Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Wicked idea

Wicked idea

3The next day.     

Ivy was still blushing a deep shade of red as she silently ate her breakfast. Contrary to her flustered state, Joshua looked as excited as a kid on a Christmas day and he was brimming with energy. He was on cloud nine and it was all because of the things that had transpired in his room the previous day.      

Ivy's hand shook as she tried to pick up the spoon and she was having difficulty eating the food on her plate. Noticing her uncomfortable situation, Joshua held his spoon before her, making her stare at it for a few seconds before her eyes went to him. "Let me help you."     

"I am fine." She answered blatantly and tried to pick up the spoon, but her hand shook again. They had become sore after what she had done yesterday.     

"Ivy, stop being stubborn and eat. After breakfast, I'll massage your hand. You'll feel better."     


"No buts. Eat it or we will repeat whatever we did yesterday. Your choice."     

That shut her up and Ivy started eating as Joshua fed her, thoroughly enjoying her plight. She looked absolutely adorable and if she did not have work to do today, he would have dragged her to his room and repeated everything they had done the previous night.     

After their breakfast was done, he held her sore arm in his and started massaging them slowly. But at one point, a wicked idea came to his mind and the next second he placed her hand on his trousers, making Ivy jump from her seat. She looked at him flabbergasted while the man in question started laughing seeing her cute face. Ivy could still not forget what had happened yesterday and the man here wanted to do it again. No way, never.     

She remembered what had transpired in the room between them and her face heated up all of a sudden.     


Ivy was still reeling in the aftermath of her orgasm. So, she did not know what was happening around her nor did she notice Joshua smiling at her with love oozing out his eyes. He had never seen a woman so beautiful after having an orgasm. Ivy looked like a sex goddess lying beneath him with the way her hair was sprawled on the white pillow, her eyes dazed in ecstasy due to the post-orgasmic bliss, and her chest heaving as she took in large chunks of air.      

Joshua stared at the marks he had left on her body and was satisfied with them. He pecked her lips and waited for her to return to earth.      

"That was..." Ivy stopped not getting a word to finish her sentence.     

"Good or bad?" Joshua asked with a cryptic smile even though he knew the answer to it, but he wanted Ivy to tell it.     

"Amazing, if that is the word you are looking for. Thank you." Ivy said, giving him an alluring smile.     

"Welcome, sweetheart. Now it's my turn." Joshua smirked as he said the words and removed his shirt slowly.     

"What do you mean?" Ivy panicked, seeing his bare torso not knowing what the man wanted to do next. However, she was sure that the man was full of wicked ideas and his smirk was the proof to it. His mysterious gaze and his ambiguous words sent her warning signals and she wanted to escape from his clutches. But the man's legs were tangled with hers and he was pressing down on her. So, she could not move even if she wanted to.     

"I need a reward for all the hard work I have done today." Seeing her horrified expression, Joshua chuckled lightly. "Wait a minute. Did you think we were done?"     

Ivy nodded like a spring doll as she ogled at his naked torso. She never knew that the sweet-looking Joshua had a body that would make girls to get a nosebleed. He was damn hot and he was all hers. She could not take her eyes from his delicious body which Joshua too noticed.     

"Stop salivating. I am all yours and you can eat me anytime you want. And, we are not done, not yet. Oh no, sweetheart. This is just the beginning, we still have a lot to do."     

Ivy gave one confused look which changed to shock when Joshua even took off his pants. "What the hell are you doing?"     

"What? I am just removing my pants."     


"I need to have my pants off for the next thing I have in mind."     

"What do you mean? What are thinking of doing?"     

"You just had your share and now its time for mine." With that, Joshua even removed his boxers and stood naked before Ivy. He grinned at her as her eyes wandered all over his body before it settled at his manhood. Man, Joshua was well bestowed in that area and Ivy could do nothing but stare at his little friend flabbergasted.     

"Don't look at me that way sweetheart. I am all yours, including my little devil here. You can do anything you want with him that does not include chopping it off or hurting it you know. I am the only son to my parents and I have this huge responsibility of taking my family line to the next generation. Let me warn you beforehand about this and I think you know who would be the mother of my babies."     

