The Dragon Evolve God

Arriving Leafen City

Arriving Leafen City

3At the moment in front of them, they could see the great walls around the border that looks something like a fence dividing the two kingdoms.     3

At the same time, they could see multiple big gates around the walls and many A-Class guards guarding it. Those guards are just for security checks, meaning their job is to make sure no one illegally crosses the border without getting proper checks or having a valid adventurer pass.     

"Well well well, shall we go?" said Dior.     

However, no one reply except for nodding their heads as a way of saying "Yes, let's go,". So without delay, they began lining up because they aren't the only one crossing the border, as they were many other adventurers queuing up too.     

The queue time was long, but that's normal considering the number of people going in and out the border every day.     

After a few hours of queuing up, finally, it's Prime and Aelena's party turn to check-in and cross the border.     

"Damn, finally! What a long queue that was," said an elf man while feeling a little exhausted from the long wait.     

'Hmm, so this is how the GreenStar Kingdom looks like, huh?' Prime was impressed by the environment around him.     

Unlike the BlueStar Kingdom, there weren't many trees around, or you could that say it was mostly chopped down in order to make homes or other infrastructures.     

But for the GreenStar Kingdom, it was different as it was richer in nature. Probably because the Elf race value nature more, so as a result, they put more effort into maintaining it.     

Of course, the Elf race does chop down some trees too to build homes and buildings, but they only do that when it's necessary, but if it's not needed, then they won't do it.     

Unlike the humans, they're more greedy and chopped down almost everything just for profit such as selling woods, and other stuff.     

After crossing the border and arriving at GreenStar Kingdom, that's when they continue their journey again to the capital city of GreenStar Kingdom called "Leafen City,". Which is also another city that is as big as Azurion City.     

However, halfway through their journey, suddenly ahead of them they saw a group of 10 knights coming toward them from the sky, and they were all riding on their wyverns.     

"Aelena-sama! Welcome back!" said the 10 knights praisingly as they were so glad that their princess is safe and sound.     

After a while, they stopped and landed in front of Aelena's party on the ground.     

"Thank you for your hard work everyone," said Aelena gratefully.     

"No problem, it is our pleasure to serve you Aelena-sama," said one of them who is the knight leader respectfully.     

It was then at this moment, the knight leader stared at Prime and curiously said:     

"Aelena-sama, do you know this dragon boy?"     

"Ah yes, his name is PrimeDragon and he's our savior," said Aelena.     

'Savior? I see that explains why Aelena's party was able to return home way earlier than the expected date,' the knight leader thought to himself.     

"That's right, it was also because of Sir Prime, that we were able to get the Heavenly Light Sword as well," said Dior in an agreeing manner.     

"What?! You guys manage to get the Heavenly Light Sword?!" said the knight leader in great shock.     

"Haha yup, and it was all thanks to Sir Prime helping us," said an elf man.     

"I see! That's great then and I'm sure King Raenor will be very happy if he hears this!" said the knight leader happily.     

After that, he quickly went up to Prime in the front and bowed guiltily and said:     

"Sorry for being rude earlier as I didn't know that you're Aelena's savior, so please forgive me, Sir Prime,"     

"No problem, it's only natural that you don't know me since we just met, so don't worry about it," said Prime casually.     

"Alright, thank you and if need anything in the future, let me know and I will greatly assist you,"     

"Haha, thanks for the offer, but I'm good," Prime laughed a little.     

Just like that, Prime and Aelena's party abandoned their Chicken mounts and switch to riding wyverns instead. Of course, since there are only 10 wyverns available, so that means everyone has to share, but it doesn't matter since each wyvern can carry up to 4 or 5 people at once anyways.     

With that being said, they left their current location and head toward the GreenStar's royal palace directly.     

Along the way, they flew passed many villages and even some small towns, and eventually a few hours later, they finally arrived at the outskirts of Leafen City.     

"We're almost there everyone," said the knight leader who is the one guiding them.     

"Woohoo! Finally!" said an elf man excitingly as he can't wait to get down already.     

Meanwhile, the people below the city when they saw the 10 wyverns flying above them, they can't help but become excited as they were happy to see their princess has returned.     

"Look! Look! It's Princess Aelena! She's back!" said one of the bystanders joyfully.     

"Wow! It has been such a long time since I last saw Princess Aelena, and it looks like she has grown more beautiful again," said one of Aelena's male fans.     

After a while, they arrived at a massive garden at the top of the palace, which appeared to be King Raenor's personal garden. Also, the royal palace is located at the center of Leafen City, and because it's in the center, therefore it has the best view to see the entire city.     

After dropping off Prime and Aelena's party on the garden, that's when the knight leader and his men set off and went back to their duty again.     

"Sorry Aelena-sama, but I will leaving now to meet my family," said an elf girl.     

"Same, I'm leaving too," said the elf man.     

"No problem, so go ahead and enjoy your time with your family," said Aelena.     

Just like that, everyone began to leave one by one and eventually, just Prime, Dior and Aelena are the only ones left in the garden.     

Meanwhile, when King Raenor heard that his daughter is back, that's when he immediately canceled his meeting and rushed toward where his daughter is.     

"My daughter! She's back! Woohoo!" said King Raenor like an excited little child.     

Then not long after:     


A giant door opened in front of Prime and sure enough, it was King Raenor crying while running toward his daughter. Even Aelena was crying too as she ran toward her father and quickly hugged him tightly.     

"Oh, my daughter! I miss you so much! And I'm so glad that you're alright," said King Raenor as he hugged his daughter tightly.     

"I miss you too dad," said Aelena emotionally.     

When Prime, Geemo, and Dior saw that, they sighed because none of them have a family at all.     

"Damn, it must be nice to have a family huh," said Geemo as he felt a little envy.     

"Haha, you're right," said Prime as he lowkey envy Aelena's family too.     

As for Dior, he's an orphan too just like Prime.     

Once King Raenor had enough hugging his daughter, that's when he let go of her and said:     

"So did you manage to find the Heavenly Light Sword?"     

It was at this moment, Aelena had a big smile on her face. And seeing her big smile, King Raenor was shocked and said, "No way, are you serious?"     

"Yes, I am," said Aelena, as she slowly takes out the Heavenly Light Sword from her spatial ring and gave it to her father.     

"Holy moly! It's real!" said King Raenor as he quickly grabbed the Heavenly Light Sword and gazed at it amazedly.     

"Hmm, is this guy really an Elf King? Because he sure doesn't act like one," said Prime as he felt like King Raenor is a bit too childish to be a king.     

"Haha, that's how our majesty has always been, but don't worry, he's a good person," said Dior.     

"Meh, what's so big deal about the Heavenly Light Sword anyway," said Geemo.     

Since Geemo has seen the Heavenly Light Sword for almost all of his life, therefore to him there's nothing to be amazed about.     

Once King Raenor had enough looking at the sword, that's when he put it away and quickly focus his attention on Prime.     

'Wait? Why is there someone from the dragon race here?' King Raenor was confused.     

Seeing King Raenor was confused, that's when Aelena began to speak and said:     

"Ah, in case you're wondering how I got the Heavenly Light Sword, well is all thanks to Sir Prime helping us," said Aelena while bringing her father closer to greet Prime.     

Just like that, Aelena introduced Prime to her father and at the same time, she also explained everything regarding how she met Prime, the 51st floor and so on. Basically everything.     

And once she's done telling her father everything, that's when King Raenor quickly got down on both his knees and began to kowtow at Prime.     

"Eh? Wtf? What's wrong?" Prime was confused as he didn't why King Raenor suddenly did that.     

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