Trapped with Tycoon

GU Min Shareholder meeting

GU Min Shareholder meeting

0In the morning, Jun is happy to know that Mike sent his assistant to Shin Corporation human resources department to fill up all the detail and follow up with the registration. Jun really commends his efficient way of working. He always hears his efficient way of work managing the company. He puts aside his emotion while dealing with his work and he can see through each people mind. Jun bought half of Gu Min corporation shares and put it under Mike to manage. Anyway, Gu Min always a baby for Mike. He raises them from a baby into a big corporation nowadays.     

In Gu Min Corporation, Daniel already prepares for the shareholder meeting since early morning. He made Secretary Fu as his assistant. He has never been so nervous in his life compare to this morning. His grandmother already arrives in the building and got escorted into the board meeting room. Daniel follows her into the board meeting room. As rumoured, the senior shareholders sell their shares to Jun Shin, who is willing to pay a higher price for their shares. They surrender all their shares and retires early. After all, Jun Shin asked for it nicely rather than be in his bad side.     

It will not take long for Mike to enter the meeting room with Yan Gao. He sat down on the opposite of Chairman Gu. Daniel smiled to see his older brother even his grandmother does not like him to be successful.     

"I am representing Mr Jun Shin from Shin Mall to join into this shareholders meeting," Mike told them about his task on this meeting.     

"In which position are you representing him? Where is the proof that you are not bluffing and just tried to cover your younger brother position back as this company president?" Madame Gu scolded him.     

"Yan Gao show chairman the appointment letter from Shin Corporation lawyer. Do you need me to call Jun now to confirm it? I am here as the president of Shin Mall," Mike is signaling his assistant to pass the folder to Chairman Gu assistant. They all read it and validate the legal document in their hand.     

"shall we continue with the main report or problem in this meeting? I still have plenty of appointment to go," Mike asked them to continue with the meeting.     

"This is ridiculous thing… are you trying to take the position of the lawful heir of Gu Min? Why I have to raise such an ungrateful brat," Madame Gu smacked the table with the folder in her hand.     

"I am not the one who is buying the shares. I am here to represent Shin Corporation and myself. If we combine our shares, we are the biggest shareholder in the company. I can make any decision for the best goal of the company. That's my job as Shin Mall President," Mike told them with his poker face.     

"So you are trying to take your brother position as the president of Gu Min mall!!!!" Madame Gu stood up and pointed her index finger to him.     

"Grandma…. Mike didn't want to take my position. If he wants it, I will be happy to hand it to him. He loves this company and our family. He will not do something to hurt our family," Daniel tried to take side with Mike.     

"You don't understand… he is a fox under sheepskin… You just too naïve Daniel," Grandma Gu still give a glare to Mike before she left the meeting room.     

Apparently, Madame Gu is angry with Mike to hold so many shares in his hand. She did not want his lovely grandson to become threatened with Mike position. She did not realise that he will be holding a powerful position in such a big company. It was hard for her to remove him from the company. She raises him and took him into Gu family regardless of his position as the mistress son. The child out from wedlock from her son mistake. She adopted him and raise him to guide his little brother. However, Mike is a smart boy and always interested in business since he was in a young age. It made her worry with Daniel position in Gu Min. She remembers about this lady before when she tried to separate Daniel and Kat. She told to her assistant to find the lady for her. This time, he needs her help to kick Mike from Gu Min.     

Mike goes to Shin Mansion to meet up with Jun. he needs to know his limitation in the company. Madame Wang escorts him into Jun Study.     

"Welcome, Mike to our cramp office…" Harry shakes his hand upon entering the study. Dan queue in the back of Harry and give him a warm welcome and hugged him.     

"I can't believe you are the famous Harry, Dan, Liam, Collin and of course Jun Shin. Now, I can see with my eyes that you cultivated the rare talent into your team," Mike praise to Jun.     

"How was your face slapping this morning to your grandmother? Is anything you need now?" Jun asks him.     

"You are a really good strategist. I even didn't know that you have half of the shares in Gu Min until this morning. It made the old Gu want to tear me apart in the meeting room. Next time, you need to tell me in advance so I could plan my step," Mike sat down in the lounge.     

"Okay… Okay… I hear that your performance really exceeding the expectation today inside the meeting room," Jun told him. It made Mike understand that his eyes are everywhere.     

"How far is my authority in Shin Mall subsidiary?" Mike look at him after drinking his water.     

"You are equal to Harry, Dan, Collin and Liam in my company. You can do whatever you want in the company as long as it will not damage the company name and my wife safety," Jun explains to him.     

"It means you are truly henpecked husband," Mike gives his thumb up. Jun just gives him a smirk on his face.     

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