Trapped with Tycoon

Surprise party

Surprise party

0Harry spit his coffee to hear Jun idea about having fun in a theme park. He directly touching Jun forehead if he has a high fever which affecting his decision. Jun immediately dismissed Harry's hand. Jun gave him a mean look straight away.     

"I know you have mysophobia." Harry laughed at him.     

"Boss, anything else you need me to prepare for your fun time? I have asked Brian to do perimeter, Ada and the photographer team will prepare scene needed. Do you want it to be empty or it will still provide the carnival?" Ben asked him in detail.     

"It's fine. Prepare our lunch with their best chef. I wanted her to become the princess of the castle." jun explained to Ben, his idea. Harry listened to Jun instruction to Ben before he walked back to the guest room to check on Bella. As soon as he left, Harry stopped Ben and pull him to the cafe downstairs. Harry asked him to sit down.     

"Let's make a memorable surprise engagement party tonight for Jun. I need you to arranges the venues and get me the menu for the catering. I will shift Lu elder and Bella family to here. We need to arrange the accommodation. Where Susan?" Harry sits down an get his smartphone and started to text Dan and Collin.     

'Dan arranged some famous band as quick as humanly possible. I wanted to make a surprise engagement party for Jun in Disneyland. Get your arse down here, ASAP.' Harry texted to Dan.     

'Collin, Jun got engaged tonight. Get your arse down here ASAP.' Harry texted to Collin.     

Susan runs in a hurry toward Harry and Ben in the hotel cafe. She sits down and orders her coffee. Ben is on the phone with the sales director of Disneyland. He arranged to rent out the whole park at 3 pm until closed for his boss surprised engagement party. They agreed for the incurring cost to cover Disneyland loss of revenue and image by giving out exclusive advertisement slot on the Shin Corporation worldwide.     

"Susan, I need you to arrange all Bella close friend from Imperial to fly down here with Elder Lu and her sister. You can use Shin Private plane and use Shina hotel to accommodate them. Can you arrange the chef for the catering purposes liaise with Disneyland events person?" Harry instruct her eloquently and drink his coffee.     

In Shin Corporation, Dan is sitting with Linda and Xiao Yu for Bella schedule. Dan massaged his temple of the head after reading Harry texted. Regardless, Harry is Jun's right hand in this company. Dan can't find any international band in this short minute, especially from the US.     

"What happened, Dan?" Linda couldn't hold to ask after seeing his face.     

"Harry will make surprise engagement party for Jun and Bella. He asked me to arrange some entertainer to come. I got a real headache now. Ahhh, you all will need to fly to Hong Kong for the events this afternoon. Do you know any of her close friend in this city?" Dan asked them.     

"I know few of them. I will contact them. Mr Dan, Bella is a fan of K-drama. She is a crazy fan of it. You might want to fill it rather than western music." Xiao Yu suggested it.     

"That's right. She will be updating all the new K-drama list, even she didn't have time to sleep." Linda said to Dan.     

Dan took the suggestion in his mind before he went through his contact list on his mobile phone. The flight time from Seoul to Hong Kong is still making sense. He started making a phone call to one of the famous entertainment agencies at Seoul. He negotiated with them to fly down a few famous actors and actress, including the famous Korean boys' band. Dan prepared everything before he is going to pick up his attire.     

In Lu residences, Elder Lu is enjoying his morning tea as his phone rang. "Is this Mr Lu?" Harry speak on the other side of the phone. "Speaking... May I know who is calling me?" Elder Lu is asking. "I am sorry to disturb your day. My name is Harry. I am working in Shin Corporation," Harry said politely to Elder Lu. "What can I help you, young man," Elder Lu said cheerfully to him. "I am planning to give a surprise for Mr and Mrs Shin for their recent engagement. Could I be bothersome if Elder Lu attends the ceremony tonight," Harry said to him. "Sure... I will. That's much I have to do for my little kids. Send me the address, I will be there," Elder Lu drink his tea. "Mr Lu, I will send a driver to pick you and young miss Lu around 3 pm. Is that fine?" Harry said to him. "Sure, young man. I will wait for your hospitality," Elder Lu said to him. "Please, keep this secret as they don't know about this event," Harry emphasize the sentence to Elder Lu before ended the conversation.     

Ada tried to find the closest Cinderella dress for Bella and alter it a little bit to make it extravagant. While Jun will use his tuxedo to pick up Bella from the castle. All the actors and actress will become prince and princess from the neighbourhood country. The engagement party will be enchanted 1000 light theme. Harry arranged the place will be in front of the magic castle area, where it will be transformed into a large outdoor banquet area. He ordered a large amount of fresh flower and balloon decorator to work their magic. Hand in hand with Ben and Susan, Harry worked every detail of this event before Dan joins their team around noon. Ben phone ring, and it's Jun is calling him.     

"Where are you? We have to leave to Disneyland. Ada needs to put makeup for my wife," Jun sternly in another side to Ben, which make everyone in the team sweated. "Boss, Disneyland refuse to let us come in at 1 pm. They need time to prepare every surprise for Mrs Shin. Mr Dan informed me also that Mrs Shin will need to shoot with princess outfit. Ada still picks up the dress." Ben said to him bravely. "Why my wife has to work on our pre-wedding holiday? Explain it to me?" Jun said with his cold tone. "Unfortunately, the famous actor only can have this afternoon empty. Even, Mr Dan made him come here and bring the entire crew here because of Mrs Shin holiday." Ben explain it. "Don't expect to see your bonus this month and tell Dan, he can kiss this month bonus goodbye," Jun said to them before the end the connection. Dan and Ben's tears started to fall down because of their end of month bonus is flying away.     

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