The Dragon Evolve God

GreenStar Kingdom Journey

GreenStar Kingdom Journey

0It was at this moment, Prime turned to his right side and saw Beera's party.     2

"Oh, it's you guys again," said Prime casually.     

"Prime-sama, do you know them?" asked Geemo curiously.     

"Well not really, but they did invite me to join their party before and I said no, so as a result, they now bare some grudge against me," said Prime.     

"I see," replied Geemo.     

It was then Beera began to speak again and said:     

"Hey, rude boy! Follow me to somewhere quiet,"     

Since there are many people outside this dungeon, therefore Beera didn't make any moves against Prime yet as he didn't want to make a scene in public areas.     

"Huh? Why should I?" said Prime.     

It was then suddenly Prime thought of an idea 'Oh wait! I totally forgot about my passive stacks hehe,'     

"You know what I changed my mind, so come let's go," said Prime to Beera's party.     

"Very good, I thought you're a coward who likes to run away, but it looks like you're better than I expected," smiled Beera evilly.     

Without delay, Prime and Geemo followed Beera's party as they led them to a nearby forest where's there's no one around.     

"Should we follow them too?" said Dior to Princess Aelena.     

"No need, I'm sure Prime will be fine as those guys are not even a threat to him," said Aelena.     

Initially, Aelena was planning to leave and head back to the GreenStar Kingdom, but since she wanted to reward Prime for helping her, so she decided to wait for him to finish his business first and then invite him later.     

After arriving deep in the forest where there are no people around, that's when Beera said to his men:     

"Hahaha! Alright, everyone surrounds him and don't let him escape,"     

"Yes, boss!" responded Beera's men.     

"Eh? What's going on?" said the cleric girl who is part of Beera's party.     

"We're killing this boy obviously, but don't worry, you will be rewarded if you help us too," said Beera to the innocent cleric girl.     

"Eh? I don't know... but this just feels wrong," said the cleric girl in a reluctant manner.     

"Idiot! Are you planning to disobey your party leader or what?!" yelled Beera angrily.     

"But..... but I can't do something so cruel like that..."     

"Alright, then you might as well die along with that boy since you're not willing to cooperate with us," said Beera as he charged at the innocent cleric girl with his sword.     

"Kyaaa!" the cleric girl yelled in fear as she quickly activated her halo shield to protect herself.     

When Prime saw that, he immediately signaled Geemo to help the cleric girl as he didn't want her to die because of him. Without delay, Geemo charged at the cleric girl and stood in front of her and blocked Beera's attack directly.     

'Wtf?! What the hell is this weird Slime?! How it is so fast?' Beera was surprised when Geemo suddenly appeared out of nowhere and blocked his sword attack.     

"Hahaha! Surprised? Well, this is just the beginning and I haven't even used my full power yet," said Geemo with a smile.     

Although Geemo could have finished off Beera is just one move, but he rather not, because he's the type who likes to torture his opponent slowly first before finishing them off. Which is pretty similar to Prime's trolling attitude.     

Meanwhile, Prime already killed those 3 guys in an instant, and gained passive stack + 3 INT & + 3 DEX stats.     

"Welp, thanks for the stacks I guess, at least your death is not in vain," laughed Prime inwardly as he looked at the 3 dead bodies in front of him.     

It was at this time, Prime turned around and looked at Geemo to see how things are going.     

TING!! TING!! TING!!     

Sound of the sword hitting something very hard.     

'What the f**k? How is this slime's body so hard like diamond?! Just what's going on here? Looking at its size, it should be a low-level Slime, so how the hell it is so powerful?' Beera was extremely shocked and confused.     

At the moment, Geemo's current form is as small as a ballon, and usually slime of that size is considered F-Class at most, so as a result, Beera didn't expect Geemo to be that strong.     

It was also at this time, Beera noticed that 3 of his men are dead, 'What?! I thought this kid is weak? No way,' Beera could believe it.     

Previously, Beera was pretty confident in killing Prime, but after seeing the death of his 3 men, that's when he began to feel fear and realized that he's now in big trouble.     

"Hahaha! What happened? Feeling scared now?" laughed Geemo evilly.     

"..." Beera didn't know what to say.     

"Well, since you're not talking, then let's end this shall we?" said Geemo and without delay, he immediately charged at Beera.     

"No!! Please don't kill me! I beg you!" yelled Beera in fear as he tried to block Geemo's attack with both his hands in front of him.     

However, just as Geemo was about to kill Beera, suddenly out of nowhere, Prime appeared and stopped Geemo's attack.     

