The Emperor's Pampered Wife

Great Master Hou's Assault

Great Master Hou's Assault

0Shock was written all over Rou Chao and the servants face as the man said such words aloud. He was after Hou Wei Yan, not Hou Chungsa?! Rou Chao bit her lower lip in shame as she assumed that the marriage was set up for her newly divorced daughter.     

Wei Yan, on the other hand, wasn't shocked but was caught in quite a predicament. She had accepted that her marriage was not something she can freely decide but this sort of thing was so sudden! Some men just barged in and had declared to take her away, that's something that doesn't normally happen in arranged marriage right?     

As she knows and was told, their marriage will be a process. She will meet the groom they have chosen and will spend a little bit of time first before announcing the engagement and marriage preparation. But she wasn't even informed that they have chosen her groom and they had set the date.     

Hou Guanyu and Chu Jin looked at Wei Yan's reaction and knew she was quite troubled with the sudden turn of events. "Wei Yan" he called her softly and waited for her gaze to fall on him. "Sweety, let's talk in my study about this, you okay with that?"     

He stood up and offered her hands to her. She hesitated because even if she talks to him there was no room for refusal. "Let daddy explain things to you before you're grandpa arrives"     

"Grandpa is coming?" she asked wearily. Her Grandpa is great but when it lands on such a topic, he is pushy and strict. He always forces her to follow the rules and learn the code of being a perfect wife. Normally it would be the grandmother to push such things, but her grandmother died when she was only 5 and since then her grandfather watched over her progress stating that she has to become perfect like her grandmother.     

"He is, and it's better for you to know before he barges in" he offered his hand closer to her. Wei Yan sighed and took it. It is indeed much better for her to know than to remain naive right up to their wedding day.     

As both person disappeared, Chu Jin immediately took action and looked at the guards. "Please wait a little bit longer for the young miss. I'm sure it will be settled today"     

The main guard simply nodded his head. "We shall be waiting outside, Boss had already prepared everything at the registration office"     

Chu Jin smiled and nodded his head. "I will inform Mr. Hou of this. Thank you"     

All the guards immediately left which made him look at the woman who was frozen in her seat. She must be trembling in fright right now. "Madame, Mr. Hou wish of you to greet the Great Master"     

Fe Rou Chao looked at him in disbelief and grated her teeth in vexation. Chu Jin had remained neutral for the past 8 years but he suddenly changed and showed his true bias just because Wei Yan returned. He knew very well how terrified she is to face Hou Tian Lang. In the elder's eyes, his only daughter-in-law is Hou Wei Yan's mother, Xing Mei Yi.     

Chu Jin smiled at her expression. Hou Tian Lang had a perfect marriage with his wife Qin Yang Yang and he never had other women than her. That's why he was petrified when he knew of his son's affair and even accused him as an imposter. He was deeply against the marriage but he had no choice but to allow it as Xing Mei Yi's last plea. She wanted him to have a marriage that wasn't forced unto him. That's why in his eye, Fe Rou Chao is a devil incarnate, a complete homewrecker, and a monstrous disaster.     

He had always shown his hatred towards her every single time that they meet by either throwing insulting and spiteful remarks or ignoring her completely like she didn't exist in his world. And to be honest, Chu Jin likes seeing her tremble under Hou Tian Lang's cold eyes while the rest bathe in his warmth.     

"Great Master Hou will be arriving in an hour" he said and immediately left to let her sort out her thoughts while he guards the room of the study for any dirty spies.     

Meanwhile, inside the study, Wei Yan sat obediently across her father, waiting for his thorough explanation.     

"Dad, what actually happened?" she asked as he drank his whiskey.     

Guanyu looked at her worriedly. Ah, he rehearsed for this already. What were his lines again?     

"You told me you'd inform and let me meet him first before deciding everything about marriage. Why did I suddenly become someone's bride without my knowledge?". There was confusion written all over her face.     

He looked at her seriously and drew a deep breath. Screw his script...its not gonna work with Wei Yan who has a lot of questions circling her mind.     

"Xiao Yan, you know our tradition, don't you?" he asked as he set his drink aside. He folded his hands and looked at her sincerely.     

