The Dragon Evolve God

God's Lightning Strike

God's Lightning Strike

3'Does that mean all the adventurers who came here in the past were killed and eaten by this Slime King?'      3

After a while when Prime saw those Black Slime's loots on the ground, that's when he realized:     

'I see, that explains why the Black Slime army has equipment on them, as they probably got it from those adventurers that they've killed in the past,'     

"Alright good, now that we're done here, so let's get out of here as I'm starting to get bored of this dungeon already. Also, take the Heavenly Light Sword with you," said Prime to the Slime King.     

Since the Slime King can't refuse his master's order, so without delay, he quickly took the Heavenly Light Sword, and together he and Prime left the throne room. Of course, Cyrena left along with them as well.     

Just like that, they left the throne room and swam all the way to the top and exited the hot spring water. After that, they left the cave and eventually arrived back at the same place where Aelena's party is, which is the SlimePeak Mountain.     

At this time, Aelena's party already cleared everything, meaning that all the 50 Red Slime Magicians has been slain and nothing left remained.     

As Prime, Cyrena and the Slime King was walking toward where Aelena's party is, suddenly Prime remembered something and thought to himself:     

'Oh that's right, I totally forgot about choosing a name for my Slime King pet,'     

After thinking for a while, 'Hmm, since the Slime King is green in color, so how about the name Geemo?'     

The letter "G," comes for Green, and then the word "eemo," comes from his favorite trolling champion called "Teemo" from League of Legends. So with these two ideas comes in mind, he decided to name it Geemo.     

Besides that, Teemo's R-Skill is putting mushroom on the ground, and this floor they're in is a mushroom land, so even this floor itself shares similarities with the Champion Teemo. Which in return, convinced him even more to choose the name Geemo.     

'Alright, Geemo it is? Okay confirmed,' Prime thought to himself as he opened his game screen to type in the name.     


[Congralution! Your Pet Slime King is now called Geemo]     

'Good,' Prime was feeling quite satisfied by it.     

"Alright, Mr. Slime King, your name from now on is called Geemo,"     

"What?! Geemo?"     

"That's right, why? Do you have any objections?"     

"No no no! it's a pretty good name, at least much better than people calling me the Slime King all the time,"     

"Well, that's good then,"     

After a while, when Aelena's party saw Prime from a distance, that's when they became excited and rushed toward where Prime is.     

"Yo! How are you guys doing?" said Prime.     

"We're doing fine," said Aelana, and when Aelena saw the Slime King carrying a mysterious sword, that's when she became shocked and said, "Is that the Heavenly Light Sword!?!"     

It was at this time, Prime ordered his pet Geemo to hand over the Heavenly Light Sword to Aelena. Of course, Geemo was reluctant to give the sword to Aelena as he feels that Prime is more suitable in wielding this sword than someone like Aelena.     

However, an order is an order, so he didn't dare to complain and just hand over the Heavenly Light Sword to Aelena obediently.     

The moment Aelena took the sword, that's when her entire body began to tremble as she couldn't believe such a powerful sword is now in her hand. Even Dior couldn't believe it as well along with everyone in the party.     

'Shit, just what is Prime thinking by giving away such a powerful sword to this trash elves?' Geemo wondered.     

Since Geemo has been living inside this dungeon for so long, so his knowledge about the outside world is very shallow, let alone even knowing about the conflict between the dragon and the demon race.     

Also, during that moment when Geemo gave the Heavenly Light Sword to Aelena, that's when Prime received a message from the system saying:     


[Congralution on finishing your Bonus Quest! Reward granted and you have just gained 8 Million EXP & + 270 Golds]     

[You have leveled up to level 1005!]     

[Your Moba skills have also leveled up to level 4!]     


Name: PrimeDragon     

Race: Dragon     

Class: Moba Champion [Naragon]     

Level: 1004 >> 1005     

HP: 12600     

MP: 6300     

Physical Damage: 2450     

Magic Damage: 1210     

Defense: 2450     

Game Stat Points: 20 >> 25 points left, [Gain 5 points per level]     

Strength - 2450 [Increase Physical Power & Defense]     

Intelligence - 1210 [Increase Magic Power & Regen Mana quicker]     

Dexterity - 1865 [Improve Overall Speed]     

Vitality - 1260 [Get HP, MP & Regenerate HP faster]     

Gear Equipment: Dragon Red Cape     

Skills: (Stage 5) - Level 10 Evolve [Able to evolve upon eating other creatures]     

Inventory: ArkCube, ExionSaga Map, Nara's Spatial Ring     

Cash: [Gold: 2061 >> 2331 Silver: 56 Copper: 90]     


[Naragon Ability: Q, W, E, R]     

[Q-Skill] - Stun your opponent for 3 >> 4 second. [Skill Level: Level 3 >> 4. Cooldown: 8 >> 7 Seconds]     

[W-Skill] - Invisibile for 3 >> 4 seconds. Skill: [Level 3 >> 4. Cooldown: 13 >> 12 Seconds]     

