Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Shocked beyond words

Shocked beyond words

0Charles followed Jared, his cane hitting the ground with every step he took. Maggie saw the obvious rigidity in Jared's walk. It was as though he trying hard to keep himself sane in his Godfather's presence. Although Jared had a poisonous aura around him, his Godfather sure had the aura of a demon. It was extremely suffocating to stay in the presence of such vile creatures.     

Maggie's eyes did not leave Charles's face. She wanted to make sure if he was actually the man she thought him to be. Although his face matched with the photograph she had obtained after doing a background check on Noah, she wanted to confirm it clearly before she jumped to conclusions.     

Jared did not miss the way Maggie stood frozen in her spot. Her eyes seemed to be blazing with curiosity, and he knew the reason for it. He sent her a smile to ease her of her nerves. But the girl was too lost to notice his little action. Maggie's eyes followed the man closely until he was standing right in front of her, with his lips arched up.     

"Is this the girl you were talking about, Jared?" He queried, his gaze not shifting away from her. He was impressed by the way she presented herself. She did not cower in fear at being caught staring at him and she did not tremble in his presence. Her confidence pleased him greatly, and he nodded at her in appreciation.     

"Yes, Godfather. She is the one. It is because of her that we were able to track Kane. She is incredible." Jared spoke with pride. His words only made Maggie want to roll her eyes. Only her eyes were stuck on the old geezer before her. Her ears were still open and working fine. She did not miss the way Jared spoke about her, and she sure she would vomit if the man continued.     

"I see. If Jared holds you at such high credibility, then you must certainly be brilliant. I would like to test your skills out someday." His Godfather replied, with a smile. Although the man was smiling, to Maggie, it was a smile filled with warning. It was as though his atrocious eyes could see through her soul and read her true intentions like an open book. Maggie had no idea how to react to the man's words. So, she just nodded at him with a pleasant smile.     

Jared was pleasantly surprised and satisfied with the way the conversation had rolled out between the two. Though Maggie had not spoken a word, it did not mean his Godfather was less impressed. The old man definitely looked fine, unlike the other times when he stared at everyone, cold and noxious.     

"Where is the man?" His Godfather turned to Jared, breaking his chain of happy thoughts. He did not waste time in leading him towards the room where Kane was being chained. After being with his Godfather, Jared had gotten to know that he despised it if he was delayed with his work, leaving an absent-minded Maggie behind.     

Watching the back of the man, who she had no idea was this deadly, made Maggie question her life and the people in the world. She had never expected to witness such a scenario in her life. 'What the heck!! Charles Miller, that man?' She thought, still unable to connect the man, who seemed to be nothing less than a cockroach lying in some part of the city to a feral beast.     

Jared sensed Maggie's absence and he immediately turned back. Not wanting to annoy his Godfather, he nodded at his assistant to bring her inside the room. The young man understood him, and he immediately retraced his steps and approached Maggie who seemed oblivious to his presence.     

"Maggie," She called her out and the next instant, the girl snapped out of her thoughts.     

"Huh?" She stared at him blankly.     

"Shall we go in?"     

"Huh? Yes, yes. Sorry."     

Maggie followed him, keeping herself alert. This was the first time she was entering the torture room after she had joined the gang. It was just as she had expected. There were a pile of instrument and weapons lying on a large table, and she could more or less guess what each could do. Though she was accustomed to blood and torture, given her field of work, Maggie was sure that she would be witnessing a new level of torture, courtesy to the instruments lying on the table.     

She turned around and saw Kane being bound to the wall with chains, and Maggie had the sudden urge to escape from this dreadful place. Her heart was not bold enough to see what lay ahead, and she did not end up being traumatic by the end of the day. "Umm, Jared." She cleared her throat, fixing in his eyes on man rather than his Godfather, who too had turned to her the moment she had started speaking.     

"Do I have to watch this? I don't think I would be able to bear with this?" She queried, pleading in her mind for him to accept her request.     

"Maggie..." Jared was just about to speak when his Godfather interrupted him with a light chuckle.     

"You were awfully brave a few seconds ago. What happened to you suddenly, dear?" The man's words were filled with mockery, and Maggie knew that he was questioning her ability. The one thing she loathed the most was when people challenged her. She loved to slap their faces with results, rather than speaking and arguing with such dumb people.     

"What will I be doing here?" Maggie queried, darting her eyes around her and finally settling on Kane who was lying unconscious, his head weighing in his left arm.     

"You will find out soon, Maggie." Right at this moment, Jared's assistant handed her a laptop and placed a chair behind her. Maggie had no idea why she was even here with a laptop in her hand. Nevertheless, she took the device from him and sat on the chair. Her heart had not stopped drumming even for a second. Her mind was even sending her warning signals and red flags. Yet, she sat on the chair boldly, not giving her stance away.     

The assistant left the room right away after closing the door behind him. Now, there were only three people in the room with their captive, who no idea what his state would be once Jared started with his torture. It was obvious that the old geezer would not be moving an inch from his seat, given how he was sitting comfortably, and Maggie was certain she could never in a million years torture someone like the way Jared wanted and would. Kill? Yes. Torture? No.     

Maggie took a deep breath and hardened her heart, ready to face the horrible scene she would be presented with while Jared pulled Kane's hair, making him scream out in pain. Maggie could only flinch at the ear-piercing scream. Kane had an abnormally high pitch for a man and Maggie was certain that by the end of the day, she would become deaf. 'Looks like I will be losing one of my senses after this session ends.'     

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