Hou Wei Yan slowly nodded her head. How can she not? Her whole being revolved in that tradition. "I was raised following that tradition, Dad"     

"I'm so sorry for not informing you about this, I figured out you don't want such matters to disturb your work so I kept it hidden until you find time to return home"     

Wei Yan nodded her head in approval. She had devoted herself to her work especially when she had just begun. So if he had dared to tell her that, she'd only get furious than to understand. "But why are you rushing? Dad, you know I accepted my fate but you promised me we'll take the slow process"     

Guanyu sighed. "Your grandfather...had already given his ultimatum. You had reached the age of 26 and that's beyond the age your grandfather can tolerate. He wanted you to get married before your 27th birthday this year so I had to do this faster to avoid his wrath"     

Her face turned sour. "Dad, my birthday is still months away"     

"That's why you have to get married before that and this man had been waiting for 8 years. This marriage was already set before you went to America but in honor of you who was sick, we had to push it back until you're ready" he said with exasperation. Well, it's not like he's lying through and through. So this little act is okay.     

Shocked overwrote all of Wei Yan's other emotions. "8 years ago? You had already planned this for that long"     

8 years?! Now that's long and yet he waited without causing her any disturbances?! Curiosity ate up her system because she had always thought men aren't a fan of patience.     

There's plenty of fish in the sea and damn she's not even that pretty to be waited upon. So why did he wait for 8 long years?     

Guanyu nodded his head towards his daughter. He knows he caught her in his words. "Yes, that's why we can no longer push this back. He had tolerated for 8 years"     

A sigh escaped her lips as she runs her hand down to her hair. In this arrangement, there's no room for refusal so it's useless to say no because she's skeptical and really unprepared. But...she was so curious about one thing.     

Their meeting. No matter how she thinks about it, they could have at least allowed them to meet.     

"Honestly, why didn't you arrange a date first?! You know I will not refuse to meet him. And now, why isn't he even here to greet me?!" she asked as she drew her head towards her father.     

Hou Guanyu gulped at her knowing stares. "Sweety, you see...the groom is under a situation where he cannot reveal himself to you"     

"He doesn't want to meet me?" the follow-up question took Guanyu by surprise. Doesn't want to meet her?! Very unlikely! He knew for sure Ji Li Zhao was itching to finish his business to meet and hold Wei Yan in his arms.     

With such thought, Guanyu gave off an endearing smile. "No, he just can't reveal himself to you for your own good. So please understand and try not to unmask him"     

If she finds out who he is, trouble will come surging in for sure. There's a lot of people wanting to find out his many secrets and as his wife, Wei Yan will surely unravel a lot of it. But if she doesn't know his face, she cannot reveal any of it and will be rendered invaluable. She can't meet him, not until the issue with the inheritance is solved and he already eliminated his enemy that continues to threaten his life.     

Another sigh escaped her lips. How many times did she sigh today? "You're really asking for too much right now"     

She looked sharply at her father. "You want me to get married to a man I don't know and never see his face in this marriage?"     

Guanyu scratched his nape and sheepishly smiled. "Sweety, please understand, this man is the best and most fitting groom for you. He had told me he'd reveal himself when the time is right and when everything is settled on his side, so just bear with it" he said and was asking her complete understanding with the use of his natured colored eye.     

"I know you can't choose who to marry but I have chosen the best man there is who will take care and love you with all his heart" he added and slowly stood up towards her.     

"Dad" Wei Yan smiled at his wish. "You know I have no say in this, but I do trust you and your intentions"     

A smile crept through his face as she said such words. He knows she was an obedient and bright little angel that's why he was confident there will be no argument regarding the marriage. But he doesn't want her to hold any resentment for them who blocked her freedom. So he hugged her and held her in his arms with tightness. "I want only the best path for you, and this path is something you will soon love. I had made sure your husband is no brute and you're safe in his hands"     

Wei Yan felt safe in her father's arms. She found herself indulging in his warmth after being kept away from it ever since her mother left the household 10 years ago. "Okay, if you say so. The moment you chose him I am bound to him already so I will do my best to become a good wife and not bring shame on the family"     

Guanyu laughed. "I know you won't bring us shame. But if you need any help, you can run straight to me, okay?" he said and pleaded her sincerely.     

She was left with no choice but to smile under his kind and pleading eyes. "I will"     

After a short minute if their warm embrace, Wei Yan decided to break it with a very important question. "So when are we getting married?"     

