The President's Lover is a Fighter

The Cravings + Sleep Deprived

The Cravings + Sleep Deprived

0Xia Yanmei was discussing with Lu Fang about the development of Global China's collaborated projects. It concerned her that there was little attention put into it since Andrea's hospitalization.     

"Lu Fang, someone should look at this. Can Andy already work to at least review the progress? Since she knows the projects well, it would be best if we get her opinion."     

Yanmei was looking at the reports as she said this, but hearing no response, she looked up to find Lu Fang closing his eyes behind his desk.     

"Lu Fang?"     

She cleared her throat and attempted once more to wake up the man, "Mr. Lu."     

Lu Fang forced his eyes opened and wiped his face with his hand. He stared at Yanmei and asked back, "Yes, you were saying?"     

"Is everything all right between you and Andy?"     

He sat up properly and fixed his coat before explaining further. "Everything is fine. We are just going through pregnancy."      

"But, I thought Andy got out of the hospital? Hasn't she gotten any better?"     

"Oh, she is getting better…"     

His eyelids were falling without control that he asked, "Yanmei! Prove your worthiness, take over for a few hours. I need to get some sleep."     

The man did not wait for any response and went straight to his private room.      

Since Andrea's excessive vomiting, he was deprived of sleep. When the heaving had eventually slowed down, he thought he would get more rest.      

The week before his wife's discharge from the hospital, he noticed her appetite improved. Although she still occasionally heaved, at least she was already asking for food.      

While on the way to the hospital, Andrea called to ask for some takeaway, "Babe, I think I want some dumplings. Could you get me some, please?"     

The man smiled with delight. He was excited for his wife to gain back the weight she lost after more than a month of barely eating.      

Aunt Rosa could not leave Andrea behind, so it was only typical for him to buy their dinner. Andrea did not like hospital food.      

Finally arriving at the suite, he excitedly took out the dumplings and handed them over. "Here you go babe, dumplings for you."     

She smiled and thanked him for his efforts. Just as she was taking it out from the bag, he kissed her on the forehead before removing his jacket.     

Turning back his attention to her, he noticed a frown on her face after having a bite.      

Andrea looked up to him and said, "Babe, it doesn't taste the same."     

Aunt Rosa, who saw her reaction said, "our taste buds change when getting pregnant, it's normal."      

Andrea's face turned gloomy. "Babe, I don't want this anymore. Could you get me some ramen?"     

The man turned to Aunt Rosa, but she only gave him a shrug and said, "I could get the ramen for you, but I don't know how to drive." She then turned to Andrea and added, "the pregnant lady will have to wait an hour for the ramen to arrive."     

Lu Fang had to go out again and buy his wife some ramen.      

That same night, the noodles weren't enough for Andrea that she woke up at dawn. "Babe, I'm hungry."     


"I'm hungry."     

"Babe, it's three in the morning. Let's go to sleep - "     

"The babies are hungry."     


The man got up and bought some food at the convenience store. When he came back, he no longer wanted to sleep.      

After that incident, Go Bolin no longer reported in the office. He became Andrea's errand boy.     

Bolin stocked the hospital fridge with different kinds of food, at least those that did not spoil easily. Before leaving each day, he asked if there were other things the lady boss was craving for.      

When Andrea was finally brought home to the mansion, her mouth fell open seeing the kitchen. There were two new refrigerators, all filled with different ingredients and ready to eat meals. It also included desserts like ice cream, yogurt, and some pastries.      

She was impressed with all the preparations her husband made and it worked incredibly well as the man with her hunger and recent cravings.      

Lu Fang also made precautions before going to bed each night, minimizing the number of times he needed to get up.      



"I'm hungry."     

He sat up and opened the drawer next to their bed. It was there where he placed the stash. "There's peanut butter and jelly sandwich - "     

"No, too much."     

"Granola and nuts."     


"Rice crackers."     

"Yep. That will work."     

He handed her a few pieces and went back to sleep.      

"Babe, water."     

"At your bedside table, babe."     

"Thanks, babe. You are the best. I love you."     

"Love you too."     

However, there were days when Andrea's cravings were just too difficult to fulfill.     

On one weekend, she was checking online and remembered to have eaten a kind of fruit from Hawaii. She came to his study with the sweetest smile on her face and said, "Babe, I want some star apples."     

Lu Fang looked up to her in confusion and asked, "what is that?"     

"Star apples. They are yummy, sweet and soft textured kind of fruit. You haven't tried those?"     

The man raised his chin up trying to recall if he had tried some. He wondered if the one he thought was the same and asked, "Star fruit?"     

"No, babe. Don't confuse them. Star fruit differs from star apple. Yuck! Don't even think of buying me a star fruit. It's also called caimito."     

The man gulped, if he ever buys the wrong fruit, he is dead for sure. He looked it up online and found no stores in Beijing that sell them or at least they did not post them online.      

Andrea came back after an hour with a frown on her face. "Babe, where is my star apple?"     

He smiled and said, "Babe, how about berries? Mangoes? Plums?"     

"No, No, No. I want star apples." She turned her back but just before closing the door, her eyes squinted as she said, "Mr. Lu, the clock is ticking."     

The man checked all his sources and found star apples being sold in a Vietnamese store in Guangzhou. He had ordered two boxes of the fruit and asked Li Wen's to arrange the pick-up. The very lucky star apples flew in the private plane of the Royal Dragon Corporation.      

It was Go Bolin who got the fruits from the airport so when he arrived that night; he was invited for dinner.      

Lu Fang excitedly announced to Andrea that star apples had arrived. She was so thrilled hearing the news that her smile was from ear to ear.      

When they opened one box, Andrea's lips pouted. She took out a few more of the fruit and when she could not find what she wanted, she turned to the man and said, "Babe, I wanted the purple ones. These aren't pretty enough."     

Go Bolin almost fainted.      

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