Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Happy news

Happy news

2It was past six in the evening when Noah allowed the girls to return to the hospital. It had taken him almost an hour to convince Ivy that her man was fine, and they would be returning to see him in the evening. When Ivy was still not convinced, Noah had almost resorted to threats to make her go to sleep. Only then did the girl gave up arguing.      0

"She is just like a child," Noah stated, watching Ivy sprint at full speed toward the ICU. "Stubborn and difficult."     

"Can't help. It runs in the family." Aria added, walking beside Noah. "I don't blame her though. If I was in her shoes, I would have lost my mind too." Although this was not a matter to smile about, Aria's words made Noah's lips rise.      

"Do you think our will daughter will be like this too?" Noah's sudden question threw Aria off guard, and she stood frozen in her spot for a second. Seeing Aria stop, Noah too halted and stared at her, wondering what had happened. "Aria?"     

His low voice brought Aria out of her reverie, and she blinked at him in a daze. "Yes?"     

"Why did you stop walking?"     

"Ah, nothing." Aria was too embarrassed to speak about kids. So, she tried her best to not show him her flustered state. However, the man read her like an open book. By now, Noah was adroit at reading his girl, and he knew she was blushing. However, he did not continue the topic much to Aria's relief. Instead, he held her hand and led her towards Joshua's ward. Ivy was already near the ward, and she was staring at the man through the glass pane.     

Aria nodded at Noah before she went inside and checked on her sister's man. Ian was nowhere to be found. But that did not stop her from checking on him, and she was pleasantly surprised to see how fast the man was recovering. His response to the treatment was amazing. 'If this continues, he might wake up by the end of this week.' Aria presumed, excitement filling her. 'Ivy will be overjoyed to hear the news.'     

Just as she had expected, Ivy was ecstatic to hear the news. She hugged her sister, thanking her for her work while Aria just patted her back, consoling her. Noah too was happy, and he grinned like a small kid. But his smile vanished as quickly as it had come. "Shit!!" He cursed. alerting the sisters.     

"What?" Ivy looked at him in panic.     

"I forgot to inform Joshua's parents about this. Fuck!!!"     

"Noah," Aria chided him, and Noah slapped his mouth, realizing what he had done.      

"Sorry," He smiled at her sheepishly. "Let me inform them about Joshua."     

"Could you also tell Maggie about Joshua's condition? She must be worried for him." The moment Maggie had left the warehouse, she had discarded her phone. So, Noah could only dial Joshua's landline to relay the information.     

He returned after a few minutes, and Ivy looked at him expectantly. "I have informed Maggie, and she will be moving in with us for the time being. You too, Ivy. You will be staying with us until Joshua recovers."     

Ivy was too exhausted to argue with him. She just nodded at him, and she could use some company too. "What did Joshua's parents say?"     

"As expected. They are angry, worried, and beyond scared." Noah sighed, running his hand through his hair. "They will be here soon." Nobody said a word for a long time, each staring in different directions. "I hate this." Noah was the first one to break the silence. "In the last few months, many people close to me have become patients, and damn it. Each time, the severity only raises."     

Aria realized what he was talking about whilst Ivy stared at him in confusion. "Who else other than Aria and Joshua have fallen sick?"     

"Ivy, did you forget how I met Noah?" Aria's question made Ivy recall Aria's love story, and she nodded at her.      

"Who else?"     

"My grandfather and my sister." Noah pursed his lips, closing his eyes for a second. "I hate this."     

"Noah, calm down." Aria skipped to him and held his hand, clasping her fingers with his.     

"No Aria. I am having a bad feeling about this. I am not sure why?"     

"Noah, you are just overthinking this. All our circumstances were different."     

Noah did not have the opportunity to reply to Aria when Ian joined them. "Hey, guys." He chirped, his face blooming with a large smile. "I have some good news and seeing your relaxed expressions, I guess Aria must have already told you about it."     

"Is it about Joshua?" Ivy queried, and Ian nodded at her.     

"Yes. I have got the lab reports and we were able to cure his hemophilia, albeit not completely. But I am sure with our treatment, we will be able to cure him."     

Ian's words made everyone smile in happiness, and Noah sighed in relief. "That annoying man made it."     

"He sure did. Lucky him." Although Ian's words depicted that he was saddened by the news, his face said otherwise. His smile had not left him, and that was the case with others too.      

"When can I meet him?" Ivy stared at Ian hopefully. She so badly wanted to caress Joshua's face and talk to him.      

"Soon Ivy. Once his condition stabilizes, we will move him to the VIP ward. You can meet him then." Ian assured he,r and Ivy once again put a leash to her slipping control.     

Right at this moment, Noah's phone rang disturbing their happy moment. He moved to the side and picked up his phone. "Hello?"     

"Noah, it's me, Maggie. I have something urgent to tell you."     

"Yes, Maggie. Tell me." He frowned, wondering what had happened now.     

"Noah, I have been monitoring Jared's warehouse since the time I came here."     

"And? Did you find out anything?"     

"Yes, Jared's Godfather seems to have fallen sick. I am not sure what has happened. But it looks serious."     

"And?" Noah's eyebrows raised at this information, his smile vanishing.     

"And, he is admitted to the same hospital as Joshua is in right."     

"Is that bastard in Regal Medical Hospital? Where is he? Who is he?" Noah seethed, tightening his grasp on his phone.     

"Yes, and you know him too. He is your father's ex-wife's current husband, Charles Miller."     

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