The Dragon Evolve God

Prince Eraga Staying

Prince Eraga Staying

1Once Prince Eraga's group entered the palace, that's when the royal knight Dior appeared and said:     2

"Prince Eraga, thank you for coming, and may I know what's your intention of coming here?"     

"Huh? Who the f**k are you? I don't talk to trash, so bring me to your king now," said Prince Eraga while looking down on Dior.     

".... Fine, then follow me," said Dior.     

Just like that, Prince Eraga's group followed Dior from behind as Dior lead them the way to the throne room where King Raenor and the others are waiting.     

Eventually, about 10 minutes later, the giant throne room's door opened and sure enough, it was Prince Eraga's group entering.     

'Oh my god! Here it comes!' King Raenor thought to himself nervously.     

Of course, it's not just King Raenor who is nervous and scared, but all the Elf Elders, Elf Generals, and many more others also felt the same thing. Even though Aelena trusted Prime completely, but she still can't help but feel terrified when she saw Prince Eraga's group coming in.     

Also at the moment, Prime is not in the throne room with them. In fact, he's still chilling and relaxing in his room eating delicious food in the kitchen table and also reading books. Of course, Geemo was there too with Prime eating as well and chilling.     

Munch! Munch! Munch! Nom! Nom! Nom!     

"Damn! This food is delicious! It has been such a long time since I've eaten good food and even after living here for about 2 weeks, I still can't get enough of it," said Geemo as he eats like crazy.     

"Hey, Geemo! Dammit! Would you stop shaking the table already?!" said Prime angrily because some of his dropped on the ground due to Geemo eating so fast.     

'Damn this little f**cker, so small yet eat so much...' Prime thought to himself.     

"Hahaha! My bad Prime-sama and by the way, when are we going to the throne hall?" asked Geemo curiously.     

"Hmm, maybe once I'm done eating? Oh wait nevermind, I still have to shower after this, so after I'm done showering I guess?"     

"Eh? You gonna sit in the massive stone hot tub again?"     

"Yeah, I mean why not? It's so comfortable and nice. Also, you can come too if you want to shower with me,"     

'........' Geemo didn't know what to say.     

"No, it's okay I'm good," said Geemo.     

With that being said, once Prime is done eating, he then went to the massive stone hot tub and sat in it relaxingly.     

"Ah! This is the best!" said Prime as he enjoys the hot water warming his body.     

Meanwhile, Geemo already left the room and went to the throne hall directly because he's worried about Aelena's safety and the others.     

Of course, when Geemo left the room, Prime knew and smiled:     

"Heh, this Geemo is much better than I thought he was," Prime was impressed by how caring and good-hearted Geemo is.     

Then back in the throne room, King Raenor began to speak and said:     

"Welcome and thank you for visiting us, Prince Eraga,"     

"Hahaha! No problem and I'm sorry for not informing you earlier that I'm coming," laughed Prince Eraga.     

"So may I know why you suddenly decided to visit us? Is it because of the marriage?" said King Raenor.     

"Of course not! I'm here this time for something else," said Prince Eraga with a smile.     

"Oh? What is it? Do tell me," said King Raenor.     

'Damn this kid, if it's not about the marriage this time, then what does he wants?' King Raenor wondered.     

"Well you're not going to believe this, but I'm here to cancel the marriage with your daughter that's all," said Prince Eraga.     

"Eh?!" the whole crowd was shocked.     

"Okay? But why?" said King Raenor curiously.     

King Raenor didn't believe Prince Eraga's word because if it's just about canceling the marriage, then Prince Eraga doesn't need to bring 7 Demon Royal Knights with him.     

'Hmm, something is fishy here, I wonder what's his motives,' King Raenor wondered again.     

"It's simple, I don't want to pressure you to give me your daughter as that makes me feel like I'm a bad person. Instead, I'm here to strengthen our relationship in a genuine way,"     

"Oh? What do you mean?" said King Raenor as he doesn't quite understand what Prince Eraga mean.     

