Trapped with Tycoon

The Almighty Jun Shin

The Almighty Jun Shin

The restaurant is empty because Jun reserved it all for his group breakfast. There were only Nathan, Linda and pale Jimmy. Jimmy felt really miserable at the moment. Nathan did check his condition this morning. Jimmy suffered from alcohol after effect. He would be fine after drinking some fresh juice which contains a lot of vitamin C. Nathan gave him some Paracetamol tablet to him this morning after doing the checkup.     

"I would never touch tequila ever again in my life." Jimmy muttered it with his head down on the table. The Waitress served him fresh orange and tomatoes juices as requested by Nathan. Linda and Nathan were having their coffee in front of them. They ordered some food in the menu for them, and Linda asked the waitress to made Jimmy some rice congee.     

Jun supported Bella weak body, as they walked to the restaurant. He ravished his anger towards Bella last night on the bed. Bella even begged him sorry in her intense moaning. Bella neck full of hickey this morning, and her face complexion is much better than Jimmy. Bella wears a yellow dress with a pair of gold snicker and Jun wears a light yellow shirt with black suit pants. Jun helped her to sit down before he sat next to her. "where we are going to go today?" Bella asked everyone. "We can visit water temple and see the sunset. But no more crazy thing involved." Linda tells her in a strict voice. "Could I stay back in the hotel room? I am not feeling well today." Jimmy said to the groups. "Yes, you can Jimmy. Bella will be in her right shoes without your influence." Linda proclaimed her theory. Jimmy is not denying nor agreeing with Linda theory, as he is having throb pain on his head. Jun phone rang continuously and he stood up excusing himself to the group. He walked out from the restaurant where Brian, Ching, and Tony stood up.     

"Speak up?" Jun authority voice started to shout. "I have acquisition An Corporation 40% of shares last night when it was reached almost 0.15 cents per shares. Many shareholders tried to sell their shares as I spread the rumor. What do you want me to do with it?" Jones explained to Jun. " Try to hold it up. Find me another 25% as three of them only hold 20% shares. I want you to pursue it discreetly." Jun instruct him with an authoritative voice. "I understand boss," Jones answered obediently before ended the connection. He makes phone connection to Ben. "Good morning boss Shin, I am at your services." Ben is having his breakfast. "I have the detailed investment for the new project in New York revised last night. I have sent it back to you with all the notes on it. I want you to liaise with Dan about our Shina department store decrease sales profit. I wanted you to fire the director of Sales from Shina department store and Dan needs to oversee it until we find the candidate. I want you to raise all the material prices for construction in the whole country, so An Corporation would delay their ongoing project." Jun gives long instruction for Ben. He felt pity for his boss lady, as this is their honeymoon trip. However, His boss still crazy busy with his workload. "Anything else boss?" Ben asked him after writing the instructions down. "I want detail past 5 years shareholder report for Lu Corporation. I want to compose new business plan for them." Jun said in his proud tone. "Understand boss." Ben disconnected the phone. He hurried to the office with long list job from Jun. sometimes he even hasn't timed for dating girl due to his boss working hour. However, his boss managed to get a wife while Ben still alone by himself.     

Jun walked back to his seat to find Bella eat her food. She started to put some food to Jun plate and he ate it without any complaint. "what is our plan for today, my dear?" Jun asked Bella. "We will go to water temple to get bless and watch the show at the sunset. Could we had some seafood feast tonight, please?" Bella plea to Jun. "As long as you behave, my girl, you will get whatever you want." Jun appeased her. He stroke her hair gently to show his affection toward her. "Stop showing your love affection in front of us," Nathan complained to Jun. "Do your owned business mate. Your girl is next to you." Jun answered him with an annoyed tone. It won't take long before Jun phone started to ring again. "Jun speaking" He answered with annoyed tone. "You bastard. Why you have to put more job into my table?" Dan screamed to the phone. "You had to repay me for Cheryl love. Anyway, the guy didn't give me enough profit last one year." He explained to his best friend on another side. "You capitalism. Don't you had enough money for your next seven generation ahead? I have to pay you back of your sacrifice for my lover. You could take everything back and we will see your wife reaction." Dan threaten back to him, and he knows exactly his wife is his bottom line. Jun doesn't like anyone threaten him. "fine then, are you declaring war with Jun Shin? I am fine to play with you. No one ever win from me, you know it right?" Jun cold tone started to come out from his mouth with confident. His best friend hear his over confident word became abysmal on other side of the phone. "okay…okay… you win. Who dare to start war with the almighty Jun Shin. I will oversee the sales department for Shina department store until you find the correct candidate. After all my company represent Shin Corporation Sales and Marketing." Dan answered him with defeated tone. "good boy. Now, you can start working and show me your magic." Jun smile and disconnected the phone. Everyone at the table felt defeated to hear Jun business conversation, especially Nathan and Jimmy. They would not dare to compete with the Almighty Jun Shin.     

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