Trapped with Tycoon

the fight part 3

the fight part 3

0Jun burried himself with his work from home. He kept checking on Bella condition from Ben. He had been worked from home as his face was wounded from his fight with Liam.      

It has been a week since their fight. Liam brought her to his penthouse to recuperate and he would accompanied her through the time. Bella knew his work were piling up on his study and he would sneak out to read and check those report. Sometimes, Bella would sat on his study and accompanied him to work.     

"Did Jun really angry this time? Why he always be jelous for nothing?" Bella spilled her heart content to Liam.     

"Ignored him for a while then he would understand his feeling and mistake," Liam answered her while checking on the report. A Min was swamped with amount of work as Jun granted more project for Liam company. It was way of punishment from Jun for beating his face. The staffs in Choi corporation was happy that they got so much attention from.Shin corporation which resulted on more project to handdle.      

"Liam, what excuse should I give out for the reunion this year? I don't want to meet them and got ridicule especially with my babies," Bella rubbed her little bump on her stomach.     

"Just don't go. You don't need to make excuse or lie for something unimportant," Liam answered without even look at her.     

"You are right!! Hey, it is time for the special cooking show... let's me watch his cooking," Bella tried to cheer up in front of Liam. She walked out the study room and sat down on the lounge room to watch the show. However, she couldn't put her head together to the show as she missed Jun so much. She worried for Jun well being. Bella also knew that Liam was angry to Jun.      

"Babies, do you miss your daddy? Mommy missed him so much," Bella said to the babies and rubbed her tummy.      

"If you missed him so much... go back to your house and console him. So easy..." Liam scold her from the back before jumped in the lounge.     

"What do you mean by so easy?" Bella hit Liam and snatch the corn snack from his hand.     

"It was not even a week and you come back again to his side. Last time in australia, you gave in only after 3 months. You are so easy to get and no wonder he felt no worry at all if you run away," Liam took a handfull of snack before eat it.     

"I love him so much. I couldn't help to give in everytime. Jun also needs to be pitied as he need to survive by himself since teenagers," Bella tried to defend Jun.      

"Easy girl..." Liam kept teasing her while accompanied her to watch the show.     

Jun was taking Ben to drive him to Liam penthouse only to stay in the parking lot. Ben could see that his boss missed his wife but he got a huge pride to come and get his wife. They ended up stayed in the car for the whole night before Jun told him to leave for office. Ben thought to himself that he needs to find a way to reconcile them as he couldn't stand anymore to accompanied him with sleepless night and worked like crazy in the morning. Ben would die before he found his bride. Ben thought a way on the way back to Shin Corporation.     

"Ben, what should i do to console an angry women?" Jun asked him from the back door.     

" you means lady boss? Well she is different, boss," Ben reported to his boss.     

" who saaid it was my wife..." Jun said and coughed to hear Ben answer. " It was Collin asked me some advised... what should he do to make his wife come back for his mistake?"     

'But doctor Collin not yet married... obviously, it was you that started to be jealous like a crazy' Ben said to himself and gave a smirked.     

"Well, let spend a day without work and take her to some romatic places like commoner date. Boos, you need to arrange your wedding ceremonies. The babies are going to born soon and yet your promise for a dream wedding was never come true," Ben advised his boss.     

"You knew the amount of work we had... how could i slack off and take a day off with an important investment project line up," Jun gave him a heads up.     

"Boss, you need to marry your work then," Ben told him and got a cold glare from Jun.     

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