"It means I still want to marry your daughter, but instead of doing it for the purpose of forming an alliance, this time I want to do it in a healthy way. It means we both must fall in love first, then only we will get married and to do that, I'm planning to stay here in the meantime with your daughter,"     

"Well if that's what you're here for, then how are you going to explain about the 7 Demon Royal Knights behind you?" said King Raenor.     

"I can understand that you feel threatened by them, but fear not, they're just here to protect me and nothing else," said Prince Eraga assuredly.     

"I see and how long do you plan on staying here?" said King Raenor curiously.     

"Well, until both me and your daughter fall in love I guess? Because right now we don't really know each other much yet, so we have to spend time together first,"     

It was at this time, King Raenor turns to his left and faced his daughter, and said:     

"My daughter, what do you think?"     

"Sorry father, but I'm not interested because I know I will never fall in love with someone like Prince Eraga," said Aelena bluntly in front of Prince Eraga.     

When Prince Eraga heard that, he became annoyed a little, but at the same time, he doesn't blame Princess Aelena for hating him since after all, they still don't know each other much yet.     

"Well, it seems like my daughter doesn't like you, so do you still plan on staying here still? said King Raenor to Prince Eraga.     

"Ahem, that's only natural considering your daughter don't know me well yet, but I'm sure she will change her mind when she gets to know me better. Since after all, people's emotion changes over time, so you never know," said Prince Eraga in a persuasive manner.     

Deep down in King Raenor heart, he wanted to say "No" to Prince Eraga, but because he fears of upsetting Prince Eraga, so he ended up saying yes.     

Of course, King Raenor didn't forget about Prime, but because Prime is not in the throne room right now, so he couldn't really depend on Prime at the moment. But if Prime was here right now, then without a doubt, King Raenor would gladly say no Prince Eraga.     

"Fine, do what you like," said King Raenor.     

"Alright, thank you very much," said Prince Eraga gratefully.     

Initially, Prince Eraga's plan was to kidnap Princess Aelena, but looking at how beautiful Aelena is, he can't help but drool for her, and felt like is a waste of making a woman like her hating him.     

Of course, if he fails to make Aelena fall in love with him, then he will go back to his main plan again and take her away by force. However, he prefers not to do that because if he takes her away by force, then naturally, she will hate him even more which is not what he wants.     

Also during this whole time, Geemo was in the throne room listening to the entire conversation and also making sure that Prince Eraga don't do anything stupid. In another word, if Prince Eraga were to lay hand on anyone from the Elf race, then without a doubt, Geemo would step in and stop it.     

As for Prime, he's still relaxing in the stone hot tub and in fact, he's already sleeping peacefully without worry because he knows Geemo will take care of it if anything happens.     

And for some reason, Prime also knew that Prince Eraga won't do anything yet, at least that's what his gut is telling him, so that's why he didn't bother going to the throne room at all.     

Just like that, Prince Eraga was assigned to a VIP room and in fact, Prince Eraga's VIP room is just right next to Prime's room. In another word, Prime and Prince Eraga are basically neighbors now in a sense.     

After a while, Geemo also returned back to the room and reported everything to Prime.     

"I see, so Prince Eraga is planning to stay here now huh?"     

"That's right, and from the look of it, it seems like Prince Eraga likes Princess Aelena,"     

"Meh, I don't believe that. I mean someone as powerful as Prince Eraga can get any women, so why would he waste time on Princess Aelena,"     

"Well that's true, but when I was in the throne room just now, I could sense that Prince Eraga is lusting for Princess Aelena a lot. I mean Aelana might not be his number 1 woman, but she could still be his concubine, or sex slave if you know what I mean,"     

"I see, but it doesn't matter because Prince Eraga's life is in my hand, so I can kill him anytime I want and there's nothing to worry about. But just to make sure, I want you to continue spying on Prince Eraga and let me know what he's planning," said Prime to Geemo.     

"No problem, just leave it to me," said Geemo proudly.     

Just like that, Geemo left and continue to spy on Prince Eraga again.     

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