The Dragon Evolve God

Prime Soul's Sister

Prime Soul's Sister

1"What the hell was that?" said Dior curiously.     

"That's my punishment from Luna-sama for revealing her name to you guys," said Geemo.     

"What?! Then don't tell me she's here right now?!" said an elf man terrifyingly.     

"Worry not, that's just an automatic "Punishment Spell" that she casted on me a long time ago. In another word, we're saved now and she doesn't even know that we're here,"     

"We're saved now? What do you mean?" asked Cyrena curiously.     

"Well, that's because the Punishment Spell only works once and I'm supposed to be killed by it, but fortunately, Prime-sama saved me from it,"     

If it's not because Prime saved Geemo on time, then Geemo would've been dead by now already, because no one in history has ever survived the God's Lightning Punishment.     

Since the punishment spell is broken, that means Geemo is free now. In another word, he can do whatever he wants now, and he doesn't have to worry about the God's punishment anymore.     

After a while, Prime's wound started to slowly heal up and eventually, his Health-Bar went back to full 100% again, and all this thanks to his powerful regeneration ability.     

'So that's the power of the God of this world, huh? One hit and 25% of my HP gone, so that's mean 4 hits and my life would've been over already. Damn, that's pretty scary,' Prime thought to himself.     

"Master! Are you okay?!" said Geemo worriedly again.     

"Haha, don't worry, I won't die so easily," said Prime in a confident manner.     

'Phew! Thank god master is okay,' Geemo can't help but felt glad that his master is okay.     

Although Geemo didn't really like Prime at the beginning, but now he's starting to like Prime even more because of what Prime did earlier by saving his life.     

Once Prime ensured everyone that he's okay, that's when he suddenly turned around and gazed at one of the giant mushrooms seriously, and said:     

"Alright! Game is over, I know you're there, so stop hiding and come out now,"     

'Shit! Don't tell me he knew about my presence here this whole time?' Asuna couldn't believe it.     

It was at this time, everyone became confused as they didn't know what Prime was talking about.     

"What's going on here, Sir Prime?" said Dior with a confused look on his face.     

"Hmm? What's happening now?" Cyrena wondered along with everyone else as well.     

"Don't worry, you will see soon," Prime replied.     

At this time, Asuna is still hiding behind the giant mushroom and refused to come out just yet.     

It was at this time, Prime spoke again and said, "If you don't come out now, then don't blame me for the consequences," said Prime to Asuna once again.     

'... Damn this boy! How dare he threaten me, huh?!' Asuna was quite annoyed by the way Prime talks.     

Knowing that she can't hide any longer, that's when she slowly came out from her hiding spot and revealed herself to everyone.     

When everyone saw Asuna, they were shocked because she was near them all these times, and they didn't even know or sense her presence at all.     

'Holy shit! I can't believe she was right beside us all these times and we didn't even notice it,' Dior was surprised.     

'This mysterious person is very strong... maybe even stronger than Sir Prime,' Cyrena can't help but worried a little.     

Even though Asuna was walking toward them in a relaxing manner, but for some reason, everyone could feel that Asuna is definitely someone very powerful. At least, that's what their intuitions are telling them.     

'Level 1250, huh? Hmm, I guess she must be someone from the Sky Kingdom too like Nebeus,' Prime thought to himself.     

"Interesting, so since when did you notice my presence?" asked Asuna curiously while feeling amazed.     

"You still haven't answered my question yet, I said who are you? And why are you following us?" said Prime.     

Since Prime's battle power is about level 1340, therefore there's nothing for him to fear even though Asuna is a lot stronger than Nebeus.     

It was also at this time, Prime received a message from the system saying:     


[Congralution! You have found your other Soul's sister!]     

'Huh, what?! My other soul's sister? What does that mean?' Prime was a little confused.     

[It means Asuna's older brother is your other you]     

'Wait a minute! So if Asuna is my other soul's sister, so does that mean Asuna is also my sister too in a sense?'     

[That's right, except that you don't share the same blood as Asuna]     

'I see, so her name is Asuna, huh? Interesting. So where can I find my other soul? I mean where is he right now?'     

