Trapped with Tycoon

Liam run away

Liam run away

0Bella was able to move out of her bed. She went to the kitchen and started to cook some food. She wants to cook for everyone tonight. Liam walked down to take some water and saw Bella busy in the kitchen. He rushed to her and put apron to help her.     

"Stop… Stop… what are you doing?" Liam holds her to stop her for moving around in the kitchen. He trapped her inside his arm.     

"I am trying to cook some food for you and everyone…" Bella put her hand into his arm and tried to push him out of her way. Jun walked into the kitchen and saw the romantic gesture between them.     

"What are you both doing in my kitchen?" Jun put his hand folded into his chest.     

"Put your apron my darling…" Liam escorted Bella to sit on the stool near the kitchen bench and throw the apron to Jun.     

"Why?" Jun still look at him.     

"look at our beloved wife… she worked in the kitchen with her big stomach… if you don't want to help, fine��" Liam points his finger to him. Jun reluctantly put up the apron.     

"You… I Love you so much," Liam kissed his cheek. Jun hit him on his head for the kiss.     

Liam instructed Jun to navigate and chopped some ingredient in the kitchen. Liam knows all Bella favourite dishes and started to prepare it for dinner. Bella pout in the kitchen bench looks at her two favourite man work in the kitchen. Cecile and Cheryl walked inside the kitchen and saw Bella pout on the kitchen bench.     

"Why are you look so angry?" Cheryl opened the fridge and took out mango juice.     

"Look… They asked me to do nothing… Is your hormone go awry by looking at them?" Bella took a glass of mango juice from Cheryl.     

"I know… My hormone also goes awry lately… I saw Collin after his exercise with Dan and other boys this morning. It made me wet already…" Cecile also drinks her mango juice.     

"me too… at least, You all already past 1st trimester. I still can't do anything with it," Cheryl told them.     

The three ladies look at Liam and Jun in the kitchen. They were salivating to see them sweating in the hot kitchen. Liam noticed them and whispered to Jun.     

"Have you seen them on the bench? It looks like they are going to jump on us," Liam whispered it.     

"What happened to all of them…?" Jun peek at them with the corner of his eyes.     

"I am scared with them now…" Liam holds tight his knife and keeps looking at them.     

"Ladies… May I know the reason you all staring at us?" Jun asked them.     

"Good view in front of us… why we can't look at it?" Cheryl teased him.     

"You… Should I call your husband?" Jun gives her a scold.     

"Eh… there are three of us and two of them… Who will have them first? We can ambush them and satisfy our thirst…" Cheryl teases them again.     

"You actually correct… Let me try Liam first… Cheryl, you can have Jun… and Cecile your turn a bit later…" Bella put her hand on her chin.     

"Which one better on the bed?" Cecile asked her.     

"I will tell you after I tried Liam…" Bella look at her.     

"I hear about my brother wild reputation on the bed and I want to prove it now…" Cheryl told them while look at them.     

"Whoiiii… Do you think we are invisible?" Liam put his knife and point the finger to them.     

"in your dream ladies…" Jun took off his apron and walked toward his wife. He carried her on his arm and walked away from the kitchen. Meanwhile, Liam ran away to save himself from the two pregnant ladies. He goes to the study after panting his breath.     

"What happened with you man?" Dan look at him.     

"Your wife… She scared me… You better off to take care of her before she breaks those door…" Liam reported to Dan and hide behind the sofa. Everyone was speechless to see the hunk like Liam scared his butt off because of girl.     

"At least, my wife was gentle enough…" Collin looks at him.     

"Are you crazy…? Your wife seems innocent but she wanted to saw my performance before deciding who is better between myself and Jun," Liam still hiding behind the sofa.     

It won't take long before Cheryl barked into the study and yelled Liam name.     

"Why are you looking for him, my darling?" Dan stood up and walked to her where Cecile stood up behind her.     

"I win… I can get him now," Cecile tapped her shoulder.     

"Why do you have to butt in…?" Cheryl looks at Dan who holds her in his arm.     

"Thank you, my friend…. Liam, I won the bet... Cheryl, do you want me to knock Bella room so you can have Jun after her and I will swap Liam…" Cecile talked to her out loud.     

"Hey…. Am I this invisible here?" Collin stood up and look at her.     

"I am sorry… this is your baby craving and it drove me insane… You have to let me have Liam," Cecile give the reason.     

"In your dream my love… in your dream…" Collin swooped her into his arm and brought her to the room.     

In Bella room, Jun put her on the bed gently. He stood up on the side of the bed and folded his hand on his chest.     

"What do you mean about your conversation in the kitchen?" Jun asked her.     

"It's our baby fault to make my hormone went awry. I look at Liam and it made me want him," Bella give him an innocent look.     

"I still can't accept it…" Jun looks angry at her.     

"Please… accept my sincere apologies…." Bella sat on her knees and rub her palm together.     

"Not good enough… and it is not sincere enough," Jun look closer to her.     

"What do you want me to do?" Bella gives him a hint.     

"Be creative..." Jun move forward to her.     

"Please... Please do not scrutinize me with your stare..." Bella look at him.     

"Do you know my feeling when I hear you want to sleep with Liam? Did you know when I found you and you think Liam was your husband?" Jun telling her all on his mind.     

"Don't blame me... I was having amnesia and this time it was my hormone talking," Bella pout.     

Bella put her arm into his neck and started to kiss his lips. Jun follows her and kissed her back. Bella pushed him on his back and stripped him naked. Bella started to kiss his body and satisfy her lust by positioning herself on top of him. Jun made sure that her body is comfortable with all the movement and positioning. Her stomach is showing up and her breast grows bigger. it made her look sexier. Jun was so happy to see her on top of him and moved her body slowly. Jun followed her lead of movement. Jun was in tears to see her initiative.     

Jun let her used his body until she satisfied and finally, he catches up with her to the top of satisfaction. She fell down into his body after everything finished. Jun moved her into his arm and cover her with the blanket. He made sure her position will be comfortable for her and her baby. He drifts to sleep with her in his arm.     

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