The President's Lover is a Fighter

Second Sac had Developed

Second Sac had Developed

0It was six in the morning when Gao Rou received a call from General Lei. After Andrea passed out yesterday, he had taken over the communication with the General, hoping to get an update on Ravoski and Rou Yanlin.     

He was currently at his own home, much closer to the old mansion of the Lus. These past few days had been straining that he felt the need to sleep in the comforts of his own bed.     

"I'm sorry to call you so early, Gao Rou, but I'm flying back to Tianjin in two hours. So I called before leaving. With everything that has been going on, I might as well stay there for a couple of days."     

"It's fine, General. Your call is always important," he responded in a raspy voice.      

"Our surveillance confirmed that the Commissioner has been taking shelter near the ports of Tianjin. We think he is waiting, but for what, we don't know yet."     

"As for that member of The Shadows, Ravoski, he is also headed for Tianjin. Rou Yanlin must still be in the city."     

"Thank you General, for the update. Lu Fang hopes to put an end to this soon."     

Gao Rou gathered all his strength to express the sentiments of the Lus that it took him a second to add, "General... With Yanlin having escaped prison once, the Lu Family felt the need to bring him and his accomplices over to Gabriel's Den. We won't show them any mercy."     

There was a moment of silence. Lei Dong let out a sigh which was well heard on the other line. While he was part of the body imposing due process, he understood that justice can be delayed in the traditional judicial system.      

"I understand. Li Wen and I will cover for the Lu Family."     

Lu Fang's parents wanted to visit Andrea and Gao Rou was to pick them up on the way. Since he was already up, he thought he might as well get breakfast at the old mansion. So he got ready to leave.      

Meanwhile, after hearing the news from Yeong about The Shadow's attack, Li Wen decided to fly to Beijing and bring along little Mei-Mei to visit her aunt.      

That late morning turned out to be a gathering for all of them at the hospital. Although Lu Fang booked the biggest suite, everyone's presence crowded the room especially since more furnishing had to be brought inside, allowing all guests to sit comfortably.      

Christina finally met Anton Yeong and thought he was frightening. He did not smile at all and merely gave a nod before giving a simple greeting. She also met Han-joon, who's hand was wrapped together with a splint, having been broken by Lorenzo. Both were unsociable, but regardless, they were family to Andrea and the Lus appreciated their help in dealing with the assassins.      

While the adults were busy talking, Xia Mei came up to her uncle Fang who was sitting at the bedside with Andrea. "Uncle, aunt already has a zygote right? Does that mean I get my unicorn?"     

"Pfft!" Andrea giggled while putting a hand to cover her mouth.      

"Hmmmm… Yes, little princess. We've already passed the fertilization stage and your aunt is confirmed pregnant. The copulation process was a success - Ahh!"     

The man was punched in the arm. He could have sworn, this part of his body had already grown accustomed to his wife's beating, yet it still hurts every time.      

 Turning back his gaze over Mei-Mei, he lifted her up to sit on his lap and said, "I am working on having your unicorn ready. I promise."     

Lu Fang lied. He was far from having the unicorn prepared with all that he had to deal with recently. He quickly sent a text to Go Bolin reminding him about the horse and its accessories. He simply passed on the pressure to his assistant.      

Doctor Qi came inside the room and was taken aback seeing the number of visitors. "Oh, my. So many are looking forward to the ultrasound results."     

Christina Lu grinned and greeted the doctor with a smile, "Doctor Qi, how are my grandchildren?"     

She gave Christina a pat on the hand and gestured for her to take a seat.      

"All right everybody," she announced, "listen up." Before speaking, she stared into everyone's eyes. Seeing them focus their attention on her made her realize, how fortunate the couple was to have such a supportive family and peers.     

She breathed in heavily and slowly took out the results. She blinked several times before looking up with a blank expression then said, "It says here that the second sac had developed a yolk!"     

Christina cheered happily, clapping as she turned to Lu Wei and asked, "Did you hear that? Did you hear that? We will be grandparents of two!"     

The smiles on everyone's faces became apparent. Hanxi, on the other hand, fell confused having associated the pregnancy with an egg.      

Li Wen, who was now seated at the other side of the hospital bed, opposite to Lu Fang, became teary-eyed and held on to her sister's hand. "You are so lucky, Andy! Two in one go!"     

After a second, Li Wen had a realization then whispered to Andrea's ear, "That might mean yours will get cut all the way to your butt, but it's fine. They can sew it back together."     

Andrea paled and her mouth hung open. Nevermind the stitching. Her mind was revolving around the thought, 'Does that mean, I'm going to get loosen?'     

She turned to the man and gulped. She was going to have a proper talk with Doctor Qi about preserving her tightness as she intended to keep her husband happy for life.      

It did not take long for questions to come flying overwhelming the doctor. Needless to say, she was amused by all the eagerness.      

Gao Rou: "When will we know the gender?"     

Christina: "What kind of twins? Will they look alike?"     

Yeong: "When will she give birth?"     

Lu Wei: "Is it possible to have a boy and a girl?"     

She answered one by one explaining that there were two sacs; they aren't identical and with a possibility of having different genders.      

"She is still at the very early stage of pregnancy. Four weeks as per the ultrasound." she then turned to Andrea and added, "much care and precaution is needed."     

"Now. That was the good news. Here comes the bad news."     

Lu Fang's heart raced.      

Everyone else looked at the doctor, shocked.      

"There is bad news?" Andrea asked with a worried look on her face.      

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