[You can find your other soul in the "Azure Dragon Continent" in the far East of this world, but do be careful because the people of that continent are a lot stronger than the citizens here]     

'Azure Dragon Continent, huh?'     

[Also, if can you reunite with your other soul, then you will have a big power boost. Meaning that you will gain about 100 - 500 Levels in one go after you absorb your other soul]     

'What?! 100 to 500 level in one go? Damn, that's a lot!' Prime thought to himself excitingly.     

It was at this time, Asuna replied to Prime:     

"Nothing much. I just happened to overheard you guys talking about the Heavenly Light Sword, so out of curiosity, I decided to follow you guys and check out. But fear not, I'm no longer interested in the sword anymore, so you guys can keep it," said Asuna in an honest manner.     

Initially, Asuna was going to steal the Heavenly Light Sword from them, but now she changed her mind when she realized that the Heavenly Light Sword is only a level 1000 weapon. Which is not that useful for someone like her, especially since her level is 1250. Instead, she's more interested in Prime's identity this time.     

'Hmm, I didn't expect her to be so honest about it. Also, what is she doing here in the first place? I mean isn't she someone from the Azure Dragon Continent?' Prime felt something is not right here, but couldn't figure what it is.     

It was also at this time, suddenly the 51st floor began to vibrate like crazy, almost as if like a giant earthquake is occurring.     

"What?! What's happening here?!" said Dior in a panic manner.     

The only reason why the 51st floor exists in the first place, is because it was absorbing the Heavenly Light Sword's power in order to sustain. However, now that the Heavenly Light Sword is taken away by someone, therefore it no longer has the power to sustain, so as a result, the 51st floor began to crumble apart.     

"Well, you guys should get out of here quick before it's too late," said Asuna.     

Right after Asuna said that, that's when she began to leave.     

"Wait! Where are you going?! I'm still not done with you yet," said Prime as he still has a lot of questions to ask her regarding the Azure Dragon Continent.     

"Don't worry, we will meet again in the future. But for now, you should worry about your friend first," said Asuna and without delay, she left right away.     

Seeing her suddenly disappeared, that's when Prime sighed and thought to himself, 'Oh well, I guess I'll ask her next time when I meet her again,'     

It was then Prime shifted his attention to Aelana's party and said:     

"Alright everyone, let's get out of here," said Prime.     

"Okay!" said Geemo as he quickly transformed into a small slime, as that way is easier for him to move around and also able to enter the small portal.     

It was at this time, Prime activated his Arkcube and suddenly a portal appeared and without delay, he dragged everyone and entered the portal and escaped.     

Not long after they escaped, the entire 51st floor vanished and became completely nothing, no light, no matters, nothing, just pure emptiness.     


In just a few seconds, everyone arrived outside the dungeon entrance place again.     

"Woohoo! We've finally made it!" said an elf girl excitedly.     

"Phew! Thank god....." said Dior in a relief manner.     

"Finally! We can relax again, Hahaha!" said an elf man happily.     

At the same time, since Cyrena is no longer needed anymore, so she then entered the Ancient Fairy Flute and returned home.     

"Damn! Is this how the outside world looks like?" said Geemo excitedly too, especially since he has been living inside the dungeon for almost all of his life and never been outside.     

'Hmm, I wonder if I can use this Arkcube to help me return back to Azurion City or not?' Prime thought to himself.     

That being said, Prime tried to activate his Arkcube again while imagining the place where he wants to land, but unfortunately, the Arkcube had no reaction at all this time.     

'That's weird? Why it is not working? Or is it because I can't use it more than one time in a day?' Prime was trying to figure out.     

It's unknown how long the Arkcube takes to recharge, but until it is fully recharged, then only Prime can use it again.     

'Damn that suck, I thought I could spam using my Arkcube for traveling, but I guess not after all. Oh well, I guess I have to go buy some portal scrolls after all,'     

Right after Prime put away his Arkcube and kept it inside his inventory system, that's when suddenly, he heard a very familiar voice saying:     

"Hahaha! Who would have thought that we could meet this rude boy sooner than we expected," said Beera, the man that Prime first met when he arrived at this dungeon in the beginning.     

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