The President's Lover is a Fighter

Worthy of Forgiveness

Worthy of Forgiveness

0Inside the President's office of Intramed Wise, Darwin Clark faced Landon Song, who everyone thinks he is his brother, Michael Song and behind him stood his most trusted person, Fernando.      

Darwin was already made aware of how this Landon became Michael. It was thanks to Deana's notice that he accepted this meeting request.      

Darwin took the documents in front of him and carefully scanned through each one. It took almost half an hour before he finally spoke, "These are rather too generous, don't you think so?"     

Landon, looked down at his hands before taking a deep breath. He smiled at Darwin and said, "I owe Mr. and Mrs. Lu and I owe her that much."     

"The specifics of the contract are there. Technically, I am giving Anna Miller and her son, Justin most of the businesses that we have, but… but under the care of Intramed Wise. Your company will benefit from the global expansion and the development of new antidotes base on our research."     

"You are to offer her a position as a head scientist in a new laboratory of your supposed acquisition. In that facility, you will credit all achievements to her until she is worthy to be part of the managing body of Intramed Wise… In short, you are to pave a way for her to make it on top… and only then will you turn over the ownership to these assets."     

"I don't understand why you are doing this? Why not just give it to Anna Miller herself? Why let us share the glory?" Darwin asked. He placed both his elbows against the table, resting his chin on his fists while waiting for Landon's reply.     

Landon narrated his relationship to Anna and at the end of it all, he explained, "She would never accept anything from me. I am sure of that. Even if I am not Michael. I - I still did nothing to help her."     

"Mr. Clark, you don't have to worry. Anna is a brilliant researcher and scientist. In fact, she was deemed one of the best biochemical engineer even before she took her masters degree. You will not regret taking her in." Michael paused for a moment, thinking of Anna's wasted career and explained, "Only that, for the past years, she was emotionally unstable…. As I have explained to you."     

"I could tell, she is important to you - "     

"I love her. For years, I have loved her," Landon explained.      

"Then? Why give up? Why not pursue her? Maybe she will forgive you one day," suggested Darwin, still in utter disbelief with Landon's plan.      

"You don't understand, Mr. Clark. I am a heart transplant patient. In an average, transplant patients live for ten years. At the most, with money and advancement, I may live longer than thirty years…. Given that I will survive that long and given that I receive her forgiveness… and maybe her love, can I bear to hurt her again?"     

Landon turned to Fernando before looking back at Darwin, saying, "My point is, I am bound to die and she abhors me… I don't want to give her any more pain."     

"If you agree with this, you must promise not to let her know that it was me, who helped her. She - she would never accept it," he added.      

"I will discuss this partnership first with the board, especially to Lu Fang and Andrea… I will let you know our decision soon."     

Darwin's mouth remained open, wanting to encourage Landon further and fight for his life. He thought it would be such a shame if their legacy would be passed on to another company. He never liked the idea of taking credit for someone else's work.      

He looked at Landon seriously and added, "But I do hope that you live longer… If this Anna Miller is unwilling to accept the wealth, at least, maybe at least she will forgive you."     

Landon gave a smile before thanking him sincerely. That day, he left Darwin's office with the hope that he will accept his offer.     

Due to his busy schedule, it took a few days before Darwin consulted with Lu Fang and Andrea.      

Lu Fang thought it was a risk, but then again it was a risk with no financial loss. Landon was practically letting Intramed Wise use their facilities and current research for free. All new discoveries and inventions will be credited to Intramed Wise. Thus, the couple agreed only if Anna Miller was worth it.      

"Darwin, look into her information. Give her a test - a chance to prove herself even before we accept Landon's offer," Lu Fang suggested.      

"Yes, Darwin. We don't have to accept Landon's terms in order to employ her… Let us get to know her before making any decisions," Andrea added.      

Darwin agreed to the suggestion. Accepting Landon's offer would be difficult unless Anna Miller is truly as brilliant as he said she would be. That is the only way for the plan to work. Otherwise, his authority would be questioned.      

Just very timely, they were truly in need of biochemists. He simply needed to open an opportunity for Anna Miller.      

One evening, he called for her sister, Deana and asked her to give a full report about Anna Miller; her achievements and background.      

"What is this about?" Deana asked with her eyes wide open.      

Darwin's face turned into a frown, realizing his sister was questioning his actions. "She is the woman Landon Song - rather Michael Song requested for us to take in the company -You know! I told you about this!"     

"Oh! Haha! My dearest brother, I thought you had finally moved on and was stalking a girl that you like… I was about to rejoice at the idea that you would be dating again - "     

"Nonsense, you know very well that I only love one woman - "     

"And that woman is getting married next week - I - I'm sorry, Darwin. I did not mean to remind you… I just think that since your ex-fiance has moved on with her life, you should do as well... She never even let you explain your side of the story," Deana said, interrupting her brother.      

She quickly grabbed the folder on Anna Miller's profile and left Darwin's office to get started.      

Seeing the doors shut in front of him, Darwin reflected on her sister's words. Then, out of nowhere, he recalled his conversation with Landon.     

He realized Landon was right... Some people just were not willing to forgive... and maybe like Landon; he was not worthy of being forgiven because, despite his efforts in reconnecting with his ex-fiance, she never gave him a chance.      

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