Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Little angel

Little angel

0Hey guys,     

Until the contest ends, please give all your votes to Trapped for Eternity. Also, give it a read and tell me how you feel about it. Do drop your reviews and motivate me to write better.     


The next day.     

Norman Litner was finally discharged from the hospital after staying for long. Since the time he had woken up, he had been recuperating well and was dying to leave the hospital. It made him feel sick all the more. But he was asked to stay until he recovered completely. He was in a critical situation and the doctors did not want to take any risk with his health. Now that he was fine, the doctor had given him her acceptance to leave. But he still had to come every fifteen days for a regular check-up and radiation therapy.     

During the time he was admitted to the hospital, his granddaughter, Violet and his assistant John would come to visit him every day and spend ample time with him. Every day, before leaving her house, Violet would look forward to meeting her favorite uncle, Ian only to end up disappointed. She had not met him even once and she was missing him a lot.     

As Norman waited with Violet while John was taking care of all the discharge procedures, he saw her dejected face and couldn't help but sigh in helplessness. The girl was deeply attached to the doctor though they had only met recently. So, he could not help but pity for her. She had lost her parents at such a young age and she never received the fatherly love she needed. Norman adored his granddaughter, but his love could not even hold a candle to the love of a parent.      

At times like these, he sincerely wished that his younger son was around him. He could have provided the little girl with the love and care she was devoid of. But he would then remember how he had treated his own son and his heart would be filled up with remorse. When he had treated his own son as a stranger, how could he expect his son to take care of somebody else's daughter, though she was his niece, and to treat her like a daughter? His wishes were absurd, yet he could not stop being hopeful. He did not have much time left.     

Although he was cured of cancer now, he was still old while Violet was just a six year old girl. She did not have anybody else to take care of her other than him and John. So, he wanted to find his son as soon as possible at least for Violet's sake. He also had to apologize for his behavior back then before his son went missing.      

Violet was getting bored waiting for John. She slipped off her chair and started to walk towards the door. Norman was deep in his thoughts. So, he did not see her slip away.     

Violet went around the hospital, trying to see if she could find her favorite uncle. But the hospital was too big and there were a lot of people around. She could not see the person she was looking for anywhere. Not giving up hope, she dragged her body to all the wards she had not visited yet. She was walking along a small corridor, her mind completely absent. So, she did not see the two men who were walking in her direction. She smacked her head right into one's of the men's knees and she fell on her butt due to the impact.     

"Ouch." She cried and thought for a few seconds. She did not know whether to rub her forehead first or pat her buttocks as both the parts were paining. She stood up and her one hand patted her butt while the other rubbed her forehead. She then looked at the two men who were standing before her and glared at them. "Can't you see where you are going?" She asked with her cute and adorable voice making the two men melt into molten wax.     

Ryder and Preston were on their way to meet Valarie when Violet ran into Ryder. He was busy discussing things with Preston and he had not seen the little girl who barely reached his stomach. Since the day Valarie was admitted to the hospital, Ryder and Preston had been in charge of all the work and they would occasionally discuss things with their Deputy. At other times, Valarie was not even allowed to mingle in their matters and was ordered to take rest.      

"My bad, dear. I was not looking." Ryder squatted down and apologized to her. "What is a cutie like you doing here? Where are your parents?"     

"I don't have parents. They are dead." Violet said out of the blue and her happy face became sad at once. Ryder and Preston looked at each other and the next second, Preston carried her in his arms.     

"Who is with you, dear? Have you come here alone?"     

"No. My grandpa is here."     

"And where is your grandpa?"      

"He is waiting for Uncle John."     

"Okay, where is this Uncle John?" Preston asked, chuckling lightly. The little girl in his arms was very interesting and he had come to like her right away. She was just too cute.     

"There he is." Violet pointed towards John who was coming towards with a grave expression. But he masked it immediately when he saw Violet. He rushed to her and started to scold her gently.     

"Violet, why did you leave your grandpa alone? How many times have I told you not to wander away alone? Don't do it again okay?" John reprimanded her gently and Violet nodded at him with his head down. "Sorry."     

"I apologize for the trouble she caused you and thank you for taking care of her." John thanked the two men sincerely. "Violet. come on. Your grandpa must be waiting for you."     

"Can't I stay with the handsome uncles while you bring grandpa down?"     

"But Violet we need to leave."     

"Please." She pouted and begged with her sweet voice making the three men to stare at her lovingly.     

"It's okay. She can stay with us. We will in the ward right here." Preston pointed towards the ward that was behind Violet and it was where Valarie was staying. He could take the cute girl to Violet and she could talk to her. The woman must be dying of boredom by now. She could as well get some company.     

"But.." John was not sure if he should leave Violet with these strangers. What if they were not good and had some bad intentions? What if they took Violet with them? You never know when what may happen.     

Ryder could make out what was running in the man's mind and he was not angry at him for thinking this way about them. The man did not know them and it was highly dangerous to allow a kid to stay with an unknown person.     

"Sir, how about this? We will come with you and all of us could go and meet our friend who is in the ward. She might need some company right now. She must be dying of boredom." Ryder joked and this time Violet answered happily.     

"Yes, yes. Uncle John. Yes. Come." She chirped happily and John finally gave you.     

"I apologize for the trouble."     

"Not at all." Ryder smiled at the man and then looked at Violet. She vaguely resembled someone he knew but he could not tell who.     

Shortly after, they reached Norman's ward to meet a panicky old man who was crying like a small child. John went to him and consoled him immediately. He knew why he was crying and it was all because of Violet. "Sir, Violet is back. Please compose yourself."     

Hearing Violet's name, Norman looked up and saw her in a stranger's arms and he limped towards her in relief. He had been worried when he had not seen Violet around him anywhere. He had even gone out of his ward to search for her and had banged his leg against the door in the process. Now that Violet was fine, he sighed in relief.     

"Don't scare me like that child. Don't ever leave grandpa alone." He gave his granddaughter a stern look that did not last long. The next second, he caressed her cheek lovingly. "Where did you find her?"     

John recounted everything that had happened and Violet's wish to stay with the men. Though Norman was reluctantly to meet a stranger as it would be too awkward for him, he gave in when Preston, Ryder and Violet forced him to.     

The four men and the little girl went to Valarie's ward who at that moment was curing Ryder and Preston badly. She had nothing to do for the past few days other than to take rest and read the boring magazines in the ward and that was making her hellishly sick. She was a woman who hated sitting idle even for a second and now she was spending her time doing nothing. This was making her angry and she even concluded she would even up being seriously sick if this continued.     

As soon as the door opened, she was ready with her string of curses to hurl them at her friends when she stopped on seeing Preston carry a cute girl in his arms. "Oh my. Who is this cutie?" She not only changed her words, even her tone and look had changed. Preston and Ryder secretly sighed in relief. They had been worried thinking about meeting their furious Deputy. But the little girl had solved their problem without even doing anything. She had come in as an angel to them.     

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