Trapped with Tycoon

Someone targeting Bella again

Someone targeting Bella again

0As requested, Putri managed to get them the traditional costume after asking their last confirmation of attendance. Lorenzo's managed to do some modification into his costume, but the others will need to follow the original pattern. Bella, Cecile, and Cheryl laughed until they almost wet themselves to see their husband in the traditional costume. They have difficulties in walking with the fabric surrounding their legs. However, their handsome face was giving a different vibe to the costume. Liam's faces was a little bit annoyed with the news he receives on his phone. Max managed to intercept the letter with white substances on the picture for Bella. There is a picture of a woman unconscious on the picture with a knife on her breathing tube. Max tried to trace the picture sender addresses but it was a fake address. Bella finished getting her makeup by Putri and hairdo by local hairdresser under Putri instruction. Her costume was fitted by Lorenzo and she turned to become the goddess of beauty. Liam comes closer to her and shows the picture to find out about her identity. as this letter was intended for Bella, Liam was expecting she know about the women in the picture. they will not hold someone hostage if they do not have any connection.     

"It's sister Shuei Lan… what happened to her?" She puts her handclaps on her mouth.     

"We intercepted this picture to the mansion, and it's got the white substances. Do you know her location?" Liam was asking her patiently before escorted her to the nearby sofa. Jun was taking Liam's phone from his hand to check all the problem.     

"Liam, Ben and Brian come with me now…" He faced darkened to saw the picture.     

"Jun… I have the right to know… she is my sister," Bella complained to him with her hysterical mode. Jun come closer to her and tried to comfort her. Jun signed to Collin to check on her condition.     

"Putri… I am sorry but something happened in the family… I don't think we could attend the party tonight," Bella sobbed on Jun's embrace.     

'It's fine… you have to take care of yourself first before anything else," Putri assured her before left the villa with all her staff and Lorenzo. Jun helped her to take out her hairdo before lays her down to her room. Collin gives her some anti-depressant medicine for pregnant lady and checks on her time to time. Liam was on a video call with Max while Jun was scolding Susan for this unnoticed breach on the mansion. Now, they are all sitting in the dining room and having a big meeting for the breach and manage for the precaution step ahead. All the girls are having evening tea on the back garden except for Mia. Jun always want to snatch her to become his left hand with Ben if he did not remember about Collin. Practically, Shin Private medical branch include the Insurance is under Mia's palm. Her efficient management was far beyond Collin management skill. Collin was excellent in the medical world as renowned number one neurosurgeon and researcher. However, Jun has to admit that his management skill is zero. He glad that Mia is his right hand to do all the management for him while he can focus on the surgery, research, and healing patient. Harry analyse the picture sent by Max after got analyse by the forensic team from Liam's company. Brian dispatched his team in Imperial to protect Shin Corporation and Shin Mansion. Max was dispatched to check Shuei Lan in Wang Mei private hospital in the outskirt of Imperial City. It was the small hospital and build into a private hospital by Jun to cater to the treatment of Shuei Lan in the village when she fell into a coma. Apparently, the doctor in charge was deceived by the transfer document from Dr Song from Shin private hospital. He comes with the team of nurse and carried order by Dr Collin Si to move her back to Imperial yesterday. Max bag the evidence of the transfer letter which got the paper from Shin Private hospital and Collin signature on it. They need to analyse the signature and the fake order. Mia was 100% sure about the fake transfer order issue as every transfer order made by Collin has to be passed into Mia as approval. She also reported about Dr Song identity as she will not be able to carry the transfer order as her position as an intern in the paediatric department. As the doctor description, Dr Song was a male physician. Max was tracing the fake ambulance used to transport the patient from the CCTV in the entrance. Apparently, it only captures the side part of the ambulance. It means that they are a professional hitman. Liam asked Max and A Min to dispatch Jiang to analyse the chatter in underworld group. he wanted to know about this leak. he wanted his subordinate to get to the bottom of it.     

Susan reported everything as normal to Ben and Harry without knowing that the new staff intern in General executive department under her nose part of Madame An leverage. Her job will be provided inside information to Madame An regarding Jun and Bella.     

They all startle to find out about Shuei Lan location who disappear to the thin air. Jun asked Brian to dispatch his underground staff to find her sister in law. Jones keeps him in the loop for Mr Xu movement with all the shareholder. He really knows that Mr Xu used all the old shareholder who had a grievance with Jun for all his shares transfer to his wife. Jones managed to secure some of the shares and made Jun the biggest shareholder while Mr Xu only managed to gain another 2 % of the shares which made him holding the only a total of 4% of shares in Shin Corporation. Jun instructed Jones to keep an eye to Mr Xu movement financially. Jones reported that Mr Xu got hold into Jun's mother inheritance in Swiss bank as his source of financial. Jun wanted a full report into his mother inheritance from Jones in detail before he made some moves. Jun shows his domineering and cold face when he deals with his business.     

Max also reported that Tan and Madame An did not make any significant moves. Leong also failed to ambush Bella in their mansion and he throwing tantrum by whipping his women until she has to stay in the hospital.     

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