Joshua's shameless statement made Ivy to glare at him. Until this day, she never knew his shamelessness knew no bounds. The man was brazen and he did nothing to hide this personality of his, at least not before her. He presented all he had before her with pride and moreover, naked.      

"What babies? I ain't gonna be making any babies with you. You are dreaming." Ivy said, averting her eyes in embarrassment. She had long forgotten that her chest was still bare before him, but Joshua didn't. He enjoyed the view that was presented to him until his heart was satisfied.      

"Oh, sweetheart. Don't worry. You might be against the thought of babies right now, I am sure you will be singing a different song altogether in the future. But that is something we will talk about later. Now, we have other things to attend to."     

"What other things?"     

"I need your help."     

"In what?"     

"In this." Joshua immediately held her hand and placed it on his bulging manhood and Ivy almost fainted with the sensation she was feeling in her hand. She tried to pull back, but the man was adamant to get what he wanted and held her hand tightly. The soft-touch of her hand on his excited body part was making him feel wonderful. He moved her hand slowly against Ivy's wishes and he could see that she was getting uncomfortable. Seeing her scrunched up face, he stopped immediately though he did not want to. He was already in a difficult situation and releasing her hand made it all the more painful.     

"It's okay, Ivy. I won't do anything to you if you are uncomfortable. We will take this slow."     

But contrary to his expectations, Ivy did not budge this time. She placed her hand back on his erection. "I'll help you." She said with her cheeks shaded with a color of deep red. Her breath came out short, but she looked at him determinedly.     

"But Ivy, I don't want you to anything you don't want to."     

"I am fine Joshua and I want to do this."     

"Are you sure?"     


With that Ivy started to moved her hands on his manhood and Joshua took a deep breath. The small ministrations of hers was making him feel things he had never felt before and the sweet torture felt so good that he wanted it to go on forever.     

Joshua groaned as Ivy's movements became faster. He could guess that this was her first time and she was nervous. But there was nothing to worry about as he was here to guide her. He stopped her fast movements immediately. "Not so fast, sweetheart. Take it slow." He almost ordered and Ivy nodded before her speed reduced.     

"Yes, baby. That's it. You are doing so well. Yes. Perfect." He groaned and Ivy's ears almost bled hearing his words, but somewhere in her heart, she felt proud of herself for being able to make Joshua feel this way. She was proud of what she was doing even though she was extremely shy and embarrassed.     

Joshua's manhood bulged as her movements continued and with this, Ivy's eyes too widened in disbelief at how huge it became. It did not take him long before he found his release and his juices were all on Ivy's hand. He took a moment to come back to earth after the amazing orgasm he had after a long time. He then led Ivy to the bathroom and cleaned her hands completely.      

Joshua was still naked and Ivy's chest was bare to his eyes. As soon as his gaze fell on her delectable breasts, his gaze darkened once again. Seeing his heated gaze, Ivy followed his line of sight and saw what he was looking at and her eyes widened once again. Immediately, she covered herself with her hands and before the man could start the session again, she rushed out of the bathroom, wore her shirt at an incomprehensible speed and ran away with her bra in her hand. She did even see Joshua who was watching her like a hawk with amusement dancing in his eyes.     

"Are you remembering what we did yesterday?" Joshua's shameless words brought her out of her thoughts and she blushed even more. Seeing the state she was in, made Jo ecstatic. He could not help but want to tease her more. He had seen her go into a daze and he could guess what she was thinking. His lips curved up with an evil smile and he could not help but comment, "Don't worry, sweetheart. We will do it again today."     

"Who wants to do it with you? I don't want to do anything. No." Ivy panicked. She realized if she continued to stay here any longer, the man would surely devour her. She picked up her bag. "I'm leaving now. Bye." With that, she ran away as fast as she could without even looking back. All she could hear was Joshua's laughter which sounded utterly sinister to her before she closed the door.     

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