As she asked such a thing, the door of the study suddenly flew open, and in came Fe Rou Chao's greatest nightmare. "Today! You're getting married today!"     

Great Master Hou...was listening outside using Wei Yan's stethoscope. He's been listening for a while and was just finding an opportunity to butt in. Finally...finally he found the right timing!     

"Grandpa!" Wei Yan cried out while Guanyu somehow backed away. His father was good to him when he reported about Ji Li Zhao and Hou Wei Yan's marriage but the way his gaze surveyed him has returned back to normal. It was piercing and he knew why.     

Hou Tian Lang was ecstatic to marry off his granddaughter but it was replaced with utter rage after finding out the gate blocking event. He was furious with Fe Rou Chao that he gave her some sensible and bone-chilling threats which instantly sent her collapsing. He had clearly told her his hate and yet she dared do such a thing?! And the main culprit of letting her do whatever she wants is standing before him. His hate grew much fiercer as Guanyu backed away, clearly guilty of letting her run loose.     

"Hou Guanyu, you insolent son! I know what happened earlier, and I do not like your mistress even more after she did such a thing!" he roared in anger. Chu Jin who was outside covered his ears from his cold and destructive roar and instantly closed the door.     

After hearing the word 'mistress', Guanyu instantly stiffened and he narrowed his hardened gaze towards him. "She's my wife!"     

Hou Tian Lang gave him a chilling smile of pure wickedness. "I don't see her as one, she's a parasite, a sore in the eye who keeps lingering around my radar"     

He loathes adulterer and he hates his son for being one. He knows he didn't fall short on teaching him good manners and the importance of loyalty and marriage so the blame cannot be his but on the adulterers themselves.     

He sighed his anger away and looked at Wei Yan softly. There's no reason for him to be strict around her anymore. She had completed her training and he knows she's now comparable to his perfect wife, Qin Yang Yang. "Xiao Wei, you will get married today and live in a better house than this one"     

Wei Yan was touched by her grandfather's warmth and intentions. She had done her best to please him to the best she can so this attitude must be her reward. But...     

She smiled at him and slowly shook her head. "Grandpa, you're acting quite rashly. We need to prepare for the wedding first, how can I just get married without preparation?"     

To her, marriage is very important and sacred. Though her wedding was arranged by her family, she had already buckled herself and had vowed to devote herself to it. Perhaps its because she had seen different outcomes of arranged marriage, one is her mother and father's case, that she wanted to do her best on her marriage to prove that there's happiness in it than painful cries.     

Hou Tian Lang walked towards her. As he stopped in front, he scooped her face and sadly smiled. "Xiao Wei, Grandpa wants you to start building your own family. This family is already broken down, you deserve a much better place where you can do whatever you want without any polluted air"     

She had just returned from America and had been struggling to cure her wounded soul. It must have been painful for her to return to a house she can no longer call home. He had been so angry that he never bothered getting close to Fe Rou Chao which resulted in her monopolizing the household.     

He knows Guanyu is protecting her and he will continue doing so. Wei Yan deserves a better home where she can truly feel loved without having a competitor for it. After Ji Li Zhao showed up in his house late at night to inform him of his deal with Guanyu, he had a chance to see through him and see his true intentions...which turned out to be pure love for his beloved granddaughter.     

"But grandpa, getting married today, is that even possible?" she suddenly asked which disturbed Hou Tian Lang's train of thoughts.     

"We handled it, for now, you have to hide your marriage and sign the legal papers today. Your grand wedding will be held after things get settled" he said softly. Ji Li Zhao had told him his reasons and he understood him well. He doesn't want to shock Wei Yan and let her remember their awful past that's why he's taking things slow after their marriage while eliminating his main nemesis as well.     

Wei Yan puffed and crossed her arms around her perfectly rounded chest. "I can already see you're biased with my future husband considering you're going to such lengths because his side isn't well settled yet"     

Hou Tian Lang chuckled at her statement. "He's a good fellow who waited 8 years for your safe return. We can't possibly let such a good and influential man slip by"     

She smiled at his endearing laughter and slowly turned towards his father who became a background on their conversation. This is how bad their relationship had become. "You will accompany me, Dad?"     

