Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Love and pleasure - Part 2

Love and pleasure - Part 2

3Noah slowly eased her on the bed after removing her shirt and her torn bra. Her soft breasts were bare for him to see and he appreciated Aria's beauty, worshipping her with his eyes. His hands descended down, attempting to remove her trousers while he maintained eye contact with her. His intense gaze made Aria blush and her ears and neck turned red immediately.       1

He removed her trousers slowly, a pace that was too slow for her liking. Noah's scorching gaze and his previous ministrations had already aroused Aria. She wanted him to just yank her trousers off and help her get the relief she needed. However, she controlled herself when her rationality warned her of her actions. She waited patiently and finally, she was just in her underwear, her beautiful body lying underneath the man who had captured her heart.      

Noah fixed his eyes on her innocent ones and they moved down to her swollen lips, courtesy of his fierce kisses. His eyes then descended further down and admired the two hickeys he had left on her neck and collar bone before his eyes fell on her delectable breasts. His erection throbbed, making it impossible for him to control himself any longer.     

Giving in to his desires, Noah leaned in kissed her on her naval and Aria ran her hands through his hair, getting lost in the pleasure he was bestowing upon her. Her hands dropped when she felt Noah run his tongue on her belly button and she clutched the bedsheet tight. Noah adjusted himself such that her entrance was right before his eyes and he kissed her lightly.      

Although Aria was still wearing her underwear, she could still feel his hot breath and his lips on her and she shuddered in delight. "Noah," A low moan escaped her lips, and this time, she did not cover her mouth in embarrassment. Encouraged by her moans, Noah kissed her again his hands holding her waistband of the skimpy garment and dragging them down along the contours of her sexy legs.      

Aria was aroused beyond his imagination. He could see her bud glistening in desire. Taking a deep breath and inhaling the scent of sweet arousal that belonged to his woman alone, he trusted his finger inside her. The sudden intrusion made Aria's mind explode and she arched her back. She panted lightly, adjusting to his finger. However, before she could even calm down, Noha started moving his finger slowly, keeping his eyes on Aria's dazed and pleasured face.      

Aria could not help but moan and gasp while the man continued to pump his finger inside her. Deciding to take things further, he inserted another finger inside her and this time, he hit her spot accurately. Aria moaned out loud at the sensation and she curled her toes. Her mind had already stopped working, her heart was thundering at a pace she could not comprehend and her body was not even under her control.      

Noah was controlling her like the master he was and Aria could only surrender to him, allowing him to as he pleased. He did not allow her to calm down even a second, hitting her sweet spot every time and Aria had reduced to a moaning mess. She bit on her lip to stop herself from making any more noises. Noticing her small act, Noah dived in for a kiss, pulling her lips apart and forcing his tongue inside her mouth. Meanwhile, he did not stop his fingers from pleasuring her.     

Aria did not know what was even happening with her. Noah's lips and fingers were doing magic to her. Liquid heat started to pool in her lower abdomen and she started to find herself climbing towards something she was not sure what. But she was certain that she wanted it. She wanted to reach the peak and touch the far away galaxy that was calling out for her.     

However, to her horror, Noah pulled back when the volcano in her was just about to erupt and Aria mewled at the loss of contact. "Patience, darling. Patience." He chuckled and licked his lips before he dived in to kiss her bud. Aria's eyes widened in shock and immediately after, she sucked in a sharp breath when she felt his tongue lick her clit.     

The sensation was too much for her to bear and she tried to move away from him. But the man held her by her waist, stopping her from escaping while his tongue continued to feast on her sweetness. Aria felt him run his tongue slowly while he savored her to his heart's content. She started sprinting towards the peak, trying to catch hold of the pleasure she so desperately craved for. She was so close. All she needed was a small nudge and then she would see stars, maybe even the Milky Way.     

However, right when she was about to combust into flames, Noah pulled back and rolled away from her. He released her completely, his body a few inches away from her. The sudden loss of contact made Aria blink in confusion and she gaped at the man in horror. "Noah," She called out to him, who had closed his eyes at that moment. Her voice stunned her, she sounded nothing like she usually did. It had gone husky but to Noah, it was the sexiest sound he had ever heard.     

  "Yes, Aria?" He questioned without opening his eyes. His indifferent attitude irked the girl all the more. She was already frustrated from being denied and combined with his attitude, it only made her want to kick him in his rear. Yet, she took a deep breath shooing away her anger for the time being.     

