Trapped with Tycoon

Bella plan

Bella plan

0Lorenzo is a renowned world fashion design. He always designs the royal family dress and president around the world. However, he never showed up in front of the media for popularity. Every time he arranged his fashion show, it is always really exclusive and close to any media. The venue of his fashion show guarded secretly, and no one knows the exact location. However, the invitee always leaves with satisfaction to their face and show the world pieces of his masterpieces. This time media already got the bread crump and start to tail him since they got the news about his fashion show events. They know he is in Imperial to fetch his favourite model. This time, Lorenzo know already about their tail and accidentally led them to Imperial while doing the set up for Bella and his new shop. He has been eyeing for Shin Corporation and knows about Jun and Mike reputation. It was never a problem when Bella offered a place for his shop. He will accept it straight away without hesitation. His next step is to shake off the tail for his fashion show. In the middle of the part, he finds out about someone tried to sneak into his crew to hurt Bella. He managed to inform Tony and Bella who got Liam to handle it secretly. The crew mention about Madame An tried to put a tail on her and plan to abduct her. Bella plans to give some poison to him and keep him alive without alarming Madame An. Liam surprised to hear Bella idea. She told them to keep it as a secret to Jun otherwise he will react overprotective to her. She also knows that Madame An try to hire a thug to ambush the Shin Mansion and the person is Leong. Bella plans the getaway and makes the Shin Mansion empty only with minimum security to ambush the thug by Liam subordinate. However, she needs to plan for taking her husband away. He asked help from Lorenzo and Liam for everything. They will spend their time into the secluded area in Indonesia, it will be far away from Imperial. Lorenzo has rent the whole five-star resort to hold his fashion show event. The whole guests have the impression that they will need to travel to Imperial and check into Liam hotel. However, they will fly in the midnight after dinner to Yogyakarta, a small city in Indonesia. The plan fixes all ready and set to place with the help plan of Lorenzo staff.     

The problem arises for Bella to take her husband away without alarming him. She used his obsessive to overprotective toward Bella. She keeps provoking him with Liam position to protect her. She needs to cloud his judgement to her plan. She knows it will be not easy to cover her intention to take him away from the Imperial city.     

Liam already arranges a counterattack for Leong for his attack and check it out with his crew for all Madame An movement in underground. He used all his connection to keep Tan and Leong unnotified about his decision to abolish them. He started to put the plan to poison Leong from his food little by little in his daily meal. Liam put his staff in Leong crew to give him a small dose of poison. Leong is one of the guys who deal with kids trafficking and drugs. Liam needs to keep a check on his bottom line. He detested guy who does business to children and ruins their future. Leong did not have his bottom line when he did the business and Liam kinds of hating him for doing it. Liam needs to keep watch on his underworld activity. He is bad enough, but he got his line between black and white and everything to include children is crossing his bottom line. Liam took this matter personally to him and he is trying to hurt Bella and Jun now.     

In their bedroom, Bella rubs Jun back when he stands up and looks outside the window. She looks at his trouble face and crest in his forehead. Jun put her in front of him and hugged her from behind.     

"I know you have a lot on your mind. But let me shoulder some of it with spending time with me on a short holiday. Let make it my babymoon before we will become four and not two anymore," she holds his arm on his stomach.     

"I simply scared something will be happened to you outside this wall. I do not know what will I do if something happened to you and our unborn children," Jun turned her around to face her in his worry face.     

"I do understand that, but I have arranged every precaution to make me safe. Liam and Brian will come with us to make you safe if you worry and everyone is coming also. We will not go on the car drive around the mountain and we will fly with your private plane if it makes you satisfied. Lorenzo keeps all his route and destination in secret. No one will know our position and we will be safe," Bella put her hand into his chest to convince him.     

"You know I couldn't refuse you for all of your requests. I love you with all my heart and our children. I do not want to see you lay down on hospital anymore," Jun hugged her in his arm.     

"I promised you to be safe and we will enjoy this holiday. Shall we sleep now? We have an early flight to catch," She pecked a kiss on his lips.     

"should you sleep while I arranged my work? I have a million people who put their mouth into our shoulder," Jun returned her kissed and sat her down in their bed.     

"Do I have to worry about anything now?" Bella look at him walked out from their room. He waved his hand to her and closed the door. Bella got worries that Jun see her plan through like a thin paper. She made a quick call to Liam. She did not want Jun to be a worry with everything on his plate. She saw through the picture of women in his working desk. She must be something related to him when the report lay down on his table. She knew that he wanted to protect all his closest friend. Liam assure her to keep an eye to her husband and closed the connection. She could not sleep and decide to pack some clothes for both of them. It almost sunrise when she started to drift into a deep slumber and yet he did not come back to their bedroom.     

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