"Eh? Prime-sama what are you doing?" said Geemo curiously as he didn't know why Prime would block his attack like that.     

"Nothing, I just want to be the one to kill him because I need my passive stacks," said Prime.     

"Huh? Passive stacks? What do you mean?" Geemo had a confused look on his face.     

"Don't worry, I'll explain to you later. But for now, let me handle this," said Prime.     

"Err sure..." said Geemo as he backed off slowly.     

It was at this moment, Prime turned around and faced the terrified looking Beera and said:     

"Hehe, well there you have it, do you have any last words my friend?" said Prime with a sinister smile.     

"No, please don't kill me! I was wrong and I promise I won't do it again, so please forgive me and let me go!" begged Beera desperately as he got down on both of his knees, and began to kowtow to Prime.     

"Huh? I'm not asking you to beg for your life, I'm saying that do you have any last words?"     

From the look of it, it seems like Prime is not planning to let Beera go at all.     

Knowing that it was useless to beg for mercy, that's when Beera slowly backed off in fear and eventually make his run for it.     

"Idiot, running away from me is useless," said Prime while shaking his head disappointingly.     

After that, Prime began to make his move and chase after Beera. Of course, considering how high his level is as compared to Beera, so it only took him a few seconds for him to chase down Beera and killed him.     

Once Beera is dead, that's when Prime gained another +1 DEX and INT stats. After killing Beera, Prime took all of Beera's loot and went back to the same spot where Geemo and the Cleric girl are.     

When the cleric girl saw Prime approaching her, that's when she became terrified and said:     

"Please don't kill me! I have nothing to do with them, so please let me go I beg you,"     

Seeing how scared the cleric girl is, that's when Prime laughed a little and said, "Don't worry, I'm not here to kill you, but rather I'm here to reward you for being a kind person,"     

"What? Reward me?" the cleric girl has a confused look on her face.     

"Yes, so here take this," said Prime as he handed over Beera's loot to her.     

"Also, those 3 dead bodies on the ground over there, you can have their loots too and it's all yours," said Prime while pointing at the 3 Beera's men dead bodies.     

"Eh?! You're giving me everything?"     

"That's right, so don't worry about it. Other than that, I'm leaving now, so take care of yourself girl," said Prime as he began to leave and head back to where Aelena's party is.     

Although Geemo still has questions to ask Prime regarding the "Passive Stack," but seeing Prime is already leaving, so he decided to leave as well and ask Prime later.     

Just like that, Prime and Geemo left while leaving the cleric girls in shock. But after a while, the cleric girl calmed down and took all the loots and left happily.     

"Wah! This is the best day of my life! I bet mom and dad are going to be very happy since I've got so many good stuff this time," said the cleric girl excitedly while heading back toward her hometown.     

With that being said, Prime and Geemo eventually arrived at where Aelena's party is and when Aelena saw Prime, that's when she smiled and said:     

"So how was it?"     

"Haha, nothing much, just some small fry doesn't know his place that's all. Anyways, why are you still here? Shouldn't you be heading back to the GreenStar Kingdom by now?" said Prime.     

"Yes, I was planning to, but I wanted to invite you to come along with us as I wanted to reward you for helping us all these times," said Aelena.     

'Hmm, should I go with them?' Prime wondered as he thought to himself.     

"Don't worry, if you still have some stuff to do here in this kingdom, then you can always visit us later when you're free, so no rush and take your time," said Aelena as she hands the GreenStar Kingdom's map to Prime.     

However, Prime rejected the map and said, "You know what, let's go because I have nothing to do here anyway. Besides, I could always find more new quest when I reach the GreenStar Kingdom later,"     

"Really?! You're really come with us?!" said Aelena in an exciting manner.     

"Yes, so shall we go now?" said Prime impatiently as he was getting bored of this dungeon place already.     

"Woohoo! Sir Prime is coming with us, yay!" said an elf man excitedly too.     

"Woo! Yay! Sir Prime is coming with us, I'm so excited," said one of the elf girl joyfully.     

Even Dior was excited and happy too, to hear that Prime is coming with them.     

"Alright, is everyone ready?" said Dior with a big happy smile.     

"Yes, sir! Go go go!" said one of the elf girls happily     

"If that's the case, let's go then," said Dior, since he's the one who will be leading them the way.     

With that being said, everyone began to leave the Porion Klex Dungeon and headed toward the East direction, which is where the GreenStar Kingdom is located.     

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