Trapped with Tycoon

punishment part 2

punishment part 2

0"I am not going to punish him… I remember that he was feeling to eat durian fruit so much. Maybe it is our baby request… darling. I asked Ben to buy the durian fruit for you to enjoy. Please, open it up with the knife and enjoy it," Bella said without any hint of remorse.     

"When did I ever said about eating durian fruit? Are you sure?" Jun wanted to puke blood to hear his wife word. He cannot believe his wife new character.     

"It means that you accused me of lying to you. Do you want me to eat the durian fruit?" Bella looks at them, innocently with her puppy eyes.     

"Bella, you are pregnant… as your doctor, I am not allowing you to eat the durian fruit as it can hurt the babies inside your tummy," Collin stops her idea when she tries to approach the table. She pretends to get the knife on the table to reach the durian fruit.     

"Bella, I will eat this… Collin and Ben will accompany me to finish this fruit… you cannot touch the fruit, okay," Jun reaches the knife on the table. He gives a signal to his assistant to come closer and helps him to open the fruit. At least, this is the perfect punishment for his so-called loyal assistant.      

"I am not joining you for this stupid task…. No way!!" Collin sat down next to Bella on the lounge.     

"Do you still love your wife? Do you want me to send your picture to her with a beautiful woman on your lap and your side?" Jun told him with his cold murderous voice. Collin cannot refuse his best friend when he already gives him a cold voice like that.     

"Are you serious? When I ever am with any girl except your wife and my own wife?" Collin tries to refute his friend and avoid punishment.     

"Ben has it on his computer, and I have it in my email. I can email it to your wife with my phone right now," Jun took off his phone and tries to blackmail his friend. He still used his cold voice to his friend. Collin with his pale face can't help to stand up from the lounges and sit on the floor next to his friend. He saw Ben face next to Jun who already pale due on the smell.      

"Hurry up… I am tired and need to sleep," Bella tries to rush them to eat their portion of durian fruit. Meanwhile, Bella sends a text message to Liam. She requests him to send a dessert cart with an assortment of durian cake. It must be a durian flavour. Liam did not understand anything, so he instructed A Min to arrange Bella's request as soon as possible. She gives him the room number and everything for the dessert car to be sent to their suite room.     

In the lounge room, Bella actually can bare the smell of durian. It is not as bad as she thought before. She gives them a glare which makes three men on the floor reach up to get the durian on the table. It almost took them a good thirty minutes to crack open the durian skin. Ben almost gagged to smell the open fruit. Collin cannot hold it anymore, so he ran to the bathroom and emptied his stomach content. They hesitate to hold the fruit before eating it. Ben follows Collin and knocks to the bathroom door to throw up.      

Bella gives him a cunning smile from the sofa. She gives him the signal to eat it. Jun took a small bite when he also almost throws up. At least, He manages to hold it up inside his stomach for his pride.     

"Darling, can I get another punishment? Do you want to go around the world? Do you want to buy the most expensive stuff in this world? do you want to go to the moon with NASA shuttle rocket program?" Jun tries to coax her wife.     

"Darling, who is punishing you? I know you can get everything for me, but I just fulfil my duties as your wife. If you don't want it… I still can eat it," Bella tries to be as pitiful as she is in front of Jun.     

"It's fine… I can eat this… Collin and Ben… come her quickly… or I cancel your bonus and hospital funding again. Anyway, this fruit taste is not as bad as the smell," Jun lied his a*s off to his friend and assistant.     

Collin and Ben walked toward the lounge with a bottle of water on their hand. It gives Jun idea to push the disgusting flavour, and he can use water to cleanse the awful taste. He put down the sticky fruit on his hand and washed it on the kitchen sink before walked toward the fridge. He took off the col bottle of water before he opens the cap and drink it.     

"Darling, thank you for the water. I am so thirsty," Bella said it to Jun when he sat down on the floor with his friend. Jun did not have any more excuse rather than handed in his cold water to Bella. Bella finished the whole bottle of water in one drink, and it left Jun speechless. He handed her his life on the silver tray. He bravely acts in front of his friend and his assistant to chow down the durian fruit.     

"I swear to my father grave, if you both did not join me then I will make sure that you wish to die," Jun blackmail his friend and assistant. They did not have any other choice rather than obey and force the disgusting fruit down on their throat. At least, Collin and Ben are using water to flush down the awful taste. Jun has a numb tongue after a while.     

After a good forty-five minutes, they manage to finish the whole two durians. Collin and Ben are developing trauma to durian. They still have a lingering taste on his mouth. He did not care about Jun as long as he didn't have to deal with durian for the rest of his life.     

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