The President's Lover is a Fighter

It Was Her

It Was Her

0Lu Fang fumed in anger hearing his wife is suspected of threatening his life. It was obvious that the Chief of Police was unaware of Andrea's interference and of her relationship to him.      

"Mr. Lu, I am Zhi Lim," the Chief of Police said as he stood up to extend his hand.      

"I know who you are," the man answered coldly, but still, respectfully shook his hand.      

"I understand that Ms. Andrea Li is working as your bodyguard and, it is normal to assume that she is innocent. I, for one, would like to believe that," Zhi Lim said thinking of the phone call he had with General Lei before the arrest of Wu Meiwan and her father.      

"Mr. Lim. I want to clarify that Andrea is not merely my bodyguard. She is my wife. I am positive that she has no dealings with that villain, Rou Yanlin."     

Stunned at learning they were married, Zhi Lim's brows drew together, now even more suspicious of Commissioner Tu Ping. He Lus would not be so naive as to take a questionable woman into their family. He needed to get to the bottom of this.      

"So it's Mrs. Lu then. My apologies."     

"I may not know you that well but, I have tremendous respect for the young General, Lei Dong. Having him call me, out of the blue for your sake, you must be worthy of his trust. However, if you would help me clear the Commissioner's accusations, it would save us both the trouble."     

The couple ultimately decided to pay the police station a visit. Andrea, wondered what this Commissioner was planning, and how she could have offended him. All the more, she suspected of his connection to Yanlin. She could only regret not having worked on digging through his past just yet.      

As they went to the parking lot, Lu Wei came down surprising everyone.      

"Dad, where are you off to? There is a matter concerning Andy at the Police Station. I will leave the office to you for now," Lu Fang said relieved of having saved the trouble of calling his father and explaining his absence once more.      

"Son, I'm also going to the police station."     

The father and son including Andrea began starring at each other, puzzled.      

Lu Wei further revealed, "I received a call from the Commissioner saying there is an important subject that I ought to know and that it would affect the safety of my family."     

"I hurriedly came down after his call."     

They ended up heading to the police station at the same time, riding in two vehicles following each other.      

Zhi Lim did not treat Andrea as a criminal. He had his own opinions and was merely acting out of obligation. Especially since the Commissioner was above him. So instead of using the interrogation room, he asked the Lus to join them in a small conference area.      

Much to their surprise, waiting for them inside were the Shens and the Commissioner. They also saw a man in handcuffs but ignored his presence.     

Lu Fang immediately shook his head at the sight of Shen Mian walking towards him, completely overlooking Andrea.      

"Fang, remember my Godfather, Commissioner Tu Ping. He came to me for help because your life was in danger." She turned to Andrea before fishing her words, "in danger of this pretentious woman - "     


As loud as a clap, Lu Fang's palm stunned against Mian's right cheek silencing everyone in the room.      

"Don't you dare talk to my wife that way!"     

"Mian, I don't know what you are up to but, you will never succeed. I never thought you had a scheming mind," the man warned as he glared at her in disgust.      

Shen He came approaching in rage seeing his daughter being treated like a nuisance, "How dare you! We only came here to help you and this is how you treat us?"     

"What do you mean your wife? She doesn't deserve to be your wife!" Shen Mian went to grab an envelope and handed it to Lu Fang before adding more insulting words, "she is a slut and she is not worthy of you!"     

The man took the envelope but instead of opening it; He threw it to the floor and said, "I don't care what you have in that envelope. All the proof that I have is right here!"     

Lu Fang held on to Andrea's hand and continued to hold forth at Mian, "Andy is always with me twenty-four by seven. That is enough for me to trust her with all my life."     

 "Mian, He! Enough of this!" Shouted Lu Wei. "I am officially ending our ties from here on. You are causing us unnecessary trouble!"     

Unsettled, Mian rushed to the envelope and opened its contents immediately flashing it to Lu Wei and Lu Fang. They were photos of Gabriel hugging Andrea from behind and although it looked rather intimate, Lu Fang knew when exactly this happened. This made the man awfully upset.     

 "Is that it? Did you make us come here for this? What is so wrong with Andy's brother hugging her?"     

Shen Mian's eyes grew wide, 'Brother?' She immediately turned to her Godfather for help. They had not expected it was Andrea's brother. Her profile never mentioned of any kin.      

"It's not just that!" Finally, Commissioner Tu Ping spoke. He then instructed the police to bring forth the man in handcuffs and said, "this is the man who hired the Ace of Spades, the group who attacked you first."     

"Mr. Chang, tell them! Tell them who paid you!"     

Mr. Chang was pushed to the front and before he could say anything, his forehead began to sweat. "I did not know her name… but I recall her face perfectly. It's that woman over there." He then turned to the Chief of Police and included, "I'm sure of it. It was she who arranged everything."     

"I had no choice but to accept the offer because my wife needed hospital care…" Mr. Chang looked at Lu Fang once but immediately blinked and diverted his gaze before adding, "I'm sorry to cause any trouble for your family but she… It was all her doing. She paid for all our hospital expenses and promised us protection from the police!"     

"All I needed to do was hire the Ace of Spades to have you killed."     

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