Fox Life

New Novel, Caracara's Hunt!

New Novel, Caracara's Hunt!

0Hey, I'm back and my new novel is finally here. It's a bit late and not the story I promised all those two long months ago, but I still hope you'll give it a chance. The name's Caracara's Hunt. It's a novel about a young man who was persecuted because of his powers. Here's the synopsis:     

For twenty years, Arawn has spent every day in magic-dampening prisons. The latest being the Gutter, a place for the worst the human kind has to offer. Haunted by memories of the past and overwhelming power he cannot control, Arawn wishes for nothing more than to rot away in the darkness, far from the fragile humans he might hurt.     

Yet a new criminal is sent to the Gutter. He's lively, alert, and too self-assured to just let himself die in a dingy cell. The moment he notices Arawn's fascination with the outside world, he showers him in tales about its beauty and warmth, something very opposite to the dark cell they now inhabit.     

Slowly, a long dead sprout of curiosity rises its head within Arawn. But are abominations like him even allowed in the outside world? Wouldn't he be smited by the gods the moment he took a step out?     

He would do it, if he were them.     


The reason I changed the novel idea is mainly because I didn't think I could do good by the witch novel. I had planned it out and created an expansive world, but when I tried writing the first chapters, they just didn't work. Somehow, I couldn't get the right feeling.     

I was also faced with a new semester in my university at the time, and let's just say it didn't go well. I thought I knew what bad studies were, but I got educated on that. From now on, I'll never say there's nowhere lower to go—there is, always. Anyway, this interrupted all my plans to write with stress and other horrors familiar to all students. I only managed to get my feet under me like two weeks ago.     

Throughout those longs weeks, I had kept thinking about my less than acceptable drafts of early chapters for the witch novel and in the end decided that instead of releasing a subpar romance novel, I should better try my hand at writing an adventure novel again. For those who have read Flight of Icarus, you can expect a similar type of action and emotion packed story. For those who haven't, think of an action/adventure story set in a fantasy world with complicated characters and plenty of problems for them to face. Kingdoms, rivals, new friends, ancient secrets, love interests, betrayals, pets—you're going to get the whole package this time ;)     

Try it, you won't regret ^_^'s-Hunt     

(And if you do, you can tell me why so I can improve for next time. Everybody wins!)     



Sorry for the premium chapter, but I don't have the option to release normal (unpaid) chapters. I also needed at least 400 words for it to be released, so do forgive me.     

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.