The President's Lover is a Fighter

Representing the Lus

Representing the Lus

0Prior to the couple's elevator experience, Li Wen had come looking for them at their table. After learning that they had gone back to their room, she tried to call their suite but there was no answer. She tried calling Andrea's phone but still, there was no answer.     

With the use of her phone, she thought of finding them through the hotel's surveillance. Hacking into any security system was a piece of cake for her. She checked the nearby hallways and the lobby but to no avail. It was then that she scanned through the elevator cameras and found Andrea canoodling with Lu Fang.     

Li Wen let out a sigh as she shook her head. She tried to disable the elevator doors so not to disturb the couple but the signal was too weak. She needed to connect from the actual controls on that specific elevator.     

When she finally found the right one, she pressed the door open. After seeing the two startled while attempting to fix their clothes, she spoke, "Tsk, tsk, tsk… Andy, I did not know you had it in you."     


Lu Fang and Andrea went back to the banquet hall in a new set of clothes surprising those within their table.     

"So, where is the gift?" Asked Christina.     

Andrea, 'Dammit!'     

"We agreed to give it tomorrow… It was too inconvenient to carry," the man was quick to find an excuse.     

"Took you so long," Mrs. Lu remarked while rolling her eyes.     

Only a number of guests were left seated at their tables, mostly, discussing business with another Xia. Earlier, the event host had announced the end of the celebration then Xia Ting took the stand and gave his thanks. It didn't take long for the visitors to leave.     

When only the Xias and their close friends remained in the banquet hall, Xia Ping came up on stage and asked everyone to come to the front.     

"Andy, what's about to happen here?" asked Lu Jie.     

She was about to explain when General Lei replied on her behalf, "This is when the real celebration happens."     

"Every after formal parties, the Xia's would have their own. Just for families and close friends. It has become a tradition," Andrea clarified. "We should move to the front and enjoy the show."     

When everybody got settled down, Xia Ping announced the first presenters for the night, "Guys, you would never expect what our birthday celebrant had prepared of us as an opening act – "     



Cheered the Xias while others gave their applause.     

"Guys, guys! Reserve your applause after their performance. The couple had practiced on this for more than a month! Can you believe it? Without further ado, Li Wen and Brother Ting's reenactment of Antonio Bandar's Tango Dance!"     


Despite being told to cheer after the dance, whistles, and howling could still be heard until their actual appearance on stage. In the past, the husband and wife would normally just prepare and song number. This time around, they had tried something different.     

Like the movie, Li Wen was dressed in a black open-back short dress with a tail. Her hair was tied into a bun and pinned with a huge red flower on the side. She wore two-inch black heels and her lips were painted ruby red. President Xia on the other hand, wore black pants and a white shirt. As he walked to the stage, he held a black blazer jacket that hung from his shoulder to his back.     

The moment Asi se Baila el Tango was played, Li Wen began to walk, swaying her hips and moving her hands accordingly suggesting her partner to approach. The couple's eyes were locked at each other as they walked criss-cross in a circle. It did not take long for Xia Ting to throw his jacket on the floor and soon, their dance began to speed up.     

Andrea's sister did an excellent job in extending her legs, occasionally clinging on to her husband's thighs or raising them to the sides. Xia Ting supported her movements by holding tight to her waist, arms, and legs when the routine called for an exaggerated shift or thrust. The best part of it was the passionate expressions that reflected during the entire dance.     

When their performance came to a close, the cheers and clapping went out of control. Even Lu Wei and Lu Jie contributed to the hurrahs. The husband and wife mesmerized everyone in the room.     

"Bravo! Bravo!"     


A few more presenters came forward flaunting their talent, some were made comedic, solely for the purpose of creating a laugh.     

Xia Ping then announced that he and his friends in the military will be playing a song making the single ladies of the family delighted that they all came into the front. When they saw General Lei join up the stage, the roars became louder.     

"We love you Lei Dong!" Xia Yanmei and her friends shouted making him blush.     

As usual Xia Ping took the drums while one of them played the vocalist and the other, a back-up. Their beloved General was to play the electric guitar.     

The second he strummed on the strings, compliments could be heard from the female audience. They played Money for Nothing by Dire Straits.     


"Lei Dong, you are so handsome!"     

Andrea laughed at the reactions of Xia Ting's younger cousins. It hasn't changed since then. She wondered why he never dated any of the Xias when they all adored him.     

Unconsciously she turned to the Lus saying, "He's very good with the guitar." She was smiling as she praised the General while clapping her hands in sync to the tune. When words became more familiar, she even sang together with the girls making the man beside her fold his arms against his chest.     

"We got to install microwave ovens, custom kitchen deliveries     

We got to move these refrigerators, we gotta move these color TV's"     

The men in uniform performed so well that even Christina was swaying her head and shoulders, applauding with her hands.     

When the performance finished, the girls naturally yelled their praises and even Andrea interjected, "Good job Lei Dong!"     

In fairness to the General, he did a fantastic job. He learned to play the guitar as a child and if it weren't for a family of high-ranking military men, he might have pursued his passion for music.     

Getting back to his seat, Christina complimented him on his performance and if that wasn't enough, Andrea also added, "You are so amazing Dong! You have to teach me one day!"     

She had completely overlooked the darkening aura of the man beside her.     

Xia Ping thanked the crowed and when everyone finally rested, he asked, "Anyone from our visitors who like to volunteer?"     

"I'll represent the Lus."     

Andrea's eyes grew wide as she turned to the man who spoke.     

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