The President's Lover is a Fighter

Women as a Threat

Women as a Threat

0Lu Fang and Andrea, together with Xia Yanmei were standing in front of Anton Yeng at his office. Lu Fang had already introduced the idea of having a permanent representative from their side to look after the investment in Korea, but they failed to mention the fact that it was a SHE and not a HE.      

"Bro, this is Xia Yanmei. She is a cousin of Brother Ting and acted as Lu Fang's stand-in in Beijing," Andrea happily announced.      

Lu Fang also added by praising Yanmei for her diligence at work, "Yanmei is a fast learner and can sweep through a pile of work without making any mistakes! She would greatly contribute to the success of our venture with JWS Investments."     

Yanmei looked left and right to both Lu Fang and Andrea while nodding her head, smiling. It was not like her to humble herself down but seeing Andrea's brother; she concurred that he was scary, even more frightening than her cousin, Xia Ting, back in the day.      

'Although he was good looking, there was nothing else pleasing about this man,' Yanmei thought to herself as she closely observed the man behind the desk.      

Anton Yeong was not responsive. He merely threw daggers at the unfamiliar women standing in front of him.      

"I don't like women working under my care!"      

Yanmei immediately thought, 'Boy, he got it bad. Poor guy. He badly needs help.'     

Before Andrea and Lu Fang could convince Yeong, Yanmei responded saying, "I understand how you don't like women and I support you wholeheartedly."     

Andrea and Lu Fang, "..."     

She said the words with great sincerity and concern on her face that made Yeong confused. He repeated himself, "Are you crazy? I just said I don't like women!"     

'Of course! You like men. I get it.' Although these were the words that played in her head, what came out in actual were, "Oh, you were referring to me?"      

Yanmei laughed all of a sudden surprising even Andrea and Lu Fang.      

"I'm sorry. Sometimes, I forget. I am actually a woman. The truth is, I am a man trapped in a woman's body!"     

"Haah!" Andrea exclaimed while taking a few steps back nearly fainting. She immediately called for her husband, "Babe, carry me to the lounge area. I want to take some rest."     

The man quickly lifted his wife but just before leaving, Andrea glanced at her brother and with a warning, she said, "Yeong! You better make this work! I can't have my husband flying here almost every week as my stomach gets bigger every day… Work with Yanmei or these babies aren't seeing Mommy Soon!"     

Yeong sneered at the threat before turning back to Xia Yanmei. He took a deep breath before saying, "Tell me about yourself."     

Lu Fang laid Andrea down to a sofa inside the office's lounge area. She was breathing in and out heavily, completely disappointed by how things turned out to be. She realized, being a cupid was not an easy job.      

When she finally calmed herself down, she turned to the man and asked, "Did I just hear it right? Yanmei said she was a lesbian?"     

"Yes. She did."     

She frowned and questioned, "How will this work?" She patted on her cheeks before adding, "Babe, we may need another prospect to get my brother to lighten up."     

"Well, you did turn our brother into gay, so who knows! They might actually hit it off!"     

They both ended up laughing at how tragic their plan had become. They were now beginning to see the light of visiting Korea ten times a year. However, when the two went back to check on Yeong and Yanmei, they were surprised to see them speaking harmoniously.      

The couple looked at each other and agreed, it might just work after all.     

During dinner, they learned how Yanmei talked some sense into Yeong.      

"I convinced him that I was gay too. This way, he would not worry about me stealing all the men around him!"     

Lu Fang practically spat out his drink back to the glass, almost choking. However, it did not stop there. Yanmei continued to explain her assumptions towards Yeong's predicament.      

"You see, I think the reason he doesn't like women around is that he hates them taking men's attention. He is still in search of Mr. right after all." She paused for a moment before expounding, "You see, my gay friends always hated bringing me along on dates as I would end up attracting their partner."     

"But, you are not a lesbian, are you?" asked Andrea.      

The question made Yanmei laugh hysterically that she asked back, "Well, what do you think, Andy?" She then turned to the also puzzled man beside Andrea and asked, "What about you, Mr. Lu? Do you also think I am a lesbian?"     

The two were caught off guard on how to answer the question, but later Andrea answered, "Well… we hope that you are not…"     

Xia Yanmei laughed again but later answered earnestly, "No! I am not! I only said that so he can be comfortable with me." She winked at them and added, "You see, now he does not see me as a threat!"     

The two simultaneously let out a long sigh, relieved that she and Yeong were straight. Although the thought of the two thinking they were both gays did not sit well with the couple, it was a great opportunity to get them talking.      

A week had passed and Andrea was pleased to see Yanmei's presence did not disgust Yeong. In fact, a few times they had lunch together, and that was very huge progress.      

Anton Yeong realized that Xia Yanmei had no interest in him romantically and would never do so considering she preferred women over men. He never saw a hint of interest from her eyes towards him. He placed his trust in her and became comfortable with her existence.      

Further proving her revelation to be true, Yeong often saw Yanmei chatting with other women in the office and rarely with the men. Whenever she did, she merely greeted them, sometimes, even without smiling.      

The couple eventually felt at ease and were willing to leave the management of the business in Yanmei's hands. Lu Fang and Andrea finally decided to return to China, just in time to celebrate Lu Fang's birthday.      

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