The President's Lover is a Fighter

Easy Money

Easy Money

0The Shen family fell in a state of confusion while the Commissioner's face paled. He thought, 'How is this possible? He clearly instructed the bank to delete the account's historical records.'      

"No! No! This is impossible!" Tu Ping slammed both hands on the table as he was screaming out loud in denial. He quickly turned to Andrea and yelled, "Who are you? What are you?"     

Andrea raised her brows and replied sarcastically, "A beautiful angel for those who are good."      

"Hmmm... I agree," Lu Fang second the motion.      

When the Commissioner realized the plan had failed, he immediately stormed out of the conference room leaving the Shens to figure out for themselves that they have just been screwed.       

Inside his car, he quickly called the bank manager. He instructed to secure his money and that of the Rou Yanlin's before it was too late. "Transfer all the funds back to my account now! You are so incompetent! How could you not delete the history on the account?"      

"Mr. Tu, I assure you that I did. I have been doing this for a very long time! You know me well... There was no mistake. I checked it before I left the bank. However, when the police arrived this morning and request the records. Everything came back like I never deleted them -"      

"Why did you not tell me!"       

"Mr. Tu, I did! I tried calling you but it was all routed to voicemail. So I sent you several text messages!"      

"Stupid! Idiot! Transfer all the funds now before we lose that money."      

There was silence on the other line. The commissioner could sense there was more dreadful news coming his way.       

"Mr. Tu." The manager's voice was so weak that he could hear it fading away as he told, " The… The account balance is one dollar and fifty cents."      


"No… No!" Tu Ping could only scream in horror. He just found out that all his money had disappeared into thin air.       

Last night he had transferred his personal funds to the account so to put more weight on claims that Andrea was heavily funded by Rou Yanlin. He even asked Shen He to give back temporarily his investment just so he could closely meet the expected 80 Million Dollars.      

In the end, he only managed to allocate a total of 70 Million Dollars but, figured this was enough. At least there was proof that money came from Rou Yanlin.       

Tu Ping began smashing his fist into the window of his car, frustrated with himself. He knew he was done for it. All his money was gone, and he was left with only 2,000 USD on his personal savings account.     


 Yesterday, an hour after their initial meet, Andrea and Lu Fang came back to Zhi Lim's office. It was there that the couple told him about her real background.       

"Chief, I have no reason to work for Rou Yanlin. I am actually a sister of Li Wen, President Xia Ting's wife of the Royal Dragon Corporation."      

The Chief of Police was stunned hearing this and thought, 'Of course! Why would the Xias or anyone related to them be involved in this?'      

He never imagined that Andrea Li was connected to the General through the Xia family.       

Andrea outlined for him her plans for the next day and said, "Thank you for listening and taking our side."      

"Obviously, after tomorrow, Commissioner Tu will be incriminated but because we suspect he is linked to Rou Yanlin, instead of arresting him, we have contacted General Lei to help us survey his movements."      

"We have this hunch that he will lead us to Rou Yanlin," Lu Fang further explained.       

Zhi Lim gasped heavily, still taking it all in. Eventually, he told on the Commissioner, "I had my suspicion about him long before. These were stories from my men who got temporarily assigned in Tianjin."     

He stood up to shake hands with Lu Fang and added, "Mr. Lu, with all my power, I will help put Rou Yanlin and his accomplices behind bars. You have my full support."      

Following their visit to the Police Station, Andrea worked with Li Wen to gain access to the bank account and monitor its changes. The sisters could see every change that the bank had made; every deletion and every newly added information.       

The bank even manipulated where the money supposedly came from, making it appear that the transfers were mostly from one of Rou Yanlin's account. In truth, it all came from Rou Yanlin. He had several dummy accounts that it was too complicated to trace.       

Thanks to the Commissioner, they had now found the offshore account where most of Yanlin's liquid assets were kept. Soon enough, the former governor is bound to come out of hiding.        

Seeing that there were no more activities on the bank account, Andrea reset all the information which was previously deleted and had locked the account from editing. She thought, 'Hey... this is my account now. I can do anything I want.'     

The smile on Andrea's face that night was from ear to ear. She never thought she could make such easy money in less than a day.      

Just before going to bed, Andrea also asked Li Wen to block incoming calls to the Commissioner temporarily.      


It did not take long for the Shen Family to declare bankruptcy. Their number one investor had gone AWOL and their funds disappeared with him. They eventually learned that it was their investor and friend who was tied to Rou Yanlin. They were not only put to shame, but they also realized they took part in the plot against Lu Fang without them knowing.       

Meanwhile, Andrea was happy to make an anonymous donation to two different hospitals who kept their institution going for the right causes. She told herself, she would one day build a hospital with the same purpose.      

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