Trapped with Tycoon

Jun ruthless plan

Jun ruthless plan

0"Who are you to be honest? Why we are in this place?" Bella put down her chopstick and bowl on the table.     

"What did you remember on the last thing you do? My name is Liam" Liam put down her medicine on the table.     

"I remember to save you from the alley in front of Madame Chu stall. In the morning my grandfather told me to go to Singapore for a holiday because of the issue with my sister. On the way to the airport, I was passed out and I wake up on hospital and pregnant. Did you hold me, hostage, during that year and made me pregnant?" Bella rubbed her big stomach.     

"do you think I have the guts to do something like that? Let's drink your medicine first and we will trace back your memories," Liam laughed and pushed the bowl toward her.     

Bella took the bowl and shook her head like a small kid refuses to drink her medicine after smelling the medicine. Liam took the bowl from her hand and start to blow it. He feeds her patiently until the bowl empty. Liam put more rock sugar to balance the bitterness of the herbal.     

Liam took Bella to have a rest in the night to the bedroom. Meanwhile, he made himself a bed in the living room area.     

"We are husband and wife yet you sleep in the living room?" She looks at him weirdly.     

"You just released from hospital after the accident. I just want you to rest up nicely," Liam started to made excuse. Jun will kill him for real if he sleeps on her bed. The other problem will be controlling his own body to sleep next to her.     

"I am fine... I don't want to sleep alone in a new place... could you sleep with me tonight?" She begged him and opened up the blanket on her other side.      

Liam doesn't have any other choice rather than sleep with her. It was not the first time after all that he got tortured by her. Bella snuggled into his board chest and fall into a deep sleep. Meanwhile, Liam stays awake and started to count the sheep on his mind. He had to hold his desire for the whole night until she shifted her body. Liam took a quick cold shower before catching a few hour sleep.     

Jun was furious in Imperial. He wanted to search the area himself when all his best friend stopped him. His team still in the area to do search and rescue despite the weather condition is really bad.     

He used Shin Corporation satellite to track the last position of their mobile phone and thermal mapping in the area radius of 50 km. Jun was really angry with himself because he fails to protect his wife and his baby. however, he believes Liam will be able to protect her. it gives him a little bit of peace of mind.     

Ben come in and reported that they found Bella shoes on the river delta which split into two directions. He also reported that Allan Xie was a notorious cunning man who likes to play and impregnate a girl. The Ma sold her daughter to the Xie family so they could benefit each other. However, Cecile married to Collin which made him the biggest loser. He joined hand with Tan which holds grudges with Liam.      

Jun listened to the report and he got his own plan in his head to destroy them. He became less vigilant with the danger into his family. He has to make his opponent feel tenfold more than his pain at the moment. In the business world, no one dares to provoke the devil president Shin as his deeds famous for his ruthless. This time, everyone has to know his claw once more for provoking the ruthless Jun Shin.     

"How is Jones proceeding with buying the stock of Ma Corporation?" Jun asked him when he plays with his pen on his hand.     

"He got 75% of the shares and on the way acquiring more shares from their only son. He loves to gamble and at the moment he bet it on with their house and factory land ownership," Ben reported to his boss.     

"Ask him to sign a deed of surrender to my wife name and sold him off to underworld pirate in Nigeria. I saw Allan was with the daughter of the Song family. I would like them to end up together before we crushed them down... song and Xie business involved into agricultural and real estate in the northern and southern area. Get all their project and bought the water license in the area," Jun tried to cut off their hand and leg slowly. They dare to lay hand on his precious wife means they seek their own death.     

"Noted boss... but originally, Mr Collin wanted to buy the shares for Madame Ma... what will happen now if the shares on madame shin name?" Ben clueless with his boss plan.     

"If I put it on collin or Cecile name. They will beg them or hurt them again. If it under my wife, they will need to get over me first," he explained to his assistant.     

"I will contact Jones to rely on your instruction. Anything else boss?" Ben felt shivered on his spine to see his boss cold aura.     

"Find out where is Allan and Annie at the moment. Kidnapped and drug them together to be the headline of tomorrow morning news. Told Brian and A Min to keep search the area as I just purchase the latest aerial surveillance drone from US army. It's already on their way to Imperial as we speak. It will assist them better for thermal imaginary of the landscape and area," Jun told his assistants.     

"Boss, just now you asked me to wire $230 million out of your account for buy the latest aerial drone for tracking your wife? Whooooaaaa boss… no one can beat you for this matter," Ben was speechless to see his boss action for his wife.     

"don't you have anything to do, Ben?" Jun gives him a cold stare which pierces through his head. He walked out slowly to avoid his boss punishment. He couldn't afford any more to lose his bonus as he just purchases his first brand new penthouse.     

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