Guanyu smiled at his daughter like a fool. "Of course"     

"I'm going as well, to make sure no nasty parasite hangs around and ruin your wedding day" Great Master Hou suddenly butted in and drew Wei Yan closer to him. He knows his son well, and on such events, he will do his best to bring his mistress so Wei Yan can finally consider her as a mother while he accepts her as Guanyu's wife.     

But not today...and not when he's with his beloved granddaughter.     

Hou Guanyu looked at him sharply once more. The fire that was extinguished earlier suddenly lighting up in a fury wave. "Father, please stop insulting my wife"     

His father returned his gaze with a clouded glare. "Stop protecting her in front of my granddaughter!"     

Wei Yan sighed loudly. It seems like their relationship worsened with her absence. She took hold of her grandfather's hands which was clenched and ready to strike her father. Her grandfather was never brutal towards Guanyu and she saw in her childhood how much he loves his son. But his kindness and soft temperament towards him disappeared when he disobeyed and married Fe Rou Chao. Now, nothing can possibly patch up their broken relationship.     

"Okay stop. With your voices and argument how can we keep this marriage hidden?!" she said in a matter of fact and sighed again. Ah, another sigh.     

"Don't worry, no one knows who your groom is so its useless to spread empty news" Hou Tian Lang focused his attention on his beloved granddaughter once more. No one would dare spread it or he will render them unable to talk again.     

"And my siblings? Do they know?"     

Guanyu shook his head and butted in. "No. And it's best if they don't"     

Hou Tian Lang glared his way but then turned back on Wei Yan and gave a very loving smile. "Let's not make them unnecessarily worry about you. Once they learn of this, Xiao Shen will only get worked up and it won't be good for his upcoming examinations"     

She facepalmed at their silliness. God, her grandfather is doing this on purpose. She wanted to laugh and to cry at his actions. "I understand" she answered after a few minutes of silence.     

No one was more ecstatic than the old man right now. Finally, his granddaughter is getting married to a man she deserves and powerful enough to make Fe Rou Chao's clan tremble before him.     

"Now let's go, before a centipede decides to crawl in" he stated and walked out with his arms on Wei Yan's shoulders, shielding her from Hou Guanyu. This made her shake her head in frustration.     

Guanyu called him out quite darkly after saying such a thing. "Father"     

Hou Tian Lang knows he wants to talk about Fe Rou Chao again. So he destroyed his chance to make her good in his eyes. "You know very well how much I loath affairs and your relationship with me is not enough to change my thoughts on that subject"     

"Its been a while since you last saw her, can't you at least show a little humanity and consideration?!" Guanyu said as they descended from the stairs.     

He stopped and angrily looked at his naive son. "Get used to it because I'm not changing nor have any plan of doing fake kindness to your mistress!"     

Noticing the sound of pointed shoes, he secretly smiled and looked at the door towards the dinner table.     

'You love eavesdropping, huh?', he thought and in a cold voice said. "Also, if she plans on blocking Xiao Wei's path again...I won't hesitate to squash her like a nasty bug. You know how far I can go so put a leash on that pet of yours including her daughter before they go wandering on a forbidden territory"     

Fe Rou Chao who was listening not far trembled in fear of her daughter's safety. Her daughter Fe Chungsa, now under the name Hou Chungsa is her daughter from her past marriage. She became officially a Hou 6 years ago because of her persuasion. But even though she was acknowledged and currently registered as a Hou, she never harbored enough power to stay protected from Hou Tian Lang until she got married 2 years ago. But now, she's divorced and fragile that what Hou Tian Lang threatened can happen any second.     

He knew she was afraid and he was satisfied with his work. His thoughts started turning wicked. ---Go on, challenge me, and try taking what's not yours. We' ll see who loses the ability to even move once I do something big and grand in honor of you!     

Hou Tian Lang walked again while remembering Ji Li Zhao's loving gaze. He then turned towards his granddaughter and knew she was in safe hands. Ji Li Zhao's eyes reflected extreme patience, love, care, and devotion.     

Suddenly, he turned around and looked at his son with disappointment. "You're a great man, but you cannot compare to men who valued their marriage and gave it enough time and effort so it can work out until the end"     

Afterward, he left and entered the car with Hou Wei Yan. HouGuanyu was left speechless and it took him a while to move and follow them towards the registration office for the wedding.     

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