The President's Lover is a Fighter

Andrea's Background

Andrea's Background

0The Shen's were taken aback by Lu Wei's words. Shen He, in particular, became worried that the rumors about the Lu Wei managing an underground organization was true.     

"Of course, who doesn't want to defend themselves, right? Haha!" Christina Lu said and began to praise the sumptuous meal before them.     

"By the way, Aunt Lu and Uncle Lu, Xia Yanmei and I are very good friends and she had already agreed to help me schedule a slot with the Vice President of the Royal Dragon. It would be great if I can help your company make collaboration with them!" Mian announced with excitement, looking back and forth at the Lus and at Yanmei.     

Lu Jie's eyes showed interest in hearing this. Although they had ties with the Royal Dragon, it was never business-related. "That's good to hear Mian. You will surely pave a way for Lu-Wei Enterprises to go global."     

"Thank you for the help, Ms. Xia." Lu Wei said while offering a toast.     

She laughed all of a sudden surprising everyone in the room. Then she sipped at her wine before explaining herself, "Mr. Lu, I am merely a cousin to the main family…Trust me when I say, you have connections to the Royal Dragon Empire... more than you know."     

Yanmei then raised her glass to Lu Wei then turned to Andrea and said, "Cheers! To the beautiful girlfriend of Mr. Lu."     

"Cheers!" Andrea smiled back at her and raised her glass.     

"Oh, my... What a big rock on your finger. Don't tell me you're engaged?" Yanmei's smile was from ear to ear and her eyes twinkled with excitement.     

Everyone's eyes were wide open. This especially did not escape the Shens.     

"Yes, I want to marry Andrea and Andrea Li alone. I love her very much." Lu Fang proudly announced then looked at the woman next to him before giving her a peck on the lips.     

"Congratulations, Mr. Lu. You found yourself a gem." Xia Yanmei said.     

The man felt that there was a hidden meaning to her words, but before he could ask, Mrs. Lu jumped right in. "Lu Fang, when were you planning on telling us?"     

"Today mom, I was planning to tell everyone today."     

"Mom, Dad, Grandfather. I never want to be with anyone else in my life. So I plan to marry Andy after meeting her sister by the end of the month."     

Andrea's face turned crimson, shied away from hearing the man's confession in front of his parents.     

Lu Wei and Lu Jie's reaction were neutral. They had agreed not to interfere with Lu Fang's decision and although they both acknowledged Andrea for her skills in protecting their only heir, deep down, they wished she had a different line of work, a businesswoman or an achieved executive perhaps.     

The Shens and Lu Fang's friends, on the other hand, were in disbelief. Shen Mian mostly, was in rage at that very moment that she broke her wineglass as she held it.     

"Mian! Are you okay?" asked her mother.     

"I'm sorry." She was gasping for air all of a sudden, out of breath from the announcement. "Excuse me. I need to have my hand checked. I think I cut myself."     

Shen Mian managed to excuse herself, but instead of going to the bathroom, she went outside the lawn further away from the house and screamed! She screamed so loud the Lu Fang's security heard her cry. Her tears began to flow and her hands trembled out of anger.     

'No… Nooo!!!!!!!!!! I did not wait for years just for this to happen!'     

While his daughter was away venting her frustration, Shen He knew he needed to take action. In their minds, they needed to find fault or flaw in Andrea soon.     

"Congratulations indeed to the next Mrs. Lu. I'm sure everyone would like to know more about you. The public will certainly pry on your background so you need to be prepared, young lady." Shen He said and turned to Lu Wei and Christina. "The Lu Family also needs to be prepared."     

"So Andrea, what prestigious school did you go to? Because our beloved Mian studied in the international school of Beijing and took masters at Standford University together with Xia Yanmei. Isn't that right Ms. Xia?"     

Yanmei's eyes narrowed. She now realizes the purpose of inviting her to this dinner. Instead of responding, she finished the remaining food on her plate.     

Andrea smiled at Yanmei and looked up to Mr. Shen. "I studied in Britain's Bright Academy in the UK. It's not as known as Standford, but it's a very good school."     

As if on cue, Ai Liqin spoke, "Well… that is just such a shame! The future Mrs. Lu came from an unknown school. It must be such an unachieved rundown institution since I've never heard of it. How disappointing."     

The woman felt proud of being able to step on Andrea. She and the Shens thought they were starting to win when a thundering slam on the table was heard in the direction of Lus.     

"Excuse me, but Britain's Bright Academy is a very exclusive international private college in the UK. It is not just any other school. It may not be as famous as the great Standford, but it's students are well achieved." The conviction of Christina Lu's voice echoed through the room, making the Ai Liqin gulp on her saliva.     

Alarmed at the tone of Mrs. Lu, Yu Qiao questioned, "Is it now Christina? How come I've never heard of this? Although, I don't travel to Europe that often, surely it would ring a bell - "     

"I studied at the same school! I know for a fact what I am talking about!"     

Christina Lu's reply instantly frightened Ai Liqin and Mrs. Shen. Instead of putting Andrea to shame, they had made an enemy out Lu Fang's mother.     

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