ourselves too, although that might take more time than it would with your help. But eventually, we will. So, why do we have to use your help?" Noah stressed the same question. He was waiting for the answer he wanted, not something he already knew.     

Tim was silent for a long time this time and Noah sighed. "I don't have time for your meaningless tricks. If you have nothing to say, you may leave."     

Noah stood up to leave and seeing him stand, Joshua too followed suit. But they halted in their places when they heard Tim's next words. "Don't you want to know who killed your mentor?"     

The two friends immediately turned to him in shock. They had been dying to know who was the man who had killed their mentor. Their hands were itching for the man's blood. However, they were helpless in this matter. They did not know who the man was or even what he looked like. Even Oliver who had witnessed the scene directly could not tell who had killed Theo. How did Tim find out about it?     

"How do you know about it?" Noah asked with a skeptical look while Joshua was still stupefied.     

"I know everything, Mr. Carter. I was right there when they discussed it and ridiculed your mentor after they killed him that day."     

Noah and Joshua went to their seats and waited for Tim to continue. "I know everything about your mentor and the reason why he was killed. Theo wanted to find the culprit behind the organ trafficking case. He was almost about to reach to that person when the man himself killed him."     

"Who killed my mentor?" Noah seethed, his hands clenching in fury.     

"I don't know what is name is or how he looks. But he is someone who is more powerful than Jared. He is Jared' Godfather. He was the one who killed Theo."     

"Do you expect us to trust you?" Joshua blurted out immediately when Tim had stopped speaking.     

"No. I don't. You are right to suspect me. I worked for your enemy and now I have come to you. You have all the reasons to suspect me and I'll not blame you either. If I were you, I would have done the same."      

Noah narrowed his eyes and observed Tim's face for a long time. The man was answering every question without stammering and whenever he spoke his kept eye contact with him. His confidence surprised him a lot. Noah deduced that either Tim was being honest before them or he was an exceptional actor.     

"Why did you come to us? What do you want?"     

"I want protection. I don't want to die yet."     

"Who wants to kill you?"     

"Jared. he has given orders for his men to kill me. I don't want to die yet."     

"I see." Noah tapped his finger on the armrest while he pondered the situation. Keeping Tim with him would only help him to overtake Jared fast. The man knew a lot of things that could be of help to them. However, he was not sure if he wanted to risk trusting him. What if he turned out to be a spy? What if he had other intentions in mind and everything he told here was just an act to get their trust?     

Meanwhile, Joshua started to fire his own questions to Tim. "What do you know about Ivy?"     

Tim furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He wondered where did Ivy come from in this conversation and how was she even related to the matter. Not knowing what Joshua had in mind, he answered him honestly. "I know a little more than what everybody around her knows."     

"Care to elaborate?"     

"I just know that she is a journalist and she is your girlfriend." Tim started only to be interrupted by Joshua.     

"Not that. What do you know about her family?"     

"I know that she has a twin sister and her name is Aria." As soon as Tim took Aria's name, Noah's heart jumped out of his chest. He was now worried thinking how much Tim knew and how much he had told Jared.      

"She is a doctor and she words at Regal Medical Hospital."     

"And?" Joshua prompted.     

"That's it," Tim answered.     

"Are you telling the truth?"     

"Yes," Tim answered still in confusion. He had tried to find out more about Ivy and that was all he had got. Even Maggie had been unsuccessful in getting more information about her. This had come as a shock to him and he had wondered for a long time about it. Why was Ivy's information hidden and by whom?     

Now he got his answer. Ivy was Joshua's girlfriend. He must have done something to keep her protected. That explained everything. He became curious thinking about it. What could they have possibly hidden and why were they worried if he knew anything about her or not? He was impatient to ask this question, but he knew he would not get his answer, not today at least. So, he remained quiet.     

"Hmm." Though Joshua had his doubts, he did not stress on it further. It was true that Ivy and Aria's details were hidden and it was he who had done it. But that did not mean they were completely erased. Any hacker of top caliber with good skills would retrieve the information in seconds.     

After a lot of thinking, Noah made his decision. "I am giving you the benefit of doubt and trusting you for now. Don't make me regret my decision. If you ever betray me, remember this clearly, I'll destroy your family."     

Noah's intimidating gaze and warning petrified Tim. He would never try to cross this man ever. He had already lost the woman he had loved dearly, he did not want to lose his daughter too as a consequence of his wrath. Going against him was the last thing he had in mind.     

"I understand. Thank you so much for your help." He replied and thanked him sincerely.     

"Ronnie, take him to UL2. Let him stay there for a few months and warn the kids not to speak about him outside the base."     

"Yes, Boss," Ronnie replied almost at once. By then he had finished his favorite iced tea. But he was not satisfied, he was craving for more. So, he decided to buy a few more cups on his way.     

Tim and Ronnie left Noah's office silently. "Why do you want him to go to UL2? What if he betrays us?"     

"He wouldn't dare and if he did, I'll kill him personally. Let's go to your home."     

"Why are you coming with me?"     

"We have things to discuss with Ivy. She has become suspicious of us and I don't want you to get implicated because of me."     

"How long are we going to hide about us from her?"     

"Until Aria returns. I'll tell her everything once she comes back. But you can go ahead and tell the truth. I don't mind."     

"No, I'll wait too. Let's do it together." Joshua sighed and shook his head thinking about what the future held for them.     

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