Trapped with Tycoon

The plane accident

The plane accident

Bella still remembered in the back of her head about the past week experiences in her life. She almost lost her babies due on the plane crashes and the difficulties of language barrier in the foreign country which make her really traumatize. Jun was bleeding off again due on his heroic act to safe her and her babies. She cannot afford to lose his husband due on her stupid act. If she loves him than her life supposedly so much better to stay put with her husband. The memories brought her back on the day when they are discharged on the hospital in Dubai.     

Liam entered the room after managing all the stuff needed with Max in Imperial City and Brian. Susan was still in shock after the incident, but she manages to pull herself together. Penelope and Jiang already secured their system after the breach in Shin Corporation. Liam already on his end wits due on exhaustion. However, he need to be strong as Bella still lay down on the bed.      

"Ben... go and take care the discharge paper for both of them. We needs to start moving. Time is ticking," Liam is point it out to his hand watch to get Ben out from telling his boss about the problem in the company.      

Liam need to keep it away from Jun and only liaise it with Harry and Brian. He did not want Jun to worry and jeopardise his health. He still investigates the arson on the company which Penelope and Jiang follow the crumb left by the hacker. They did not have any recording of CCTV of the culprit because the hacker manages to make the system went down.      

Liam was listening for Penelope rant over the video call this early morning with hopeless tired Jiang face. He had to listen to her talking and anger over the forty-five-minute video call about the perfectly fine firewall system over the Shin corporation got breach so easily because someone from inside the company open up the spam link.     

She can not accept some idiotic person inside the company opens the portal to all of this chaos and spread it through the whole company through the internal email. She can not believe the email become the hit and everyone really are interesting to the chain email sent through to every email in the company. It passes on to the main inbox due on the internal sender forward it thinking for some luck will follow to open up the link with all this positive vibe video. However, they did not know about the virus behind of the video. It is attacking the firewall and defeat the firewall by weakening the coding system. The result happened on the CCTV and all the security systems has been disabled.     

Penelope already fixed it straight away and put extra precaution to the spam email. She is following the crumb left by the hacker. Penelope got the crumbed lead into Havana City and ended into Imperial State. It was a piece of cake on the tip of her finger for tracing the hacker. If it is a normal expert hacker traces the crumbed, they will not be able to traces it to the original places. However, Penelope is the number one hacker in the world, so it will not be hard for her to find anything inside the system and turn the world upside down.     


Jun and Bella are sitting on the wheelchair ready to get back to the plane. They are hiring the nurse aide to help Collin and Nathan on the plane. Everyone in their group decides to get back to Imperial and changes their trip due on the situation. Harry and Dan are busy with the chaos in the head quarter. The media was putting the fire on the first page on the news and the reporter swarm in the front gate of building. They are looking like blood thirsty vampires. They are trying to find Jun Shin and Harry Lim.      

However, the employee in the company did not dare to tell anything to the media. It seems like their mouth seal tight. They did not want to get sue by Harry in the court if they make the wrong comment or leak the news. They also did not want to lose their job in the prestigious company like Shin Corporation. If they got fire from Shin Corporation, they will not be able to find another prestigious company to work and even the small companies will be afraid to hire them.     

In the plane, Collin jobs will be isolating Jun and Bella to their bedroom to rest up with the nurse. There is IV on their hand and the nurse will take care and keep eyes on them. Meanwhile, Brian, A Min, Liam, ben, Harry and Dan are in the meeting room and have a meeting with Max and Penelope. They are having the precaution to clean up after the arson. The police commissioner as Harry speak already assures to use his main power to secure the Shin Corporation head office.     

Apparently, the plane is shaking and having a hard turbulence. The pilot is making announcement for them to get to their seat and buckled up. they can see some fire on the right wing after a loud sound. The nurse, Collin and Nathan are helping Jun and Bella to get into their seat from their room. Everyone is buckled up on their seat. Apparently, they are closed to Mumbai when the pilot is making a call to get them emergency landing after declaring emergency states.     

The police and the emergency crew are already on standby on the landing runway on the Mumbai International airport. The tower halts all the commercial plane and prioritise the emergency landing on the strip. The fire brigade already on standby to put off the fire.      

"Brace's position… ready to crash," The pilot is making announcement and already on the landing position with only one engine left.     

The problem is happening when they already on the strip runway that the other engine blown up. the pilot is getting hard time to slow down the plane. They already pull up the throttle into full stop, but it did not help with the speed of the plane. The Pilot tries to turn the plane to the area with less plane to the empty hangar.     

The pilot and co pilot did not have any choice rather than to put this plane to the empty hangar with the heavy thick wall will stop this plane in motion. The pilot reports his plan to the tower which got the approval from the tower. They are hitting the hangar wall really hard which make Bella got throw away from her chair as her seat belt was not tight enough.     

Jun noticed his wife getting throw over to the wall in front of her. He decides to unbuckle his seat belt and shielding his wife body to get thrown over to the wall partition in front of them.      

The plane finally stop due on the impact which the pilot and co pilot and spare pilot with the flight technician got abrasion on their face. The shock stewardess opened the emergency landing door. Collin and Nathan are unbuckled themselves and go over to unconscious Bella and Jun.      

Jun stiches on his stomach is bleeding again and other injured on his body which Collin can not diagnoses. Mia is bringing the first aid bag to them with oxygen and resuscitation pads. Nathan is checking on Bella to find her pulse. she is unconscious with no heartbeat and oxygen. Nathan starts the CPR on her and blow some breathes on her mouth.     

Collin tells the nurse to press on the bleeding with the clean gauze after he is happy with the vital. He moves to help Nathan to resuscitate Bella life. He asked Mia to get him the tube kits from the bag. Nathan already put the patch defibrillator on her chest and shock her. The vib lane back and they have her back. Collin manages to put in the tube down her throat to pump more oxygen to her lungs. Nathan is happy to get the baby heartbeat and the normal beating on Bella heart.      

The paramedic gets inside the plane to help them and check into their condition. Collin and Nathan are shouting to them to check into their other member. Collin is standing up and checking into her wife who is getting into shock attack and unconscious as soon as Collin come near her. Linda still helping Nathan to check on everyone condition. Jun is conscious and groan from the pain on his abdomen. He was worries with his wife condition who lay down next to him. He used all his last energy on his body to come closer to his wife. The nurse is helping him to adjust his body position to be comfortable to reach his wife. They can see a heartbreaking view on Jun who is weeping on the side of his wife.     

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