Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Weird fetish

Weird fetish

0Just like how Aria had to put up with a hyper-active sister and a boyfriend, even Ian had to face the same. But this time, it was Joshua and Ronnie. Joshua had gone to pick up Oliver with Ronnie early in the morning just as decided. From there, they had come to Ian's house to pick him. But before that, they had not forgotten to give Oliver a makeover.      2

Due to his recent sickness, Oliver already looked quite old and fragile. They had given him a makeover by putting a wig on him and a white beard along with some makeup. Now he looked like an old man who could easily pass off as Joshua's grandfather. Even Oliver himself was shocked by the disguise. He could not recognize who he was when he had looked at the mirror.     

After working on his disguise successfully, Ronnie and Joshua had safely escorted Oliver to their car, hiding him away from other people. Even the guard in charge of Ian's company did not know how they had managed to do it. He had not seen Oliver at all. Nobody in the company knew that Ian had a secret exit door.     

Now, they were at Ian's house running around to make sure that he had taken everything with him as Oliver watched on.     

"Ian, have you taken your underwear?" Joshua asked as he pulled a drawer in the cupboard.     


"Then, what is this?" He held a boxer shorts in front of Ian. "What did I tell you? Take as many clothes as possible. You never know when you will get the opportunity to take a bath. At least you could change clothes.     

Ian gave him a bored look as Joshua blabbered on and on non-stop. Seeing Ian give him a weird stare, he shut up in confusion. "Did I say anything weird?"     


"Then, why are you looking at me like I am a brainless idiot."     

"Because you are a brainless idiot."     

"What? How dare you. I was asking you only because I found these in the drawer. People don't appreciate kindness at all." Joshua wailed like a small kid.     

"Jo, enough with your drama. Open your eyes and see clearly. Those boxers are yours, not mine."     

"What?" Joshua shrieked all of a sudden startling everyone. His voice was louder than a high school girl who had just met her favorite k-pop idol.     

"Yeah." Ian nodded and closed his trolley bag lid. He was done with his packing.     

"Ian." Joshua shrieked again and this time, Ronnie who was standing the closest to him covered his ears immediately. He did want to become deaf due to some obnoxious man's high pitched wail. Oliver too who was watching everything, cowered hearing his scream.     

"Jo, shut up," Ian ordered with a cold glare and the screaming man shut up immediately. The glaring Ian was more fearful than the all-time cold Noah.      

"Ian, answer this one question." Jo started and Ian looked at him waiting for him to continue. "Do you have a fetish for other men's underwear?"     

Ian's gaze became cold at once and Joshua cowered in fear. "Hey, I was just kidding. No need to get flustered. I understand that people have weird tendencies." Joshua smiled in understanding.     

"Are you done with your crap?" Ian seethed.     

"What do you mean?"     

"Remember, you passed out at my house last time when you were drunk."     

"Yeah? Did you take my boxers when I was out?" Joshua gasped and Ian was on the verge of punching him, but he controlled himself. He did not want to pick a fight with this idiot when he about to leave. "Ian, how could you do this to me?" Joshua continued with this act.     

"I am done. You continue with your act. I am going to leave."     

"Hey, wait for me," Joshua shouted and ran behind him. "But, please answer my question before you leave."     

"You forgot these at my house after you changed into a new set of clothes the next day."     

"Oh, is it?" Joshua gave Ian a cheeky grin. "I thought something else."     

Hearing his words, Oliver could not control himself and he laughed out loud. "You guys are so funny. Do you fight like this every time?"     

"You have no idea, Mr. West. This is nothing compared to what I have witnessed before." Ronnie replied. "They are like Tom and Jerry. Neither can they stay together nor can they stay away from each other."     

"Your friendship is so good," Oliver commented. His face was blooming with happiness which the three men noticed. After a long time of being in isolation, seeing the outside world made him tremendously exuberant.     

"I am glad that our squabble is entertaining someone. I did not live my life for nothing." Joshua commented, wiping his non-existent tears. "By the way, where is the lover boy, Noah?"     

"He is with Aria," Ian said and took a look at Oliver. He is going to drive Aria and Ivy to the grounds. Ian noticed Oliver's sad face. "Are you alright Mr. West?"     

"Yes, I am fine." Oliver let out a forced smile. He had strengthened his heart long back. He could not falter now.     

"The lover boy is going more and more away from us. Now he doesn't even give us time. He has to be reprimanded." Joshua complained and Oliver's sadness vanished. He chuckled once more.     

"Is it? Can you reprimand him? Do you have the guts?"     

"Yes. Are you challenging me?"     

"Yeah. If you take it that way, then I am challenging you." Ian shrugged and picked his phone. It was time for him to leave.     

"Okay. I accept the challenge. I will definitely reprimand him."     

"But, I want you to do it in front of me." Ian put forth the condition. He had guessed Joshua's intentions just by looking at his face. He knew Joshua would try to placate him with lies. Hearing his condition, Joshua's waging tail drooped like a wilted flower.     

"I give up."     

"I knew you could not do it. Now, let's go. Mr. West, let's go. It's time for you to see your daughters."     

Ian took a step forward but he had to stop when Joshua hugged him all of a sudden. Before Ian could comprehend what had happened, he had pulled back. "Take care," Joshua said indifferently.     

Ian smiled at this man's cute behavior. He knew how his behavior was. Even though he liked to pull his leg, he could never see him hurt. Jo was a true friend in all aspects and Ian considered himself to be blessed to get a friend like him.     

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