[E-Skill] - Shoot one Lightning Missile that will follow your enemy (Deal 1210 Magic Damage, Based on INT), [Skill: Level 3 >> 4. Cooldown: 28 >> 27 Seconds]     

[Ultimate/R-Skill] - Clone yourself and your clone will inherit 100% of your power, but your clone can't use magic. [Skill: Level 3 >> 4. No Cooldown, but can only have one clone at most for now]     

[Naragon's Passive Skill] - Each time you kill an enemy, you gained +1 INT and +1 DEX. Only work if you kill a person, meaning that killing monsters/beasts doesn't count. [No Cooldown]     

[System Note: Once your R-Skill reaches Level 6, then you will be able to summon two clones instead of one]     


'Hehe, I can't wait to reach level 1500 in order to get a new class,' Prime thought to himself excitingly.     

"Thank you so much! Sir Prime, we don't have words to express how grateful we are," said Aelena as she bowed her body in a thankful manner.     

Of course, it's not just Aelena who is grateful, but Dior and everyone else in the party was thankful as well for Prime's help.     

"Haha, no worries," said Prime embarrassingly while scratching the back of his head.     

After a while, Prime then said, "Alright first, how do we get out of this dungeon?"     

"Well sadly, there's no shortcut exit for this dungeon, so the only way out, is to go back down to the 1st floor and exit there," said Aelena.     

"Hmm..... then what about using a portal scroll to get out of here?" said Prime curiously.     

"Unfortunately, that doesn't work either and we don't know why,"     

Prime sighed and said, "Oh well if that's the case, then let's just go back to the 1st floor then,"     

'So portal scroll doesn't work, huh? Hmm, I guess this dungeon must have some kind of barrier that prevent people from doing so,'     

The truth is, the portal scroll does work, but it's just that they can't use it on the 51st floor only, because the 51st floor has some kind of barrier that prevents them from doing so. Sadly, Prime and the others didn't know that and assumed they can't use it.     

In another word, as long as they go back to the 50th floor onwards, then they can use it again.     

After a while, as they're walking back toward the gateway to the 50th floor, suddenly, Prime stopped everyone and said:     

"Hold on! I think I might have an idea on how to get out of this dungeon quicker," said Prime excitingly.     

When Prime said that, everyone was dumbfounded a little as they didn't know what Prime meant.     

It was at this time, Prime opened his inventory system and took out an ArkCube, and said:     

"Hehe, the only way to get out of this dungeon faster is to use this," said Prime while showing his Arkcube to everyone.     

Since Arkcubes can only be found in the God Realm, therefore the people of this world never seen it before, so they didn't know what it was. But for Geemo is different, as he had seen the "God of this world" uses an Arkcube before, so the moment he saw Prime was holding an Arkcube, that's when he freaked out and said:     

"Holy shit! Is that the legendary Arkcube that most Gods uses it in the God Realm?"     

"Oh? You know about this Arkcube too?" Prime was surprised.     

"Of course, I've seen Luna-sama use this Arkcube before,"     

"Luna-sama? Who is that?"     

'Oh shit! I accidentally revealed Luna-sama name, oh f**k, I hope she won't kill me after this,' Geemo started to have a terrified look on his face.     

"Hey, why are you so quiet? I said who is this Luna-sama you're talking about?" said Prime stubbornly as he's not planning to let Geemo skip this question.     

"I don't know, I was just spouting nonsense sorry," said Geemo nervously.     

"You don't know? Alright, do you want to die now or tell me the truth?" said Prime with a cold look on his face.     

It was at this time, suddenly the monster contract activated, and unwillingly Geemo's mouth began to speak by itself and said:     

"Luna, that's the name of the God of this world,"     

Right after Geemo spill the beans, it was then only the monster contract vanished and finally he was able to regain control of his body again.     

'Oh shit! I can't believe I actually said it out loud, dammit! I'm so dead now because Luna-sama is going to kill me,' Geemo thought to himself fearfully as he covered his mouth.     

"Ah I see, so the God of this world is a girl, huh? Interesting," said Prime as he was quite surprised by what he had heard.     

Of course, It's not just Prime who is surprised, but everyone in Aelana's party was surprised too by what they hear.     

"No way! I've always thought that the God of this world is just an exaggeration and never really exist, but who've thought that it was actually real," said an elf man in a shocking manner.     

It was at this time, suddenly up high in the blue sky, a powerful lightning bolt appeared and strike down at Geemo directly. However, just before the lightning bolt could hit Geemo, Prime quickly dashed toward Geemo and blocked it with his right palm.     


Prime yelled in pain as he could see his Health Bar went from 100% to 75% in just one lightning strike. After a while, lightning bolt disappeared and everything goes back to normal again.     

"Master! Are you okay!?!" said Geemo worriedly.     

'F**K! That's hurt like hell!' Prime thought to himself as he could see burned mark on his right palm.     

"Ah! Sir Prime, are you okay?" said Aelena worriedly too.     

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