"Why did you stop?" Her voice faltered at the end, embarrassment taking over her. Her blush intensified and she felt ashamed to have voiced out her desires.     

Noah opened his eyes and returned her stare, with amusement and joy crinkling in his eyes. He smiled seeing her uneasiness, a different kind of excitement filled him on seeing her frustrated and flustered self. "Why, Aria? Do you want me to continue?" He queried, teasing her into voicing out her opinions.     

His questions flabbergasted the girl and she did not know how to respond to him. She gritted her teeth in anger and glared at him. Forcing her heart to calm down, she decided to humor him this once. "Yes."     

Her answer exhilarated Noah and not delaying it any further, he got above her, pushing her down softly. "You just have to ask, sweetheart. I am all yours." He whispered, his hot breath seering her lips. Her vexation vanished at once and she swallowed her complaints as soon as Noah's lips met hers. He kissed her gently, his lips sucking on her already swollen ones, licking them once in a while.     

Though he had kissed Aria before, this kiss was something of a different experience altogether. She could feel something different and alluring about it. She felt the man's love for her, his yearning for her as well as his happiness. Her heart skipped a beat on being kissed with such emotions.     

She too kissed him back, proclaiming all the love she had for him as well as her guilt and regret in the kiss. She apologized to him silently while a drop of tear ran down her eyes. Noah was too lost to notice her strange reaction. He kissed her until he could feel her losing her consciousness before he pulled back.     

While Aria panted loudly, Noah once again went down on her and inserted his expert finger inside her, prompting her to climb the peak she wanted to reach. His fingers increased their tempo, pumping in and out of her at a tremendous speed and Aria had not time to adjust to his pace.      

Aria was right at the edge, the volcano was just about to erupt, she was just about to see the stars when Noah stopped moving his fingers once again. He pulled back slightly. However, unlike before he did not roll over and leave her alone. Instead, he watched her sending daggers at him through her eyes, murdering him silently.     

"This, my dear," He started, with a sinister smile on his face, "is the punishment for tricking me before."     

Aria's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "This...this.." She stammered, her vocabulary failing her right at this moment. "Why?" She breathed.     

"Because you bullied me back then."     

"But I was just...I was just....." Seeing Noah's smirk, Aria lost it completely. "Fuck you." She spat.      

Noah chuckled seeing her irked expression. He did not mind being cursed at by her. In fact, he loved the way her face scrunched up in anger, making her all the more adorable and alluring. "Oh, I will fuck you alright. But, not right now." He promised her.     

Aria was about to lose it completely and she tried to push him away. However, the man did not even budge and he held her wrists in his hands, securing her in his embrace. "Go away," She hissed and pushed him again. But the man only smiled and gazed at her, a gaze that was filled with love and tenderness.      

"Where do you think you are going?" He queried, kissing her fingers one by one.     

"Away from you. Go away. I don't want you."     

"But I only want you." He whispered and pushed her closer to him, her entrance right on below of his erect member. Although Aria felt the poke, her anger had clouded her mind. So, she tried to push him away once again, but only to pushed back by him and she fell on the bed with him right on top of her.     

Noah was so close to her that she could feel his breath hitting her neck while his chest pressed hers, suffocating her gradually. "Noah," She started when she felt his finger enter her once again. Anger took over her entire form. "Are you trying to torture me?" She seethed, her eyes blazing in fire. But the next moment, her anger dissipated when he increased the pace, taking her towards the peak.     

"No, Aria. I am just making love to my beautiful girl." He replied with a gentle smile.     

"Then, then..." Aria gasped when she felt his finger hit the place she wanted. She swallowed all the words she wanted to say, losing control once again. When she was right at the edge, she opened her eyes, pleading with Noah softly to stop his torture. "Please, please." She begged and Noah assured her with her nod.     

He removed his finger and before Aria could complain again, he ran his tongue over her wet bud and that was all it took for Aria to come flying down. The volcanoes erupted and she screamed out the man's name, her husky voice reverberating in the room. Never had Noah felt his name to sound this amazing and enticing. Aria's eyes rolled back in her head and she saw stars in her mind.     

Noah could only admire her face filled with ecstasy after being pleasured and he waited for her to come down from the high. He watched with awe as his girl reveled in the feeling of the post-orgasmic bliss. He had never found any woman this beautiful and amazing before. And he was happy that she was in this state because of him. "Aria, you are mine forever." He breathed and sealed his promise with a kiss.     

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