The President's Lover is a Fighter

Catch Up

Catch Up

0Lu Fang and Andrea were still in the office late at night, finishing up work when Anton Yeong called.      

"Andy, I have very good news," said Yeong on the other line.      

Andrea was slouching on the couch, taking a break from reading Lu-Wei Enterprises' financial report. It was her 6th break of the day that she practically felt like a flower in her husband's office. She just could not help but fall asleep or go hungry from time to time.      

She yawned before asking her brother, "What is the good news?"     

"Yanmei is pregnant. She has been for two months. We did not notice at all. So congratulate me," Her brother announced.      

She chuckled at Yeong. Despite delivering good news, he managed to say it at such a flat tone. Nevertheless, she was happy to hear that Yanmei was finally pregnant.     

They had been trying for a year now, at least to her knowledge. She had begun to worry that they may have problems conceiving.      

"Yeong, you don't know how happy I am to receive this news. Congrats, my dear brother," Andrea said before turning to her husband. She pointed out to her phone before explaining to Lu Fang, "Yanmei is finally pregnant."     

"Congratulations, Brother!" Shouted Lu Fang for Yeong to hear.      

"I take it Mommy Soon will not be coming to visit me this year. Haha!" She giggled, recalling Yeong Soon's eagerness to see the twins and Angela.     

Yeong: "You don't have to worry about that Andy. Soon, I'll catch up with you and mom will have too many grandchildren to look after."     

Andrea: "Ohhhh… Don't be too sure about catching up with me…. Haha! I have news for you too…"     

Yeong: "What is it?"     

Andrea: "I have twins. Haha!"     

Yeong: "What?! I thought it was just one?"     

Andrea: "Haha! We were equally surprised."     

She narrated about her ultrasound results, most especially the recent one and how she ended up getting pregnant again after having already conceived.      

Anton Yeong was silent for a few seconds before he made a comment, "Jesus, pregnancy as a cure… and now you got double pregnant! You are definitely cured!"     

Yeong was made aware of Andrea getting sick and getting admitted to the hospital repeatedly in the past few months. He knew about Michael Song and had in fact offered to end his life, but he was told they were still trying to find the cure for the disease. At that time, killing Michael Song meant ending the life of the only person who knew how his sister would get treated.      

When he learned the way to resolve the disease, he had previously encouraged his sister saying that for her and Lu Fang, getting pregnant was a walk in the park.      

The siblings ended their conversation with a plan to have a reunion in China while Yanmei's belly, including hers, were still small. It was a gathering that Andrea looked forward to considering; it has been a year since she had last seen her brother and her sister-in-law.      

 Gao Rou and Hanxi came inside the office, bringing in Chinese food. Although they got together out of working late, they took the time to catch up with their personal lives.      

"This is an advance celebration. Me and Andy, we are having twins again!" Announced Lu Fang.      

Hanxi, who had already known, merely grinned while passing each a pack of fried rice.       

"What? Twins again?" said Gao Rou, utterly in awe. "I can't believe you two. I hope you have reached your quota."     

"I'd say!" Said Andrea. "Anyway, enough about us, you guys. Both of you have given away too much for our sake these past few months."     

Andrea fed herself before pointing her chopsticks at Hanxi, "Bro, I spoke to, dad. He bought a few  - Haha! I mean a lot of shares at the Bank of Trust Italy. He suggested that both of you join the next board meeting next month."     

Hanxi nodded, and he heard Lu Fang add, "I'll schedule my trip to France by then so you can fly with me. From France, it will just be a short trip to Italy."     

Following Hanxi's acquisition of Manuel's 2% share, Andrea revealed how she managed to trap the siblings who were previously planning to humiliate him in front of the Riccis. She simply created dummy email accounts copying both the usernames of Manuel and Alice Lombardi.      

Manuel received emails from Alice with the suggested scheme and Alice received the same from Manuel. They both knew the plan, and they both thought it came from the other when in fact, the idea of selling the shares at a discounted price was Andrea's.      

Andrea saw Hanxi's reluctance after telling him he was to return to Italy. She asked, "What's the problem?"     

Hanxi was staring blankly at his beer when his sister spoke. He gulped down a little before answering, "Mr. Ricci proposed that we get married..."     

"Oh," said Andrea.      

The topic was suddenly something she could not touch on and Gao Rou saw through it. He could tell Andrea was very attached to Hanxi.      

"Hey!" Called Gao Rou. "I'm older than you! Don't go getting married before me!"      

Hanxi's eyes narrowed at him, saying, "Whatever, Gao Rou."     

There were mix reactions after Gao Rou's attempt to change the topic but when all their teasing and laughter died down, Hanxi spoke, "I told them It isn't the time yet and that I would wait for Andy to give birth so my whole family could see me walk down the aisle when the time comes."     

'One year of keeping my brother. That should be enough to prepare myself,' Andrea said to herself. Somehow, she was relieved that her brother's leaving was not happening soon, but what she heard next affected her.      

Hanxi looked at them straight in the eye and said, "I  - I really like, Bella... and I will work hard to be more independent and self-sufficient so I can proudly be by her side."     

Andrea tried her best to hide her emotions, but suddenly she felt wetness fall down her cheeks. She turned to face her husband, hoping Hanxi would not notice, but it was too late and the tears continued to flow.      

When Lu Fang saw her cry, he wiped her face with his hands, asking, "Babe, what's wrong?"     

"Nothing..." She said while sniffing away her tears. "It's nothing... Haha! It's the hormones... I guess this is what happens you get pregnant a month after getting pregnant... You go crying all of a sudden."     

Pointing to both Gao Rou and Hanxi, she said, "You guys better be prepared. Always carry a tissue when with your pregnant wives!"     

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