Trapped with Tycoon

Colin worlds

Colin worlds

0In Collin suite, Cecile opened her eyes and confused with the surrounding area. She could feel a sturdy arm on her head and another heavy part of the body tangled her body. She turned her face to watch a handsome face on her side. His eyebrow was thick and compliment his handsome face. His hair fringe covered his strong feature forehead which made him like a bad boy instead of respected Neurosurgeon. She traced her finger to his face which made him opened one of his eyes and caught her hand to kiss it.     

"It's too early… sleep some more…" Collin told her with his hoarse voice.     

"hmmm… I have to go to work… don't you?" Cecile tried to cover her face shyly.     

"I owned this hospital so I can work anytime…let me sleep more," Collin said with his eyes closed.     

"But… I still have to go to court today. I had to come to work as I am a public servant," Cecile explained to him with her sulky voice.     

"I will wake up but I do need your ID card and your family registry card," Collin opened his eyes.     

"For what?" Cecile sat down and face him.     

"For the baby sake. We need to registry our family registry," Collin explained to her.     

"You mean we get married," Cecile put her hand on her chest.     

"well, you could say like that for now… we do the formally first then I will arrange a grand party before the belly showed up," Collin leaned to the head of the bed.     

"Don't you think it is too quick?" Cecile said it.     

"Either you give me or I will do the hard way. Your choice?" Collin told her without any room of discussion. Collin won't allow his children to become bastard children. If he had to do Jun way to obtain the marriage certificate. He has to do it by the end of the day.     

"It is in my working bag. Wait!!! How you do it if I won't give you my family registry? Are you going to break the law?" Cecile asked him with her big curiosity.     

"do you underestimate your husband ability? I treated many important people in this world and I even got our president's private number on my speed dial. I won't need to break the law to get our marriage certificate," Collin explained to his women.     

"Okay… okay… How about you pick me up after 1 pm? I could clear up my schedule for two hours as at 3 pm I have to be a witness for my stepmother case," Cecile reported her schedule.     

"come on get ready… we will have breakfast and I will take you to the court," Collin walked out from the bed to his work desk. Cecile walked out from the bed to the bathroom. Cecile amazed with the level of cleanness in his suite. He even put his shirt in the order of colour from white to colour coded and his doctor jacket with his own scrub uniform. He even got his own colourful hair cover inside one of the drawers.     

"knock… knock…" Collin made a noise in front of his walk-in closet.     

"Arghhhh… I just saw that you are a neat freak," Cecile put her hand to Collin's neck.     

"You know no one could touch my clothes. Here… I get you some new clothes. Do you want me to dress you up?" Collin hand over the bag from Mia.     

Cecile took the bag and run quickly to the bathroom. Collin smile to see Cecile reaction. He walked back to his study to call the kitchen in Hospital to send up some breakfast to his suite. He then went to the bathroom for joining Cecile to take shower.     

Bella woke up and saw Jun peaceful face snoozed next to her. She traces her finger to his face and realized his perfect face line and his thick eyebrow. Jun opened his eyes lazily and hold her hand to kiss it.     

"good morning…" Jun told her with his hoarse voice.     

"good morning… how are you?" Bella put her hand into his face.     

"I am fine… let's do something you like today…" Jun told her and embraced her tightly.     

Bella smiled for Jun's idea. She spends another minute inside Jun embraced before walked to the bathroom to get ready for breakfast. She knew that her babies would need to be fed up soon before she would start to get morning sickness. Jun attentively prepare her outfit today and get ready himself when she dressed up.     

They went down for breakfast in the dining room when Harry came unhappily with Ben. Harry dropped all the folder in front of Jun.     

"Explained to me about your duty as chairman when you neglected it and shifted it to my responsibility," Harry put his hand on his chest.     

"You are my acting president so you have to do as told," Jun answered him while drinking his coffee.     

"Hi, Harry… take a seat and have breakfast first before you talked about work," Bella offered Harry the breakfast.     

"Hi, Bella… thank you for the invitation. It's always nice of you. Can I have a double shot cappuccino please?" Harry told her and sit upon the chair next to Bella. The servant attentively served them with food. Bella told Ben to sit down and joined them for breakfast.     

In the middle of breakfast, Dan came into the dining room with his angry face. He stood up angrily next to Jun.     

"What happened now with you?" Jun look at him after putting his IPad down.     

"Could you work and not shifting your job around to me? I do have a life also not only work!" Dan complaint to him and sat in front of Bella. He called the servant for some breakfast.     

"so what are you doing in my house?" Jun gave him a look.     

"I wanted to vent my anger and Cheryl still giving me a cold shoulder. I am hungry," Dan drunk his coffee straight away.     

"I should be like Cheryl to be honest. Eat your breakfast here," Bella told to Dan.     

It won't take long before Liam walked in with A Min to the dining room.     

"tell me that you also complaining about Jun shifting his workload to you," Bella said in anger.     

"Me… Jun won't dare to do it to me. I am here for you. You told me about this orphanage and volunteered for it," Liam explained to Bella.     

"Argghhh… I am sorry Liam. I really forget about it. Let me get ready and we will go to a little shopping. Have you eaten?" Bella asked him while drinking her juices.     

"Not yet… I am so hungry after work tirelessly for the whole night so I could help you today," Liam whined to Bella.     

"Thank you so much… Ms Wang, could you prepare one more dishes and plate for Liam," Bella instructed to Ms Wang.     

"I am coming with you," Jun suddenly said to them.     

"If you come with Bella… I will come with you…" Harry told him after chewing his food.     

"I am coming also," Dan told them.     

Collin walked in after dropping Cecile to the workplace. He needs help from harry to help represented Cecile this evening. He found out from his assistant that Harry got breakfast in Jun's house.     

"I didn't shift any project to you. Why do you come here?" Jun asked him in his curiosity.     

"even if you shifted some of your work, I won't do it. I am here for Harry," Collin sat down and ordered his coffee.     

"Why do you need me for?" Harry asked him.     

"You remember Cecile case with her stepmother. She got served as a victim-witness and needs someone to represent her. You will help me right?" Collin asked him.     

"Do you know my fees? If you could afford to hire me, I would be happy to assist you," Harry look at him seriously.     

"Seriously? Fine… I would pay you accordingly and sent Mia to Madagascar for providing or open up a new hospital in there," Collin laid back to his chair and drink his coffee.     

"I would kill you if you shift her far away from me…" Harry gave him stare.     

"Harry, when are you going to let her know your existences? You did so many things behind her back yet you hid it from her." Dan gave him critics.     

"It's my problem… when do you need me?" Harry told Collin.     

"If you could come now to the court with me, represent her and become our witness for our family registration after," Collin gave him the plan.     

"Do you mean that you will get married today?" Bella told him excitedly.     

"Yes… we have too… I don't want her reputation to be scattered with bastard son as respected judge. Also, I don't want to hear my baby labeled as a bastard child," Collin determined to make things right.     

"Left it with me… I will call Cheryl and Liam and Jun could you help me…" Bella felt excited about the news     

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