Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough

Seventh Stage of the Domain Lord Realm and Return of the Blue Feather~

Seventh Stage of the Domain Lord Realm and Return of the Blue Feather~

2First of all, two small objects had materialized inside his soul. The first was a small silver sword, while the other was a small ice flower. Even just looking at the two objects, Xuan Hao could clearly feel his connection with both of them.     3

Through the small silver sword floating around inside his soul, he could feel his sword domain, while the same could be said for the ice flower and his ice domain. The silver sword and ice flower inside his soul seemed to be a physical shape taken on by his two domains!     

Before Xuan Hao could inspect the ice flower and silver sword inside his soul more closely, he suddenly felt the fighting taking place outside the spirit stone mine come to a stop as he felt the aura of both the Nascent Soul Realm Expert guarding the spirit stone mine and the demonic cultivator rush over towards his current direction.     

"Ah-! Looks like they finally managed to discover the fact that most of the spirit stone mine suddenly dried up, I should get away here before those two shows up…"     


Smiling a bit awkwardly as he looked around the empty tunnel, he was currently sitting down inside, Xuan Hao postponed going over the situation of his dantian and body for now, as he began leaving the dried-up spirit stone mine.     


Unfortunately for Xuan Hao, his plan of leaving without the other party finding out ended up in a complete failure, as he tired using his ice domain to hide himself from the two Nascent Soul Realm Experts rushing over. Only to end up causing a small snowstorm inside the spirit stone mine…     

It was also at this that Xuan Hao realized that his domains seemed to have also gone through an upgrade. Increasing their strength to another level, but at the same time also becoming harder to control.     

Not only that, but Xuan Hao also very clearly felt that his cultivation base was extremely unstable at the moment. Fighting before he stabilized his foundation would not only be risky, but also have a potential to damage his foundation if he fought for too long!     

With all of this in mind, Xuan Hao didn't really want to fight with the two Nascent Soul Realm Experts.     

Mainly because he had no way to properly control his strength…     

Even using one of his domains to supress them was not doable, as it would most likely just end up with him killing both of them. Not that he would feel too much regret over the dead demonic cultivator, but there was still another Nascent Soul Realm Expert around…     

Other than that, Xuan Hao did just steal a crucial resource for his kingdom… If he also killed one of their core experts without even knowing the other party, that seemed a little out of line. Especially given that the kingdom in question was just next to the Iron Sky Kingdom and was likely a vassal of sorts.     


"There really was someone in here…! How dare you sneak inside while we are fighting! Coward!"     

Guess I will just run away before they see me…     

Feeling two powerful divine senses, one belonging to each of the two Nascent Soul Realm Experts rushing over, Xuan Hao no longer bothered trying to hide himself.     



Repelling both the incoming divine senses before they managed to reach him, Xuan Hao used his full strength to run away from the spirit stone mine.     



Leaving behind a grievously wounded Nascent Soul Realm Expert and a half-dead demonic cultivator…     


"This should be far enough…"     

Muttering this to himself as he looked towards the direction of the spirit stone mine with an awkward expression, Xuan Hao did not know what to say.     

Earlier when running away, he had just intended to repel the two's divine sense, but in the end, he had grievously wounded one, while leaving the other half-dead with one step into the grave!     

At least the one in a half-dead state was the demonic cultivator and not the Nascent Soul Realm Expert who had been protecting the spirit stone mine that he had mostly emptied out…     

Deciding not to think about this anymore, Xuan Hao returned to the small cave a few hundred meters from where Qing Yi and the other elders were located before checking out the situation of his dantian.     

Compared to his soul, the changes to his dantian were far more drastic, as the dantian had expanded by more than double as to what it was when he just reached the Peak of the Sixth Stage of the Domain Lord Realm!     

However, this was not the most shocking change that had taken place inside his dantian. Instead, it was the fact that two giant vortexes of qi had formed, one silver, another deep blue in colour.     

Both of them orbited around his soul located at the centre, as a massive amount of qi gushed out from both of the vortexes. Slowly beginning to fill up his dantian.     

Even if he did nothing, Xuan Hao felt like it would at most be a year or even less before his dantian was filled up and he would breakthrough without doing anything…     

"So that's where the qi from the spirit stone mine went…"     

Understanding where the massive amount of qi was coming from, Xuan Hao still felt a bit confused about why the two vortexes had suddenly appeared inside his dantian. More importantly, he felt like something was hidden inside the two vortexes, but he could not see just what it was with his current strength.     

Turning his attention away from his dantian after realizing that he had no way to find out what was hidden inside the two vortexes, Xuan Hao finally focused on the most visible change that had taken place during his earlier transformation… His body…     

Not only had his soul and dantian changed, but his body had also undergone quite a few changes…     

"I wonder if this is a good or bad thing…"     

Using his divine sense to look over his body, Xuan Hao had no idea how to react to the changes that had taken place.     

If before he looked like an average young man in his early twenties, he had now grown a bit more good looking, while also growing a bit older.     

Of course, this was not the main thing Xuan Hao was focused on. Instead, it was the small blue feather imprint currently located directly between his brows, that looked eerily similar to the blue feathers he had been finding over the past year or so…     

"Maybe the system will know something…?"     

Muttering this to himself, Xuan Hao quickly entered his sea of consciousness before checking out his status after a long time.     

Name: Xuan Hao     

Domain: Sword Domain, Ice Domain     

Talent: ???     

Physique: ??? (Criteria for awakening not met, recommended to increase cultivation realm)     

Realm: Seventh Stage Domain Lord     

Outside of the fact that his cultivation realm had been updated from the Peak of the Fourth Stage of the Domain Lord Realm to the Seventh Stage of the Domain Lord Realm, Xuan Hao focused his attention on the small note next to his physique. Criteria for awakening not met, recommended to increase cultivation realm after noticing that there was nothing about the blue feather currently located between his brows.     

Compared to it just being question marks, Xuan Hao finally managed to confirm that he did indeed have a special physique of sorts like his first disciple, Qing Yi.     

What the physique was, he still had no idea, but from the looks of it he would be might be able to find out after increasing his cultivation realm… As for how much he needed to increase it before he would find out anything about his physique, he had no idea…     


Shaking his head upon thinking about this, Xuan Hao sat down and began stabilizing his cultivation base.     

No matter what, he at the very least needed to get his domains under control before returning to Qing Yi and the other elders… After all, Xuan Hao did not want to accidently end up injuring or even killing them…     


A few hours after he had returned to the small cave a short distance away from where the others were resting, Xuan Hao was prepared to make his way back, when he suddenly remembered the blue feather imprint located between his on his face smacked in directly between his brows.     

"Can I hide this…?"     

Muttering this to himself as he touched the blue feather located between his brows, Xuan Hao suddenly realized that the blue feather imprint had disappeared.     


Not knowing what to say upon feeling the imprint disappear the moment he wanted it to, Xuan Hao tried to summon it again and soon enough, it reappeared again.     

"At least I don't have to worry about walking around with a weird feather imprint on my face…"     

Letting out a sigh of relief after discovering that he could make the blue feather imprint disappear, Xuan Hao made his way back towards the place where Qing Yi and the other elders were waiting.     

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