The President's Lover is a Fighter



0Go Bolin had been feeling a lot better these days. Instead of a wheelchair, he now came to work in crutches. His left leg remained to be on a cast but despite being injured, he forced himself to come to work. More than just getting bored at home, he was truly a workaholic and loyal assistant to Lu Fang.      

To show his appreciation, the man had a driver on standby for Go Bolin. Whether for work or personal matter, Lu Fang's car and the driver were at Bolin's disposal.      

"Babe, we should treat your assistant. He works so hard for you. You are so lucky to have him," suggested Andrea who was at her usual table three meters away from Lu Fang.      

"Hmmm… What do you have in mind?"     

"You should treat him for a vacation!"     

"Good idea, babe. We'll take him on our next trip," the man winked at her and went back to doing his work.      

Andrea shook her head in disbelief. Even on vacation, he plans to make use of Go Bolin. "I can't believe you!"     

The man chuckled at her disagreement and said, "I was just kidding. Though, I am absolutely positive that if we invite him, he would happily join us on fully paid vacation... We can give him a treat after he can walk."     

"Speaking of an assistant, I think I already need one," announced Andrea.      

"We can have HR find you one - "     

"Actually, I prefer an Indian National. I need my assistant to fly out to the Maldives once in a while. Most of my executives are from the Maldives, Sri Lanka, and India. Hence, my preference… Can you ask Sameer to help me post a job ad from Singapore?"     

"You prefer to hire one from Singapore? Work Visa is complicated."     

"I have a powerful sister."     

"Hmmm... Use and abuse..."      

She pouted her lips before protesting, "Why not?"     

Lu Fang's office phone rang and he could tell it was Go Bolin. He was the only one recently who kept using the trunklike due to his inability to walk.      


"Master. I was wondering if you had already reviewed the proposal from the pharmaceutical company, the Intramed Wise Corporation. Their President is actually at the lobby requesting to have an appointment… He did not necessarily ask to see you now but, hoped to meet you in the coming days before his return to the US."     

"Bolin, I haven't had the time to review the proposal, but I'm planning to go over it during the weekend. Tell him, if we are interested, we will contact him by Monday."     

At the lobby, the receptionist approached the businessman who sat comfortably in the lounge area while drinking coffee. It was always a custom for Lu-Wei's front office staff to be keen observers. They could easily differentiate a powerful man from an employee of high ranks.      

Not only did this man emit confidence, his clothes down to his shoes smelled thousands of dollars. Plus, he arrived with an assistant and private security. That instantly gave away his influence.      

"Sir, I'm very sorry to keep you waiting. On behalf of our CEO and his assistant, allow me to apologize for not gracing you with their presence. Our President has been very busy and his assistant is injured. He could not come down to meet you."     

The man finished his coffee and smiled at her before putting it down the table, "It's fine. I came uninvited. I would do the same thing if the situations were reversed."     

"President Lu assures you that he will review your proposal during the weekend and will be in touch next week."     

"That is wonderful news!" He turned to his assistant and instructed to pencil it in.      

He stood up and got ready to leave when the receptionist asked, "I'm sorry Sir, may I have your name once again? Mr. Smith right?"     

"Yes, it's Mr. Harold Smith," he answered while giving the most radiant smile. "I met Mr. Lu in the Maldives together with his girlfriend… I forgot her name." As he said this, he pretended to search for the name in his head.      

"Ah, that must be Ms. Andrea Li. Yes, she is his girlfriend."     

Harold nodded in agreement and remarked, "Yes, Andrea Li. Thank you for reminding me. They have a very interesting love story… that is if you are aware."     

The receptionist giggled while her eyes twinkled happily sharing every woman's dream love story, "Indeed, it's every woman's fantasy. Who would have expected that Mr. Lu will fall in love with his bodyguard?"     

'Interesting', Harold thought. 'So the girlfriend is just a bodyguard.'     

After finally learning about Andrea, Harold Smith began formulating conclusions that his daughter may have a chance of winning Lu Fang's heart. He quickly directed his assistant to extend his stay in Beijing. He needed to be more patient in building this connection for his only daughter.      

While they were on the way back to the hotel, he received a text from his daughter, Patricia.      

"Daddy, have you found my dream guy already?"     

"Yes, sweetheart. I have. Don't you worry, we will become business partners soon. I will invite him to the US where you will have a chance to win him over."     

Finally, the weekdays have come to an end and although the couple had much work to do, they were looking forward to their two-day activity. Tomorrow, they needed to buy the wedding ring, decide on the dress, talk to a wedding planner who can make miracles, and choose a venue.     

To prepare for Sunday, Lu Fang ordered for most of his security to take a day off. He required only those assigned outside the mansion to report for work. He wanted to have privacy at his own home that even Gao Rou was told to take his rest after Saturday.     

Lu Fang had been holding it in for a week and although he got his regular blow, it just didn't measure up to to the actual deed.      

Unknown to the man, Andrea was also planning a surprise for him. She had earlier ordered for the perfect attire to wear on Sunday and Aunt Rosa should have already ironed it out for her.      

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