My Evil Genius Wife

Celestial Star Awards Ceremony IV

Celestial Star Awards Ceremony IV

2The fans watching the livestream of the award ceremony wasted no time and immediately switched to HJ ENTERTAINMENT's official social media account to read the official statement regarding Jia Fei's situation.     

They had been eagerly awaiting this statement for a long time. How could they possibly miss this historic moment?      

It was the very moment they had been waiting for, hoping to witness Jia Fei's future crumble before their eyes.     

Within the fan base, there were two distinct groups. Some genuinely cared about Jia Fei and were eager to uncover the truth, desiring a deeper understanding of the situation.     

  On the other hand, there were those who held a different perspective, eagerly anticipating the company's explanation for Jia Fei's alleged immoral actions.     

Their curiosity was driven by a desire to witness the justification or excuse offered by the company.     

[We, HJ ENTERTAINMENT, issue this official statement regarding the controversy surrounding our artist, Jia Fei.     

First and foremost, we extend our sincere apologies to the fans for the delay in releasing this statement. We took our time to ensure accuracy and present the truth in a comprehensive manner.     

Few weeks ago, Starbuzz Daily, a media outlet, published a scandalous article specifically targeting Jia Fei. The content and pictures included in the article were intentionally vague and unclear, yet they caused significant harm to our artist.     

It has been confirmed that the pictures were manipulated and edited with the malicious intent of tarnishing Jia Fei's reputation. We possess substantial evidence to support our claim.      

At HJ ENTERTAINMENT, we highly value our artists' privacy, and to prevent similar incidents in the future, we will be taking legal action against Starbuzz Daily for not only following Jia Fei at night but also endangering her safety in the process.     

This media outlet not only engaged in the act of invasive surveillance but also tampered with the pictures, ultimately publishing an article containing suggestive content without seeking verification from the company.     

The consequences of such actions have led to severe emotional distress and unnecessary turmoil.     

Additionally, we have taken note of the numerous unfounded rumors circulating online regarding Jia Fei's personal life and alleged involvement in inappropriate activities. We would like to clarify, for the sake of our fans, that these rumors hold no truth.      

Jia Fei has always been a diligent and honest artist, earning her reputation and fame through her unwavering dedication and hard work, devoid of any shortcuts or exploitative measures.     

For those familiar with Jia Fei's journey from her days with The Queens, it is evident that her talent and relentless efforts speak for themselves. We encourage you to listen to her music and form your own opinion, untainted by baseless speculation.     

We are in the process of gathering evidence against individuals who have been spreading false information, and we intend to take appropriate legal action against them. We extend our generosity towards our fans, not those who engage in hateful behavior.     

Regarding the dating scandal, we firmly believe in respecting our artists' privacy and refraining from interfering in their personal lives.      

Jia Fei's romantic relationship is entirely her own and does not have any direct connection to the company. However, considering the level of concern among fans, Jia Fei has made the decision to publicly acknowledge her relationship with Yuhan, the CEO of Yu Entertainment company.      

They are presently in a happy relationship, and we kindly request fans to support and offer their blessings to the couple.     

We did not intend to share this news in this manner, but due to the circumstances at hand, we deemed it necessary to provide clarity on the situation. Moving forward, we will continue to prioritize the protection of our artists' privacy across all levels.     

As a company, we stand unwaveringly by our artists, offering them our steadfast support and protection in every possible way.      

We earnestly implore Jia Fei's fans to demonstrate their unwavering support for her and Yuhan as they make their first public appearance as a couple at the Celestial Star Entertainment Awards tonight.     


Xu Nuan]     

The official statement not only concluded with Xu Nuan's name but also featured an attached picture to the post.     

In the picture, it captured a selfie taken by Jia Fei inside a car as she was on her way to the awards ceremony with Yuhan.      

Both Jia Fei and Yuhan were seated together dressed in matching black outfits, and Jia Fei was seen affectionately kissing Yuhan on the cheeks.     

  Meanwhile, Yuhan in the picture was visibly staring at Jia Fei with a look of surprise.     

Upon reading the official statement, the fans were left stunned and shocked due to the statement's explicitness and level of detail.      

The picture included in the post caused widespread chaos among the fans, as it caught them completely off guard. The fans had not anticipated such a straightforward statement, accompanied by an unexpected picture.     


Unlike her previous posts, Xu Nuan made the bold decision to forgo filtering her words and instead addressed all the matters at once, condensing them into a single point.      

Not only did she openly disclose the news of Jia Fei and Yuhan's relationship to the world, but she also confronted the issue of tampered photos head-on and outlined her plans to handle the haters and individuals who had tarnished Jia Fei's reputation.     

[OMG! That was crazy. How could those paparazzi do something like that?]     

[I agree! The paparazzi crossed the line by following her and tampering with the photos. It's no wonder the man in the pictures looked different from the one with Jia Fei on the red carpet.]     

[That was so disgusting. How could they do that? Are they allowed to do that? I'm glad Xu Nuan is taking legal action against the news outlet for releasing scandalous articles with edited pictures.]     

[I love how badass she was. She shut down all those haters who were saying that Jia Fei used connections to get famous. She is talented, and everyone recognizes it.]     

[I liked how Xu Nuan added her name at the end of the statement. It shows that she took personal ownership of it and is willing to address any issues.]     

[Ha! She not only confronted those paparazzi but is also taking legal action against those who spread false rumors about Jia Fei. They definitely deserve the consequences.]     

[Wow! They look so adorable together. I wasn't expecting to be blessed with such sweetness.]     

[That's my girl Jia Fei. She hasn't done anything wrong, so why should she hide her happiness in a relationship?]     

[Oh, please. You guys are so naive. The point still stands. She's dating a businessman. No one can deny that.]     

[Oh, stop it. Even if Yuhan is the CEO of an entertainment company, Jia Fei is the top artist with the highest net worth among female soloists. Stop deluding yourself that she is with him for his money."     

[Let's not waste our energy arguing with the haters, guys. We already know the truth. Instead, let's gather their information and forward it to the company. Xu Nuan will take care of them.]     

After the statement was released, the negative comments swiftly vanished from the posts, leaving only positive ones to dominate the comment section.      

Following this, the livestream experienced an exponential surge in views, while the hateful comments were systematically deleted, one by one.     

Those who had previously commented out of malice now felt a deep sense of fear, apprehensive about being caught by Xu Nuan and worried that she might take legal action ag     

ainst them.      

Given her formidable track record, it was well within her capabilities to do so.     

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