The Alchemists

Rune's Confession

Rune's Confession

0Rose batted her eyes and continued to stare at the man sitting beside her.  Inwardly, Rune weighed all the possibilities, but in the end, he came to a conclusion. He thought this was really the right time to spill everything and open up to Rose. The man took a deep breath.     

Finally, Rune revealed that his family was actually a member of the Alchemist clan who lived forever.     

"My family is immortal. I am included," said Rune with a serious tone of voice and facial expression. "I'm 44 now, but I still look like I'm 25. You've seen my sister too, haven't you? Aleksis is almost 50 and already has grandkids. And my mother..."     

Rune smiled remembering his mother's beautiful face. He said, "My mother is 72 and just gave birth to a baby. When you meet her you will see that she still looks very young."     

Rose was stunned with wide eyes in shock because of the words Rune said. Gosh... so, apparently, Rune's mother whom she thought was a stepmother... is Rune's biological mother.     

The girl didn't expect the answer that the Rune gave at all, because isn't immortality a very difficult thing to achieve? Even with today's advanced technology.     

She still had not heard any progress on that front from any scientific field. Humankind only cured cancer a few decades ago but now they had new diseases popping up. There were no signs that they were      

On the one hand, Rose was also aware that Rune was a member of the Schneider family. With their wealth, ability, and intelligence, they could have research on immortality conducted. It was possible that they had obtained it and kept it a secret from the public.     

Finally, Rose tried to calm the pounding in her chest by tightly gripping Rune's hand which was still linked to hers. Her surprised gaze was now calm and looked straight at Rune. She waited for the man to continue.      

"I... I don't know how to respond to this..." Rose whispered. "Can you explain further?"     

Knowing that Rose was ready to hear about his biggest secret, Rune gave a faint smile and continued his explanation.     

Previously, he had thought about revealing the secret about immortality to Rose after they met his parents, Aleksis, and his newborn sister, because he didn't want to force Rose to take in all this difficult information directly and suddenly.      

Moreover, when Rose saw with her own eyes how Finland and Caspar still looked very young, holding their baby, she could immediately see the evidence to back up Rune's claim.  However, now Rune realized it was better to open up now and prepare Rose for that important moment when she entered that castle.     

Rune touched Rose's hand and squeezed it gently, "It all started when my great-grandfather and several other scientists discovered the elixir of immortality, and since then our family members have been enjoying life as immortals for hundreds of years. Therefore, we live and are known as the Alchemist clan."     

"As the Alchemists, we are used to keeping a low profile and limiting our appearances in public. Our identity is very secret because of this immortality issue. We have to change our identity every 20 years because otherwise, our youthful appearance would raise a lot of questions from people who know us out there," added Rune.     

Hearing the whole explanation, Rose was silent for a long time. It took some time for her to process all the information. She lowered her head and let go of Rune's hand to straighten the position of the scarf that the man had helped put on earlier.     

Rose then raised her face and looked at Rune. Now it all made sense.     

"Yes, I understand," Rose finally answered in a calm tone of voice. "Thank you, Rune, for trusting me so much to tell your big family secret."     

And the girl gave a small smile that was very bright, as if able to match the warmth of the sun that day.  However, it seemed that hearing Rose's answer along with seeing the girl's face full of understanding did not make Rune's heart feel at ease.     

The man's gaze was still sharp with an expression that had not changed in the slightest.     

"Then what do you think?" asked Rune curiously.     

Even now the man was getting up from the bench to sit closer to Rose. His body was slightly leaning, as if waiting for an answer from the girl to this question.     

And indeed that answer was what Rune was waiting for after he opened the secret about his family's immortality.     

"After finding out who I really am, do you still want to stay with me or change your mind now, Rose?" asked Rune in a serious tone of voice. "I am still serious with my word, that I want to marry you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want us to get married as soon as you are ready."     

Rune continued to speak, but hearing his words, left the girl speechless with thoughts returning to the previous incident.      

Finally, Rose remembered how they had ended up sitting for so long on a bench in the large garden behind the castle as if it had been reserved for a big event. And how the man said he was ready to wait for her for however long as she needed.     

She realized the man who has been accompanying her all this time was a really good man? Rune had helped Rose solve her problems. What's more, he was very patient with the girl. He even pretended to be poor when she needed a poor fake boyfriend.      

Actually, now that she thought about it, if it's true, that Rune was an immortal, Rose didn't have any objections whatsoever. It was mindblowing but she chose to believe him. However, knowing his secret, Rose finally realized... one day she would grow old and die. Meanwhile, Rune would stay young.      

If Rose had accepted to marry Rune, of course, they could live happily together, but only for a very short time. Gradually the man had to see how Rose's body grow weaker and older, then left him alone.     

Didn't that feel so unfair? After finding his true love, must Rune lose her? Rose would be happy until the end, while the man would become lonely after she left.      

Ah... Rose couldn't bear to imagine Rune's sad face when he had to visit her grave and bring flowers.     

Then, what about their children? Would they become immortal or would they be born as an ordinary human? Because even though Rune was from the Alchemist clan, Rose was just an ordinary human.      

If their child lived as an ordinary human, how many times did Rune have to experience the loss of being left behind by his beloved little family one by one?     

And in the end, Rune had to live alone. Rose felt a pang of pain in her heart as she looked at the man deeply. Tears slowly formed in both her own eyes.     

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